dictionary of the swatow dialect.
kio cía cū pit-tīaⁿ sĭen mĭⁿ;
- the haughty are sure to be sycophantic.
- hía m̄ kio-ngău nâng kâi, i cū bô̤ mih thíam-mĭⁿ nâng;
- he who is not supercilious toward people, is not apt to be subservient to people.
- 矯kío37011112
- To exercise undue authority; obstinate.
- màiⁿ kió-kíang i;
- do not force him to it.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ kío jîu caŭ cak; that is acting as the exigencies suggest;
- being firm or yielding as one's interest demands.
- 助kío70195
- To assist; to help; to succor.
- tī-tîang kío lṳ́? Who helped you about it?
- kío i khui hâng; help him to open a store.
- i cē ŭ nâng kío cū sêng;
- if he gets help from some one he will accomplish it.
- 揎kío829649
- To roll up the sleeves.
- ciú-ńg m̄ tîeh kío phû cē?
- Why do you not roll your sleeves higher?
- chíu-ńg kío khah phû;
- your sleeves are rolled up too high.
- cía chíu-ńg khah tó̤: hó̤ kío cêk kho, m̄-hó̤ kío nŏ̤ kho;
- these sleeves are too short they may be turned up one fold but not two.
- 餃kío3721846
- A meat dumpling.
- hṳ́ kháu khiak-khiak-kìe sĭ tó̤ bōi hió a m̄ sĭ?
- The sound of a rattle out there is made by some one who is selling dumplings is it not?
- khṳ̀ phàu úaⁿ kío lâi tíam-sim;
- go and warm up a bowl of dumplings for luncheon.
- úa àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kío cîah;
- I want to make it into dumplings.
- kío phûe, kío āⁿ;
- the paste, and the filling of a dumpling.
- sâh kío;
- to boil dumplings.
- i kâi kío pau hê-bí;
- his dumplings are stuffed with dessicated prawns.
- 攪kío3716420
- To excite; to stir up.
- kío-jío;
- to disturb.
- i sĭ tó̤ kío sĭ kío hui;
- he is exciting discussion.
- i cong-kú lâi kío-kío jío-jío;
- he is always coming and annoying me.
- cía lâi kío-jío pàng lṳ́ kò̤, m̄ kai;
- I have discommoded you, as I ought not.
- 繳kío37012013
- To hand over.
- kío lĕng;
- to deliver orders.
- kío knǵ;
- to hand in an essay.
- kío-hâiⁿ i lío;
- already delivered over to him.
- būe cêng kío;
- undelivered.
- cng kĭaⁿ kío tŏ̤ kuaⁿ tèng;
- the stolen goods are delivered to the officials,
- kío phìe;
- deliver the written directions.
- hăng saⁿ jît lăi cĭu àiⁿ kío cheng-chó̤;
- all to be delivered within three days.
- kío khòi;
- to hand over the deeds.
- kío sìo;
- to band over the accounts.
- 撟kĭo3706412
- To raise with a lever; to pry up.
- kĭo khí lâi;
- pry it up.
- khṳt i kĭo cîh;
- broken in being pried up.
- khîeh ki phûe-chîang khṳ̀ kĭo;
- take a crowbar and pry it up.
- kĭo m̄ khí;
- cannot pry it up.
- i thī khṳ̀ méⁿ căi: thóiⁿ i kâi cam li-li kĭo;
- she sews very fast: see her needle fly.
- khîeh ki cam lâi kio úa kĭo chúaⁿ;
- take a needle and pick out this sliver for me.
- kío ô̤;
- dig oysters from their shells.
- 鞠kiok4571778
- To address.
- kiok-kiong;
- to bow.
- kiok-kiong kìⁿ lói;
- the etiquette of salutation.
- i cē kìⁿ tîeh kiok-kiong kiok-kiong;
- as soon as he saw him he bowed repeatedly.
- 恭kiong462616
- The exhibition of respectful feeling; to treat with sedate courtesy; to revere; polite.
- kiong-kiong kèng-kèng; reverently;
- very politely.
- lói-sìo sĭm sĭ kiong-kèng;
- his courtesies are very respectful.
- kiong hí;
- I wish you happy New Year.
- kiong hō̤;
- respectful congratulations.
- kiong hāu mĕng-lĕng;
- I respectfully await your orders.
- kiong-kèng put jû chông mĕng;
- obedience is better than politeness.
- kìⁿ tîeh nĕ kiong-kiong;
- very polite on meeting him.
- sòi hĭⁿ kiong thiaⁿ;
- listen reverently.
- mih sṳ̄ kiong sŭn;
- yields devout obedience in everything.
- kiok-kiong chíaⁿ tăi kà;
- bow respectfully and ask instructions.
- chut kiong;
- go to the privy.
- 躬kiong4611583
- The body; one's person; personally.
- kiok-kiong;
- to make a bow.
- tá kiong;
- to make a bow with the hands joined and then raised over the head.
- khṳ̀ i mīn côiⁿ tá cêk ē kiong;
- go before him and make a very respectful bow.
- 拱kíong463646
- To place the hands before the breast so that the thumbs come together, as when making a bow.
- hok cheⁿ lâi kíong cìe;
- may happy stars light your way.
- níu jī ūi châi cheⁿ lâi kíong cìe;
- will you two give us the light of your presence.
- kíong chíu;
- to bow with the hands raised as high the head.
- 急kip393615
- Hasty; impatient; anxious; hurried; uneasy; solicitous; urgent; zealous for; hard up; in extremity.
- lṳ́ kâi sim màiⁿ kip;
- do not be uneasy in your mind.
- mín-ēng sim kip;
- there is no occasion