dictionary of the swatow dialect.
dragon boat.
- mŏng hue kó;
- the drum belonging to strolling performers, or acrobats.
- cía kúi kâi phah kó kâi, tī-tîang kâi kó páng ío hó̤;
- of these drummers, which one drums best?
- i kâi kó tíam sĭang hó̤;
- he keeps the best time with the beat of his drum.
- lô̤ cò̤ lô̤ phah, kó cò̤ kó híang;
- sound the gongs and the drums independently of each other.
- 臌kó43313013
- Dropsical; bloated.
- kó-cèng;
- dropsy.
- tì kó-cèng;
- have dropsy.
- sĭ khì kó, a sĭ cúi kó?
- Is the bloated appearance produced by air or by water?
- 苟kó3291405
- Off-hand; impromptu; illicit; if so.
- kó-chíaⁿ lío sṳ̄;
- careless in doing; to finish off a matter anyhow; to huddle up.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ kó-chíaⁿ;
- one should not do things in a hasty, careless fashion.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ kó-kó chíaⁿ-chíaⁿ;
- he always does things in a very off-hand style.
- cía sǹg sĭ kó-chíaⁿ lío sṳ̄;
- this has been done in almost any way so as to get it finished.
- kó-jû lṳ́ ā m̄ ôiⁿ lâi khṳ̀ li úa lâi khṳ̀;
- if it should happen that you have not leisure to go, I will go.
- kó-hôk;
- perchance.
- kó-hâh
- fornication.
- 估kó43395
- To estimate; to reckon; to think; to guess; to set a price on; value; worth; price.
- sĭ i tó̤ kó kè;
- it is he who fixes the price.
- kó lâi khah kùi;
- too high a price is set upon it.
- cí kĭaⁿ kó lâi cū phīⁿ;
- this one is set down at a low figure.
- lṳ́ kó cē;
- you make a guess at the value.
- khṳt lṳ́ kó khṳ̀ tùi-tùi;
- you have guessed exactly what it cost.
- cìe úa kó li tâk m̄ kàu cìeⁿ cōi;
- according to my reckoning, it is not worth so much as that.
- khui kó i phò;
- keep a second hand clothing store.
- i kâi hùe-mûeh kó lâi tīaⁿ căi;
- his goods have a very fair price set upon them.
- íⁿ-keng kó tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi;
- those already priced.
- mûeh-kĭaⁿ cìe kó;
- things according to their value.
- cĭu hīn-sî kâi hâng-chêng lâi kó kè;
- set down the prices, according to the present market rates.
- cía úa cò̤-nî kó li kó m̄ kàu;
- however I reckon this I cannot bring it out right.
- lṳ́ kó thóiⁿ cía sṳ̄ ŏi tit sêng mē?
- Do you think this can be brought about?
- úa tâng cīeⁿ jît cū soiⁿ kó chut;
- I thought all that out some days ago.
- 古kó432302
- Ancient; old; antique; of old; to grow old; practised in; antiquity; hoar.
- kó-cá;
- in olden times.
- kó kim to sĭ cêk īeⁿ;
- in ancient and modern times it has been the
- kó nâng cêng tàⁿ kùe;
- said by the ancients.
- ô̤h kó;
- tell stories.
- ô̤h kó ā, bô̤ cía sṳ̄;
- it is a story, no such thing ever happened.
- hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ thâk kó cṳ;
- tell him not to make up yarns.
- i nâng-khẃn kó-kó nē;
- he is very old fashioned.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ kó-kó kùai-kùai;
- does things in a very queer way.
- cí kò̤ ŭ sĭm-mih kó ciah?
- Are there any antiquities about here?
- kó bûn;
- ancient writings.
- cṳ̆ kó bô̤ kâi;
- what has never been from the most ancient times.
- cṳ̆ kó kàu kim;
- from olden times till now.
- nâng sim put kó;
- the heart of man does not grow old.
- kó-tóng;
- curiosities; antiques.
- kó-tóng phò;
- a curiosity shop.
- cí cêk pak sĭ kó ūe;
- this scroll is one having an ancient style of writing on it.
- cí kâi sĭ kó céⁿ;
- this is an ancient well.
- chûn cêk cho̤h kó-sî hôk-sek;
- kept some garments as relics of the past.
- taⁿ cí kù ūe khṳt nâng tó̤ cò̤ kó-khwn;
- this sentence is now made use of by people as a sample of ancient writing.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ kó-tóng căi;
- he acts very queerly.
- màiⁿ tó̤ cò̤ kó cèng;
- do not be satirical; do not draw illustrations from olden times.
- cía sĭ kó-mûeh;
- this is a relic.
- kó-ngẃn;
- antiquities.
- kó gṳ́;
- old sayings.
- kó lói;
- ancient rites.
- kó sî kâi nêng tăi-khài tong-kău;
- old fashioned people are generally honest.
- 股kó4331304
- A quota; a proportion; a share in a concern; a detatchment; a portion of a country; a strand in a rope; a chapter; a head of a sermon; the thighs.
- pun kó;
- share the assets.
- pun kó cṳ́ ŭ nâng tōa kó;
- in apportioning the amount which each is to pay, some are assessed more and some less.
- khĭa cò̤ jîeh cōi kó?
- How many shares is the whole sum assessed to be divided into?
- lṳ́ àiⁿ khĭa kó, a sĭ sùaⁿ tôi?
- Will you apportion the sum to be made up in shares for each to pay, or make it up by calling for contributions?
- cêk kó khui thóiⁿ jîeh cōiⁿ cîⁿ;
- divide and see how much each one has to pay.
- cía seng-lí sĭ tī-tîang ío tōa kó-hun?
- In this business who is the chief partner?
- poih kó;
- eight heads, as of an essay.
- saⁿ kó so̤h;
- a threefold cord.
- put lŭn àiⁿ cò̤ sĭm-mih sṳ̄ saⁿ kó so̤h to tîeh côi;
- in whatever you wish to do, the three strands of the rope used must be uniform.
- lêng-ūaⁿ cài hun tn̄g hun kó;
- redistribute the shares.
- kuah kó;
- cut the sinews of the thigh.
- i cêk kó seng-lí íⁿ-keng thiah chut khṳ̀ lío;
- he has already taken out the share which he had invested in the business.
- chap ŭ kúi kó;
- has invested in several shares.