To effect; to reach to; extend toward or stretch on to; to influence at a distance; to communicate; to connect; to implicate; effected; done; and, with, also, at, to, about, concerning.
kîp cá;
at once, while there is time.
tîeh khǹg-kòi nín tîeh kîp-cá hûeh thâu;
must exhort you to at once change your course.
lâi tit kîp a lâi m̄ kîp?
Did he come in time?
lŭi-kîp pât nâng;
implicate other people.
sueh-kîp cí cak tŏ̤-lí;
in explanation of this portion of doctrine.
thâm kîp sì-chêng kâi sṳ̄;
conversing on passing events.
lŭn kîp cèng nâng kâi sèⁿ-châng;
discussing people's dispositions.
ngî-eng-kai kîp-sî hùe-kói;
ought to repent in season.
kàu aŭ-lâi le cū sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe bô̤ kîp;
when you come to regret it, it will be too late.
íⁿ chṳ́ kîp pí;
get to this through that; one step leading to another.
kîp kàu cíang-sêng;
until ho becomes of ago.
kîp tŏiⁿ;
the highest.
sam kîp tĭ;
the Emperor's three highest advisers.
úi pí put kîp;
to compare me with him will not do.
put kîp thî-hûang, hut-jîen cū kàu;
notwithstanding adverse circumstances, we reached there very quickly.
kîp kàu úa lâi cìaⁿ cai;
upon my coming, I become aware of it for the first time.
nî tng kîp ki;
to come of age, as a girl at sixteen years.
huang bé gû put siang kîp;
the wild horse and wild ox do not roam together.
cŭe bŏi kîp tîeh i;
he is not involved in the crime.
hṳ́ kĭaⁿ íⁿ-kîp cí kĭaⁿ lóng-cóng cò̤ hó̤;
those as well as these are all finished.
cí kâi hok-khì oĭ kîp tîeh lṳ́;
this blessing will extend its influence to you.
hŭa kîp i kâi sin;
the evil effects extended to him.
toaⁿ-toaⁿ kîp tîeh i ka-kĭ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
it concerns no one but himself.
màiⁿ ẁn-kîp pât nâng;
do not allow your dislike to extend to other people.