dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- 警kéng40514913
- To warn; to caution.
- kéng sì kâi ūe;
- language tending to reform the age.
- kèng-kài ĕ chṳ̀ m̄ káⁿ;
- warn not to do the same another time.
- cía sĭ tó̤ kéng-chéⁿ nâng kâi ūe;
- these are words of warning to the people.
- suah cêk, kéng peh;
- executing one deters a hundred.
- 境kéng4053211
- A boundary; a limit; a region.
- kéng-kài;
- the frontier.
- jīo kàu kùe kéng khṳ̀;
- pursued him beyond the border.
- siu-sîp kàu cū sĭ sien-kéng;
- have made it like fairy-land.
- i kâi kéng-ngŏ̤ hó̤;
- his condition in life is comfortable.
- lîn kéng kâi tī-hng ŭ mē?
- Are there any in the adjacent places?
- hâh kéng phêng-ang;
- the whole neighborhood is at peace.
- 弓kéng461570
- Crescent; bowed; arched.
- wn-kéng;
- like a bow; curved.
- i kâi kha wn-kéng wn-kéng nē;
- he is bow-legged.
- i sang chíu wn-kéng wn-kéng;
- his arms are very much curved.
- 竟kéng4061176
- Finally; to go through a matter to the end.
- kìu-kéng sĭ cò̤-nî?
- Sifted to the bottom, what does it amount to? After all, what is it?
- 敬kèng406669
- To honor; to venerate; to show respect to.
- hàuⁿ-kèng pĕ-bó̤;
- reverence one's parents.
- kèng sîn sĭ cêk kâi sim;
- veneration for the gods is of the heart.
- kèng cíu;
- to respectfully offer a glass of wine.
- cía khah sit kèng;
- this is too disrespectful.
- kèng sieh jī cúa;
- respect written paper; when added to handbills, it means, "do not deface nor tear this down."
- sìn thâu to̤-to̤ sĭ sía kèng khí cía;
- letters generally have some respectful terms written at the beginning.
- kèng-tŏng;
- treat respectfully.
- to bô̤ mûeh hó̤ lâi kèng lṳ́;
- have nothing to offer you as an expression of my respect for you.
- chîo-thêng hŵn-lío sĭ kèng láu, cun hîen;
- even the high officers of government show respect to the aged, and veneration for the wise.
- kèng pât nâng cū sĭ kèng ka-kī;
- to respect others is to respect one's self.
- lṳ́ li kèng nâng, nâng li kèng lṳ́;
- treat others respectfully, and others will treat you respectfully.
- 更kèng321733
- More; still more.
- cí kâi kèng tōa;
- this is still larger.
- cía sui sĭ hó̤, hía kèng hó̤;
- although this is good, that is still better.
- jú-kèng kú;
- still longer.
- jú-kèng hn̆g;
- still farther.
- cía úa kèng àiⁿ;
- this I desire yet more.
- 竟kèng4061176
- To go through a matter to the end; finally.
- i kèng bô̤ cêk kù ūe;
- he never said a word.
- i kèng-jîen m̄ hío;
- after all he did not comprehend it.
- 窮kêng42011610
- Impoverished; the poor.
- i sĭ khio-kêng kâi nâng;
- they are very poor people.
- kêng ke nâng;
- poverty stricken people.
- i cí ău kêng lío;
- he has become very poor lately.
- 期ki344748
- A full year of twelve or thirteen months.
- ki nî kâi hà;
- a full year of mourning.
- i kâi thiap cò̤-nî chut cò ki-hôk hu, bô̤ chut cò̤ cĭang-ki hu?
- How is it that the notice she has issued of her husband's funeral says "mourning" instead of "deep mourning"?
- 姬ki336388
- A handsome girl or woman.
- ki-chiap;
- a concubine.
- cía sĭ i lăi kâi ki-chiap hùe;
- this is one of his concubines.
- i lăi ŭ jîeh cōi kâi ko̤-ki?
- How many singing-girls do they keep?
- 機ki3337512
- Changes; motions; the origin or spring of; a principle; a natural cause.
- ki-hŭe;
- an occasion, an opportunity, a chance.
- ŭ sĭm-mih ki-hŭe a bô̤?
- Is there any favorable opening for it or not?
- sĕng cí kâi ki-hŭe;
- avail ourselves of this opportunity.
- cí hûe ŭ hó̤ ki-hŭe;
- there is just now a good chance.
- chūe thóiⁿ ŭ ki-hŭe a-bô̤;
- find out whether there is a favorable opportunity.
- ki-kwn;
- designs, intentions, motives.
- cí kâi ki-kwn chíen;
- the design is very transparent.
- úa thóiⁿ phùa i kâi ki-kwn;
- I see through his design.
- ŭ kìen-sek kâi nâng kìⁿ ki jṳ̂ cak;
- an experienced person sees his chance and improves it at the right moment.
- cía sît căi sĭ sîn ki mīo sǹg;
- this is indeed a marvelous contrivance.
- sit cí kâi ki-hŭe khó̤-sieh căi;
- it is a great pity that this chance should be lost.
- i kâi nâng thien-ki căi;
- he has a natural bent toward thought and meditation.
- thien-ki m̄ hó̤ siap-lāu;
- the decrees of fate are not to be divulged.
- ki-khá;
- dextrously, skillfully; shrewd, astute, clever.
- kun-ki-chù;
- the General Council of State.
- ēng cĭn sim ki;
- using every power of mind for its accomplishment.
- sien ki to bô̤ siap-lāu;
- destiny is not divulged.
- cía sĭ ki-cĭeⁿ-pêh, a sĭ sin-hŭe-tĭu?
- Is this Swatow grass-cloth or Cantonese grass-cloth?
- i kâi ki-pìen peh chut;
- his device is