- 揭kiah378649
- To bring to mind; to make known; to borrow.
- kiah toaⁿ;
- a promissory note.
- kiah hăng;
- debts; liabilities.
- kiah sìo;
- borrowed moneys.
- ŭ kiah hío chut lâi a būe?
- Has the list of successful candidates been published yet?
- tó̤ hṳ́-kò̤ kiah ŭ kîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
- How much money did he get there ?
- 撥kiah7086412
- To open up, or out; to spread or distribute around; to lift; to separate by a jerk.
- kiah khui;
- to lift apart; to thrust aside; to open up as to the air or to the light.
- kiah khui pò-lîam cū thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- lifted the curtain and saw it.
- cúa kiah khui khṳt i lā;
- lift the bundles of paper out and spread them so that they will air.
- kiah tōa lâk cū kiah tit khui;
- lift with force and then you can lift them apart.
- 屐kîah392447
- A patten; a wooden shoe or clog, used in rainy weather.
- chēng sang kâi âng phûe kîah;
- wear a pair of pattens with red upper leathers.
- khôk-khôk-kìe, chēng sang châ-thâu kîah cū lâi;
- came clamping along in a pair of wooden clogs.
- cang kîah;
- pattens made from the fiber of the coir palm.
- úai cîh kiah kha;
- broke the heel off the patten by stepping on the side of the foot.
- ciap kîah kha;
- put a new sipport under the patten.
- tèng kîah phò;
- a shop when clogs are made.
- kîah kha ìn lío kâi ūi kâi ūi;
- tracks made with muddy pattens.
- thô téng kâi kîah ūi kâi kîah ūi;
- tracks made with pattens on the mud.
- kîah-kíaⁿ khà cheng-khih, cò̤ i khṳ̀;
- shook the dust off his pattens and went.
- 潔kiak3778512
- Clean, free from defilement.
- sói kàu kiak-kiak pêh;
- wash it perfectly white.
- cêk koiⁿ sìu-sîp kàu kiak-cṳ̀;
- the whole place is made perfectly clean.
- i cheng-khih-sìeⁿ căi, thong sin kâi i-hôk nĕ kiak-kiak;
- she is very cleanly, and all the clothes she has on are spotlessly clean.
- 兼kiam382128
- Along with; together with in addition to; equally.
- keng kiam thiⁿ-sî jûah;
- besides all that, the weather is very hot.
- kiam ŭ pât īeⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤;
- and besides I have something else to do.
- sie kiam kài kâi tī-hng;
- adjacent ground.
- tī-hng sie kiam kài;
- the two lots have the same boundary.
- châi mâuⁿ kiam chŵn;
- the toute ensemble; the mind, manners, and person.
- kiam niap tîe-ciu hú sṳ̄;
- manages the Tie Ciu Department
in addition.
- kiam lí îeⁿ bŭ;
- manages foreign affairs besides.
- i kiam ŏi cò̤ cí īeⁿ sṳ̄;
- he can also add this to the other things which he does.
- kiam ke cêk hâng khang-khùe;
- attends to the work of another warehouse also.
- nŏ nâng kiam ēng;
- the two both use it.
- i khí kó̤ lío, ŭ kiam sía a bô̤?
- After he had made the rough draft, did he write out a fair copy besides?
- 檢kíam3857513
- To assort; to examine.
- m̄ cai kíam-tiám khṳ̀;
- did not think to look them over carefully and mark
- lṳ́ tîeh sòi sim kíam-tíam;
- you must label them carefully.
- phìa cêk ūi tăi-chîu tó̤ kàm-tok sio-kíam;
- depute a nobleman to oversee the search of the persons of the candidates for admission to the examinations.
- chê-kíam;
- to examine.
- 減kíam383159
- To diminish; to lessen; to abbreviate; to make less do; to take away a part.
- kè-cíⁿ bô̤ kíam;
- no abatement in the price.
- kíam kè thŵn mîaⁿ;
- sell at a reduced price in order to render it popular.
- i àiⁿ kíam i kâi sìo búe, i li m̄ hàuⁿ;
- he wants him to throw off the balance of the account, but he will not.
- ngĕ-ngĕ kíam i kâi;
- forcibly insisted on an abatement.
- thó̤ kíam i kâi sĭu ngŵn;
- ask him to let him have it for less than it cost.
- u kíam a bô̤?
- Did he take off anything from the price?
- cài kíam cē;
- take off a little more.
- bò̤ ke bô̤ kíam;
- neither more nor less.
- cìeⁿ-se ŭ ke bô̤ kíam;
- there may be increase but not diminution.
- hó̤ kíam mē?
- Can you not sell it a little cheaper?
- lṳ́ sǹg kíam cē, úa cò̤ cē kio lṳ́ bói;
- let me have it a little cheaper, then I will buy it from you at once.
- m̄-hó̤ kíam;
- cannot sell it for less.
- kíam cêk téng ngí cŭe;
- abate somewhat from the legal punishment.
- i m̄ khéng kíam;
- he would abate nothing.
- cí kheng ío ke, cí kheng ío kíam;
- this basket has more, and that one has less.
- kíam cêk ûe ciⁿ khṳt lṳ́;
- let you have it at half the price.
- khṳt i kíam tīo ho̤h cōi ngṳ̤̂n;
- had a rather large sum of money taken off by him.
- cìeⁿ-soⁿ ŏi khah kíam a bŏi?
- Have I retrenched too much ?
- mn̂g-khí cìah ío kíam, cí hûe cū tó khùn;
- ate less than usual this morning, and am now hungry.
- meⁿ kíam cho̤h;
- take some off with the hand.
- tàⁿ kíam tōa-bó̤-mûeh ūe;
- contracted his speech very much.
- kîaⁿ tùi cí kò̤, kîaⁿ kíam cêk phò lō;
- by going this way, will diminish the length of the journey by a league.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ kiam-kíam to m̄ kíam;
- pinching and scrimping thus does not diminish it a particle.
- lṳ́ kíam i kúi hùe?
- How much younger are