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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/281

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • ko432855
  • To buy liquids.
ko cíu;
to buy spirits.
ko cêk tâng hó̤-hó̤ kâi;
buy a measure of the very best.
ko îu;
to buy oil.
  • ko432385
  • A father's or husband's sisters; a polite term for females, especially young and unmarried ones; to tolerate; lenient; for the time.
an unmarried lady.
chíaⁿ a-ko lâi cîah pn̄g;
ask aunt to come to dinner.
tōa ko, sòi ko;
the elder and younger sisters of one's father or husband.
a jī ko;
the next to the eldest of one's father's sisters.
lăi ko; có ko;
grandfather's sisters.
lău ko pô̤;
one's great grandfather's sisters.
ko só̤;
one's husband's sisters.
saⁿ ko lâk phûa;
disreputable women.
ko-lĭam i sĭ cò̤ hŭam;
tolerate his having done wrong: reprove him slightly and let him go.
ko-chíaⁿ, māng-māng-lâi phah-sǹg;
let it rest awhile, and after a time we will consider the subject.
khah ko-sek ĕ jît cū ŏi khṳt i lŭi tîeh;
if you are too easy with him, you will hereafter be brought into trouble by him.
a father's sister's husband.
i nŏ̤ nâng sĭ chin-chin ko píe;
the two are own first cousins, sons of a brother and sister.
  • ko431395
  • Alone; without a protector; solitary; fatherless.
i kâi khẃn ko-hâng căi;
his nature is solitary, not gregarious.
hīn-khek i kâi sì ko lío;
his influence is now reduced.
ko-hûn bô̤ i;
solitary and neglected.
kwn kúaⁿ ko tôk kâi nâng chám căi;
bachelors, spinsters, orphans and childless people are very desolate.
ko-ai cṳ́;
an afflicted orphan.
ko-toaⁿ bô̤ phŭaⁿ;
solitary and companionless.
ko-lŏ kúaⁿ-bŭn;
an unpolished scholar of limited opportunities.
i sî hó̤ tho̤h ko kâi nâng;
he is one to whom an orphan might be confided.
  • ko436755
  • Rotten or dry wood; dried up; withered.
dried up; withered; arid; sapless.
mīn-sek cn̂g kâi ko-káu;
his complexion is cadaverous.
líu tîeh cêk hù ko kut;
dug up a skeleton.
i cêk pôiⁿ chíu phien-ko;
one of his arms is withered.
hueh ko;
his blood is thin.
cí kâi mâuⁿ-pēⁿ sĭ hueh-ko tì kâi;
this ailment arises from poverty of the blood.
cĭam-cĭam ko-ta;
gradually dried up and withered away.
ko chīu hông chun cài hwt ki;
at the coming of spring the old tree again puts forth branches.
  • 骷髏ko-lô436
  • Fleshless human bones.
tôi cîⁿ lâi siu ko-lô;
contribute money to pay for burying old human bones.
cí kâi tī-hng sĭ cǹg ko-lô kâi;
this is a place where old human bones are interred.
  • ko4321605
  • A failure of duty; to hold to be guilty.
ko-hŭ i kâi ṳn;
ungrateful; disregardful of his kindness.
àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, būe mín ko-hŭ i;
need not then be guilty of ingratitude toward him.
  • 43310811
  • A kettle; a covered pot.
tê kó;
a large tea kettle.
siah kó;
a pewter kettle.
pin-lô̤ kó
a dish to keep betel-nuts in.
  • 588933
  • The male of quadrupeds.
gû kó
îeⁿ kó;
tṳ kó;
káu kó;
a male dog.
  • 4342070
  • A drum; musical instruments made of skin; drum-shaped; to urge; to rouse.
pìe kó;
put a head on a drum.
lûi kó;
sound a drum.
cang cûa phûe lâi pìe hîⁿ-kó;
make the head of a drum with snake-skin.
kó phûe;
the head of the drum.
kó chîeⁿ;
the wooden part of a drum.
kó teng;
the line where the head is joined to the drum.
phah lô̤ kó;
beat gongs and drums.
kó thûi;
a drum-stick.
kó kè;
a drum-stand.
pì kó;
carry a drum on the back.
kó tong-tong-kìe; kó tōm-tōm-kìe; kó ōm-ōm-kìe;
the drums give forth sounds, such as are made by a small, by a medium sized, and by a very large drum.
cìen kó;
a drum used in battle.
a rattle used by mongers of wares. to announce their coming.
phah keⁿ kó;
to beat the watches of the night on a drum.
tńg jī kó a būe?
Has the second watch been sounded yet?
exert one's self.
i ka-kī khṳ̀ khio kó;
he himself went and sounded the drum.
khà kó kîⁿ;
beat the drum on its rim; make an ineffective hit.
úa ieh lâi tú-tú tùi kó tìn-tang;
I guessed exactly right.
i mn̂g-kha cêk kâi nâng tó̤ pò̤ kó;
there is a man at the door announcing his presence by sound of drum.
úa cang lṳ́ saⁿ thong kó, lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ ang-ang khṳ̀ cò̤;
I will beat the drum for you to keep up your courage, and you go calmly ahead and do it.
lûi kó saⁿ thong;
beat three strokes on a drum.
cîeh kó;
stone drums, placed at the entrances of temples.
a tambouinne.
a toy drum.
pìe kâi cúi-koi kó khṳt i;
made a drum with frog-skin heads, and gave it to him.
lêng-cûn kó;
the drums on board a