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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/279

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
tîeh cū cheⁿ-mêⁿ;
if you get a spurt from it into your eyes, it will blind you.
cía tîeh ēng cúi-kiuh, lâi kiuh, cúi cìaⁿ ŭ lâk;
we must take a syringe and spurt the fluid out from that, then it will enter with force.
  • kiuh11213012
  • Fat; gross; stout.
pûi kàu kiuh-kiuh;
stout to corpulence.


  • kng478104
  • Light; luster; brilliant; illustrious: bright; naked; smooth; bare; bald; to illuminate; to adorn.
jît kng căi;
the sun is very bright.
hûn cia lío jît bŏi kng;
the sun is not bright when obscured by clouds.
thâu-khak kng-kng nn̆g-nn̆g;
his head is very bald.
thâu-khak thì kàu kng-nn̆g kng-nn̆g;
the head shaven very smooth.
teng thie kng cē;
pick up the wick so that the lamp will give more light.
cí cho̤h îu cò̤-nî líam khṳ̀ bô̤ hìeⁿ kng?
Why is it that this oil does not give out much light when lighted?
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ hṳ́-kò̤ ŏi hâu-kng;
observe the coruscation there.
cêk sin nĕ kng-kng;
very smooth all over.
ciu sin nĕ kng-kng kût-kût;
his whole body is perfectly smooth.
bûa kàu kng-kng kût-kût, cìe-kìⁿ nâng íaⁿ;
polish it until it is so bright and smooth that you can see yourself in it.
at daylight.
thiⁿ lâ-lâng-kng;
at he first streak of dawn.
thiⁿ būe kng cū cáu-khí;
got up before daylight.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ thiⁿ ŏi kng a būe;
see whether the day is yet dawning.
khṳt i cîah kàu cut-cut-kng;
all eaten up clean by him.
kng-kìaⁿ kng-kìaⁿ;
highly burnished.
thâu-khak kng lût-sût;
bald-headed; a shining pate.
cìe kàu múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ kng-kng;
shines so that it is light all around.
i kâi tó lăi tâng-tâng kng cai;
he is very clear about it in his own mind.
bô̤ kng bô̤ àm;
no underhand dealing; no two sides to the trade.
cîah lío mâk-ciu kng;
after eating it his sight became perfect.
cí kâi suaⁿ kng-kng, bô̤ chīu bô̤ bâk;
this hill is bare, having neither trees nor shrubs on it.
i kâi thâu siu kàu kng-kng;
her hair is combed very smoothly.
kuah kàu kng-kng;
reaped bare.
thiu kàu kng-kng;
planed smooth.
gûeh kng căi;
the moonlight is very bright.
thóiⁿ tîhe lêng-ūaⁿ kng;
it seems brighter.
khîeh húe khṳ̀ chīeⁿ kng;
take a torch and throw light upon it.
  • kng318188
  • The gods who reside in the thirty six large stars; the four guardians put in the gateways of Buddhist temples; they have red, green, white, and black faces.
jī mn̂g lăi sāi sì tăi-kim-kng;
inside the
second gate were four images representing tho gods who reside in the thirty six stars.
i kâi nâng tōa căi, chin-chĭeⁿ kim-kng hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he is very large, like one of the guardians of the gates of a Buddhist temple.
kim-kng sie phah, tōa kàng;
a great hubbub, as if the gods of the thirty six stars were fighting.
  • kng3191213
  • A large, glazed, flaring jar.
cúi kng;
a water jar.
i kâi tăng-kíaⁿ àiⁿ khṳ̀ phîn i kâi o kng;
the little earthen pot is going to dash itself against the stone jar.
bói kâi kng lâi chĭ kim-lí;
buy a jar to rear gold-fish in.
nôiⁿ kng;
a jar for lotus plants.
hue kng;
large flowered jars.
  • kng319643
  • To carry on a pole; to lift at.
kng kīe;
carry a sedan chair.
nín nŏ̤ nâng khṳ̀ kng tieⁿ chn̂g lâi;
you two go and bring the table, bearing it between you on a pole.
kng m̄ phû;
cannot lift it up when straining at the ends of the pole.
khah tăng, kng m̄ khí;
it is too heavy and we cannot lift it.
kng kàu ehⁿ-ehⁿ-kìe;
grunts in carrying it.
céng káu kng îeⁿ;
a pack of dogs carrying off a sheep.
  • kng3191303
  • The large intestine or colon.
thut kng kâi pēⁿ;
a rupture; a protuded intestine.
thut kng kâi pēⁿ peh ūe kìe-cò̤ thut tn̂g thâu;
protrusion of the intestine is in common language called extruded gut.
  • kńg4741188
  • A tube, a pipe, a duct; quills.
koi mô̤ⁿ kńg;
the quill of a hen's feather.
ka tîo gô̤-mô̤ⁿ-kńg lâi khǹg cam;
cut off a goose-quill to keep needles in.
aû-lêng kńg;
the wind-pipe.
i chám kàu âu-lêng kńg ngĕ;
he has a lump in his throat because he is so distressed.
húe kńg;
a pipe used for blowing the fire.
mô̤ⁿ kńg chng;
the pores of the skin.
  • kńg475968
  • A tube of stone.
the tube which holds the peacock feather on an official cap.
  • kńg4785312
  • Occurs in many names of cities or places, but when used alone refers to Canton.
kńg-tang nâng;
the people of Canton.
kńg-tang séⁿ;
the Canton province.
kńg ciu hú;
the Canton Department.
tòa ŭ kńg hùe lâi bōi mē?
Have you brought any Cantonese goods for sale?
kńg-jìo sui sĭ su so-jìo, hŵn-lío îaⁿ ciang-jìo;
Cantonese crape, although inferior to Soochow crape, is still better than Amoy crape.
cía sĭ thó tíaⁿ a sĭ kńg tíaⁿ?