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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/267

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

you than he?

khah kíam;
kíam cò̤ kúi sîaⁿ;
reduced to a small proportion.
kíam kàu lâi cò̤ cē bô̤ khṳ̀;
kept taking a little off till it was all gone.
to subtract.
ēng kíam jìeh cōi nâng?
How many less men are employed?
taⁿ ēng ío kíam nâng;
fewer men are now employed.
nín kâi nâng-sìo ŏi kíam a bŏi?
Do you lack any from the full complement of men?
cía sĭ kíam-càu kâi kòi-cheh;
this is a ruse for making the enemy believe him to be weak.
m̄ sĭ thó̤ kíam cū hâiⁿ i kíam, thó̤ ke cū hâiⁿ ke, cìe kó;
we do not sell for a low price to those who offer a low price, and sell for a higher price to those who offer more, but we sell for the price marked on the goods.
lṳ́ tîeh kio úa sẃn hó̤ kâi, kè-cíⁿ, úa li m̄ kíam lṳ́ kâi;
you choose a good one for me, and I shall not ask you to take a lower price for it.
  • kìam3881813
  • A rapier; a sword; a claymore.
chíu tèng khîa ki kìam;
held a sword in his hand.
cí kâi kìam-khak ēng kú huang-hāi khṳ̀;
this scabbard is worn out by long use.
kìam nêk;
the sword blade.
úa ŭ cèk ki pó̤ kìam;
I have a trusty blade.
chieⁿ, to̤, kìam; kek, nĕ chīam-chīam;
spears, daggers, swords, and bill-hooks, in regular array.
mŏng kìam;
to brandish a sword.
the art of fencing.
pâng lăi kùa ki cṳ-kìam;
wore a student's rapier when in his room.
kìam sien;
a fairy stiletto, which would kill when ordered to do so.
úa ŭ tùi wn-ieⁿ kâi sang kìam;
I have a double sword, two blades in one sheath.
cí ki kìam lāi căi;
this sword is very sharp.
līen kìam;
a tried weapon.
cù kìam;
a well-tempered blade.
úa àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kìam-thâu kâi īeⁿ;
I want it made in the shape of a sword handle.
phah cò̤ ki kìam;
make it into a sword.
tŏ̤ suaⁿ tāng tèng tit-tîeh piaⁿ-cṳ, pó̤ kìam;
when among the caves got a book on military tactics, and a trusty blade.
  • kîam1981979
  • Saltish, like sea-water; one of the five tastes.
màiⁿ lô̤h khah kîam;
do not make it too salt.
lŏ kîam;
make salt by pickling.
kîam hṳ̂;
salt fish.
kîam chài;
pickled cabbage.
kîam n̆ng;
pickled eggs.
kîam hu n̆ng;
pickled eggs wrapped in clay.
kîam cúi;
sea water; brine.
cía cúi cíaⁿ a kîam?
Is this water fresh or salt?
îam lô̤h khṳ̀ bô̤ hìeⁿ kîam, ùi àiⁿ ien;
if there is not enough salt put in to make it very

salt, I fear it will putrefy.

i ío tōa cîah kîam;
he likes things very salt.
kîam sng tîam;
salt, sour, and sweet; mixed flavors.
bô̤ kîam;
there are no condiments for the dinner.
bô̤ kîam bô̤ cíaⁿ, cò̤-nî cîah?
There is neither salt nor fresh food, so what are we to eat?
thiⁿ-sî jûah, tîeh ŭ nŏ̤ īeⁿ hó̤ kâi kîam-sng cìaⁿ cîah tit lô̤h;
the weather is hot, and one must have two good relishes in order to eat anything.
hìeⁿ-seⁿ kîam tak-tak, cîah căi tit lò̤h?
How can one eat it when it is so very salt?
lô̤h khah kîam khṳ̀
úa cîah tîeh kîam kàu khó;
it is salted too much: to me it tastes so salt as to be bitter.
cêk sin kîam căi: méⁿ-méⁿ lâi hîaⁿ cúi sói-êk;
I am drenched with perspiration: heat some water as quickly as possible for me to bathe in.
saⁿ-khò cē kîam tîeh cai ūaⁿ, màiⁿ chēng kàu o kîam jūn;
when your clothes are soiled change them, and do not wear them till they are stiff with dirt.
ūaⁿ ŭ kîam saⁿ-khò tŏ̤ kò̤ a bô̤?
Are there any soiled clothes about?
thâu-mô̤ⁿ kîam căi: hàm i ṳ̆-pĭ lâi sói thâu;
his hair is dirty: tell him to get ready to have his head washed.
táng i cîah kîam-kîam, khṳ̀ khà phùa nâng kâi cúi kng;
wait till he has stuffed himself with salt food, and then gone and broken someone's water jar; you will some day wish you had restrained him in time to prevent mischief.
kîam kaⁿ phûe;
preserved orange peel.
lău kîam sūaiⁿ;
preserved mangoes.
koih nŏ̤ lîap kîam bûe, lâi phùe cúi;
nip up two salt plums and take them as an accompaniment to the water you drink.
  • kîam387913
  • Frugal; sparing; economical.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ khah kîam;
he is over frugal.
i sĭ kîam căi kâi nâng;
she is very parsimonious.
stingy, close-fisted.
  • kîam6103611
  • To dream.
i kìⁿ-kîam tîeh i lâi;
she dreamed that he came.
úa cá mêⁿ kîam-kìⁿ io lṳ́ cò̤-pû khṳ̀ thit-thô̤;
I dreamed last night that I went out for recreation with you.


  • kiang36312013
  • A bridle; reins made of silk or leather.
to slip the halter and run away.
cē m̄ cai kwn, cū khṳt i liu-kiang khṳ̀;
as soon as one's attention is turned away, he slips off.
to pâk tŏ̤ kò̤, cò̤-nî ŏi khṳt i liu-kiang khṳ̀?
As he was tied up, how is it that he could take him-

self off like that ?

  • kiang3637813
  • Rigid; stiff; solid; dead but not corrupted.
a body in a trance.
kiang chôiⁿ;
silkworms, stiffened as they are just before