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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/103

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
set the lower end of incense sticks into the ashes of the incense pot; to worship the gods.
chah cháu ûi pie;
to stick in a spear of grass as a label.
chah kî;
to set up a flag.
chah hĭⁿ cìⁿ;
put an arrow through the ear, as a punishment.
ŏi chah jîp khṳ̀, bŏi pôih chut lâi;
can stick it in, but cannot pull it out.
chah m̄ jîp;
cannot insert it.
chah sit pue khṳ̀;
put on some wings and fly off.
chah cò̤ hō̤;
insert something as a mark.
chah ki thâu-chah;
insert an ornamental hair pin.
chah ki hue;
wear a spray of flowers in the hair.
  • chah136417
  • To support and lead.
chah i khí lâi;
put the hand under his arm and lift him up.
lṳ́ tîeh chah i;
you must support him by the arm.
chah bŏi tit khí;
cannot pull him up.
chah tŏ̤ i ko̤h-tháng-ĕ, kiaⁿ-ùi pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
upheld him by putting the hand under his arm, fearing that he would fall.
i kâi chíu méⁿ-méⁿ cū lâi chah;
his hand was quickly extended to support her.
  • châh93917210
  • Confused; mixed; heterogeneous.
jṳ̂ châh-châh; châh-châh jṳ̂;
all in a tangle; mingled with no regard to order; in the utmost confusion.
cêk koiⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂ châh-châh, cn̂g kâi m̄ tît;
the whole place is turned upside down, and nothing is in order there.


  • chai942948
  • Conjecture; doubt; to guess.
chai mĭⁿ;
to guess riddles.
lṳ́ chai cē;
you guess at it.
lṳ́ chai-thóiⁿ sĭ sĭm-mûeh?
What do you conjecture it to be?
chai m̄ tîeh;
cannot conjecture.
chai tit tîeh;
can guess it.
kìⁿ chai kìⁿ tîeh;
seeing is divining.
lâng chai;
difficult to divine.
teng chai;
to apprehend.
  • chái994648
  • To pluck; to gather; to sip.
chái bói;
buy the choicest.
chái tê;
to pick tea.
chái tê kua;
ballads chanted by the tea pickers.
chái sng;
to gather mulberry leaves.
chái hue;
to gather flowers.
chái cheⁿ;
to gather herbs.
n̂g-phang chái hue;
the wasp flits from flower to flower.
chái hue tèng kâi bît;
sip honey from the flowers.
to gather from different places.
thiⁿ-sî lô̤h hŏ̤ bô̤ thang hó̤ khṳ̀ chṳ́-chái;
when the weather is bad one cannot go about to earn money.
cêk nî chú-chái saⁿ sì peh ngṳ̂n cū kàu ēng;
if one could earn three or four hundred dollars a year, that would just meet expenses.
cí kò̤ bô̤ hó̤ chú-chái li khṳ̀ pât kò̤ chú-chái;
if this is not a place for earning money, go elsewhere and earn it.
  • chái943598
  • Variegated; ornate; lucky.
ngō chái;
the five colors, blue, yellow, carnation, white, and black.
fortunate; a good chance.
thâu-chái hó̤;
a lucky hit.
phòng tîeh hó̤ thâu-chái;
met with a capital chance.
bô̤ chái căi;
most unfortunate.
ŭ chái kâi;
thóiⁿ kàu toah chái;
beheld it with such delight that they applauded the actors.
cîah kàu toah chái;
so pleased with the feast as to clap and applaud the cook.
kak chái;
an amulet.
chái bâi;
a gay festoon.
chái kî;
a variegated flag.
châi koi;
to adorn a street with gay devices.
chái sîn chíang;
a platform prepared for the gods to sit upon.
chái sîn pêⁿ;
an elevated and gayly decked seat for the gods to repose upon at a play.
lṳ́ tîeh khṳt úa cò̤ chái;
you must make a suitable apology to me.
chái kàu ngía căi;
gayly decked out.
kim hue chái âng;
tinsel and glitter.
âng chái;
cheng-chái căi;
very beautiful.
cò̤ chái cē;
make it rather gay.
  • chái19810412
  • Convulsions; fits.
tṳ-bó̤ chái;
tîeh îeⁿ-chái;
has convulsions.
  • chái9441098
  • To notice; to pay attention to.
màiⁿ chái i;
pay no attention to him.
i m̄ chái úa;
he gave me no heed.
úa tōa siaⁿ hàm, i chŵn m̄ chái;
I called loudly to him, but he paid no attention to me.
m̄ ciu m̄ chái;
took no notice of it.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî hàm m̄ chái?
Why do you not mind when you are told?
  • chái828308
  • An exclamation of disgust or displeasure.
chái! kîaⁿ khui khṳ̀;

get out of the way with you.

  • chái9431650
  • A betrothal present.
nâp chái;
to receive betrothal gifts.
  • chài9441408
  • Vegetables; edible herbs; viands.
keⁿ chài;
garden vegetables.
cheⁿ chài;
greens in general.
tōa chài;
a large white turnip; the chief dishes.
síe chài;
condiments, relishes, the smaller side dishes.
food obtained from the sea.
hái-chài phò;
a stall where shell fish is sold.
chài phò;
a green-grocer's stall.
phang chài;
sweet scented herbs, parsley, or sweet basil.
ce chài;
lenten herbs.
àiⁿ bói sĭm-mih chài sek?
What sort of vegetables do you wish to