Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- buy?
- hó̤ chài;
- delicacies.
- khṳ̀ bói chài;
- go marketing.
- cò̤ chài
- get the meal ready.
- sàng chài;
- a present of food.
- mîaⁿ-ke pa-lói chài;
- skillful in making relishes, deserts, or side dishes.
- chài, taⁿ lâi hŭe;
- put the viands on to cook now.
- kîam chài;
- sour-krout; pickled greens.
- pêh chài thâu, âng chài thâu, n̂g-chài thâu;
- turnips, beets and carrots.
- khṳ̂n-chài;
- celery.
- ku-chài;
- cives.
- khah-nâ chài;
- cabbages.
- chài-hn̂g;
- a vegetable garden.
- taⁿ cúi khṳ̀ èng chài;
- carry water and water the vegetables.
- kău-hâh-chài;
- a coarse kind of cabbage.
- 裁châi9431456
- To cut or fashion garments; to trim down; to plan.
- châi-hông;
- a tailor.
- châi kíam cē;
- reduce it somewhat.
- tăi-cóng-chai;
- the curator of essays at an examination.
- tōa châi, sòi châi;
- a full or a scant pattern.
- châi tīo;
- to reduce by cutting off.
- châi cíe lío thiet tīo;
- to diminish the size by trimming off.
- châi-ciak;
- to calculate and plan.
- hó̤ cài kio nâng châi-ciak cē;
- go over the calculations again with the persons concerned.
- cē châi-ciak tīaⁿ-tieh cū kîaⁿ;
- after making a fixed plan we will then execute it.
- lṳ́ hó̤ cú-châi;
- decide for yourself.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cú-châi?
- Who is the one that is to decide in this matter?
- táng i châi-ciak hó̤;
- wait till he has come to a decision about it.
- 財châi9431543
- Wealth; property; profits.
- hwt châi;
- become rich.
- tit tîeh châi;
- obtain wealth.
- ŭ châi-khì;
- substantial; portly; an appearance of being well fed and prosperous.
- châi-cú; châi-cú láu;
- a rich man.
- tōa châi-cú;
- a very wealthy man.
- châi-tong;
- a capitalist.
- thien châi;
- a windfall.
- châi sîn îa;
- the god of wealth.
- phùa châi;
- to lavish wealth.
- cŭ châi;
- to accumulate property.
- hwt tōa châi;
- become very wealthy.
- tōa hwt châi;
- makes money rapidly.
- thau-ke-châi;
- a thief of a cook.
- nâng ûi châi sí;
- men lose their lives in pursuit of wealth.
- châi khó̤ thong sîn;
- money can move the gods.
- put ngĭ cṳ châi;
- unjust gains.
- mông châi kù suah;
- contemplate murder on account of a bribe.
- tit chi ke châi;
- get a wife and money to boot.
- phien châi;
- ill-gotten gains.
- cìaⁿ châi;
- honest gains.
- m̄ tham châi;
- not covetous of gain.
- ì gūa kâi châi;
- unexpected gains.
- seⁿ châi;
- make a profit.
- seⁿ châi ŭ tău;
- there is a correct way of becoming rich.
- mông châi hāi mīaⁿ;
- lose life in the pursuit of gain.
- tǹg-cáu ke châi;
- to abstract and pass over to others what belongs to the family served.
- 材châi942753
- Materials of which things are made; nature or qualities.
- châi-līo;
- materials.
- hó̤ sin châi;
- well formed; personable.
- in châi jṳ̂ tok;
- cut the coat according to the cloth.
- lṳ́ thó̤iⁿ i kâi châi-cieh hó̤ a m̄ hó̤?
- What do you think of his qualities?
- 才châi942640
- Talents; mental capacity; endowments.
- châi cṳ́;
- a man of parts.
- châi ńng;
- a talented woman.
- siu-châi;
- a graduate; a Bachelor of Arts.
- hîen châi;
- a man of genius.
- cêk pío nâng châi;
- a fine looking man.
- ŭ châi kàng;
- possessing great executive ability.
- hó̤ châi-chêng;
- fine tact.
- bûn-châi;
- literary ability.
- sam châi;
- the three powers, heaven earth and man, who are supposed to rule all things.
- put châi;
- incompetent.
- khut tîeh lṳ́ kâi châi;
- make use of your intellectual gifts for my humble purposes.
- bô̤ châi bô̤ chêng;
- incompetent.
- seⁿ lâi nâng-chai chut cèng;
- excelling others in good looks.
- hó̤ nâng-châi;
- has a distinguished appearance.
- pa-hì bô̤ cin, sìu-châi bô̤ ké;
- there are no real jugglers, and no fictitious graduates.
- tău chut nâng châi kâi sî-hāu;
- a time when genius thrives.
- 纔châi94612017
- An adverb of time; at hand; then.
- úa huang-châi kàu;
- I have just arrived.
- tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ, châi sĭ tŏ̤-lí;
- it must be thus, and then it will be in accordance with correct principles.
- thóiⁿ kú huang-châi mêng-pêh;
- after long consideration you will then understand it.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ châi hó̤;
- now then, it will do.
- huang-châi khṳ̀ lio;
- has just now gone.
- kàu móng sî huang-châi ŏi tit hó̤;
- at that time it may be about done.
- 豺châi111533
- A ravenous beast.
- châi-lâng;
- a wolf.
- hṳ́-kò̤ kâi châi-lâng hóⁿ pà cōi căi;
- there are many wolves, tigers and panthers there.
- 漆chak9878511
- The varnish or lacquer tree; viscid or resinous juices used in varnishing; to varnish.
- lṳ́ sĭ àiⁿ îu a sĭ àiⁿ chak?
- Will you have it painted or have it varnished?
- 察chak94011
- To inquire into judicially; to observe closely.
- chak-thóiⁿ;
- to scrutinize.
- chak tŵt;
- to inquire into and decide a case.
- chê-chak;
- examine into.
- sòi chak;
- examine minutely.