dictionary of the swatow dialect.
near being beyond my strength.
- keng kàu ie ku-ku;
- bent under the effort.
- màiⁿ cîah pá, cū tó̤ keng lâk;
- do not eat all you can hold, when testing your strength to the uttermost.
- 更keng321733
- To alter; to change; to rearrange.
- lṳ́ àiⁿ cò̤-nî keng-kói?
- What alterations are you going to make?
- keng-êk cò̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ kèng hó̤;
- to change it and make it thus would be better.
- keng i, ūaⁿ phâu;
- change his attire.
- 經keng4041207
- To manage; to plan; what is regular, orderly, or standard; canons; manuals; to pass through, by, or across.
- i mîaⁿ-ko keng-îong;
- he is apt in the calculation of ways and means.
- i tó̤ tng keng-sêng;
- he is the head clerk in a district yamun.
- keng-thiaⁿ;
- chief secretary in a prefect's yamun.
- úa m̄ cêng keng chíu;
- it did not go through my hands.
- sĭ úa keng chìu cò̤ kâi;
- it went through my hands.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ bô̤ keng kùe úa kâi chíu, úa m̄ cai;
- this affair did not come under my management and I do not know.
- keng úa kâi mâk thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- passed under my eye.
- cía sṳ̄ lṳ́ pat keng kùe mē?
- Have you looked this matter over?
- līam keng;
- to chant a liturgy.
- thâk keng;
- read the standard works.
- cia sĭ thong keng lôk kâi îeh;
- this medicine is one that goes through all the blood vessels.
- i sĭ m̄ pat keng kùe sṳ̄ kâi nâng;
- he is one who has had no experience in affairs.
- cí thâng keng hùi hàm tī-tîang chut?
- Who is to be called upon to meet the regular outlay this time?
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ sĭ úa keng-kẃn kâi;
- this matter is outside my jurisdiction.
- sṳ̄ m̄ sĭ pat keng kùe, to m̄ cai kang-khó;
- not having experienced this he does not know its hardship.
- cí kâi nâng sĭ ŭ tăi keng cì;
- this is a man of deep learning.
- cí cêk pùe nâng mih sṳ̄ to keng kùe;
- these people have passed through all sorts of experiences.
- gûeh keng;
- the menses.
- tn̆g keng;
- the change of life.
- keng kùe hẃn-lw̆n, keng kùe cúi-cai, keng kùe tōa ki-hng;
- passed through a civil war, through a flood, and through famine.
- cía sĭ cìaⁿ-keng kâi sṳ̄;
- this is what happens in the regular course of things.
- tṳ̂ hía jûi cìaⁿ cṳ keng kâi gūa, pât īeⁿ cîⁿ i m̄ káⁿ àiⁿ;
- he will not dare ask for any more than the regular allowance.
- 弓keng461570
- A bow; a bow-shot.
- thâu hōⁿ kâi tăng keng jîeh cōi kṳn?
- How many pounds weight is required to draw the largest of these cross-bows?
- i mîaⁿ-ke khui ngĕ keng;
- he is expert in the drawing of stiff bows; he can manage people.
- keng kio cìⁿ kâi khin tăng tîeh phùe tit kùe cìaⁿ hó̤ ēng;
- the weight of the arrow must correspond with that of the bow, then they are servicable.
- cí ki keng kúi kâi lâk?
- How much strength is required to draw this bow?
- keng la kàn múaⁿ-múaⁿ;
- draw a bow to its utmost stretch.
- cí ki sĭ bé keng a sĭ pō keng?
- Is this such a bow as is used by the cavalry, or by the infantry?
- khui keng m̄ pàng cìⁿ;
- stretch the bow without shooting the arrow; empty threats.
- i tŏ̤ îaⁿ tèng cîah keng-cìⁿ hìang;
- he is in camp, living on his pay as an archer.
- lâi cĭang thóiⁿ cí-kò̤ jîeh cōi keng pō;
- come and measure and see how many bow-shots it is.
- ēng keng-cĭang lâi cĭang;
- measure it by bow-shots.
- keng cĭang; keng pō;
- a wooden square for marking off land.
- i tó̤ khui keng-ciⁿ phò;
- he keeps a shop for the sale of bows and arrows.
- keng tŏ̤;
- a quiver.
- keng hîⁿ;
- a a bow-string.
- tau cò̤ kâi keng;
- bend and fasten it in the shape of a bow.
- keng pù;
- the curve of a bow.
- cĭeⁿ keng hîⁿ;
- to string a bow.
- 驚蟄keng-têk67
- The beginning of spring, from the 5th to the 20th of March.
- keng-têk lûi;
- spring thunder showers.
- keng-têk būe kùe lûi soiⁿ híang;
- you will always hear thunder before spring sets in.
- 宮keng462407
- A palace; a mansion; an ancestral temple.
- ûang keng;
- the palace.
- keng tōiⁿ;
- grand buildings; state edifices.
- keng-bīe;
- a temple.
- cìaⁿ keng hûang-hŏ;
- the Empress.
- phah ló̤h né keng;
- sent to the palace for discarded concubines.
- keng hui;
- imperial concubines.
- keng ngô̤ múiⁿ ńng; keng ńng; keng jîn;
- maids in the palace.
- ô̤h keng;
- a college.
- 景kéng405728
- A prospect; a fine view; a good site; aspecte; circumstances.
- sèng-kéng;
- picturesque.
- múiⁿ kéng;
- fine scenery.
- kuang-kéng;
- the prospect.
- lṳ́ cìeⁿ-sî kâi kuang-kéng jîeh hó̤?
- What are your prospects at present?
- úa cìeⁿ-sî bô̤ mih hó̤ kuang-kéng;
- my prospects are not now very good.
- hṳ́ kò̤ kéng tī ngía căi;
- the scenery there is very fine.
- cía hó̤ lâi pái kéng;
- this should be displayed to view.
- cĭam jîp kia kéng;
- gradually came to easy circumstances.
- hṳ́-kò̤ ŭ sĭm-mih kuang-kéng hó̤ thit-thô̤ mē?
- Are there any sights there for one to go and see?
- îaⁿ kéng;
- a display of tableaux in a procession.
- lîang-sîn múiⁿ-kéng;
- fine weather and beautiful scenery.
- hó̤ mêⁿ-kéng;
- a fine night.
- poih kéng;
- the remarkable objects in a place.