挾 kŏiⁿ 356 64 7
To carry under the arm; to clasp between the arm and the trunk.
i ko̤h-tháng-ĕ cū kŏiⁿ ku-ā ki tek lâi;
he brought several bamboos, holding them tightly under his arm.
kŏi pn̄g-tháng lâi;
bring the rice-basin, holding it under the arm.
hāi i kŏiⁿ kàu êhⁿ-êhⁿ-kìe;
was squeezed so tightly under her arm that he could scarcely breathe.
i pì kíaⁿ kŏiⁿ jî lâi kàu cí-kó̤ kang-khó căi;
it will be very hard for her to come all this distance carrying one child on her back, and another under her arm.
i kíaⁿ-jît kĭam-kŏiⁿ ke kâi hak-seng tó̤ cò̤;
he to-day brought along another student into the examinations.
夾 koih 356 37 4
Lined; double; to pick up between two prongs.
sĭ toaⁿ kâi a sĭ koih kâi?
Is it of a single thickness, or is it lined?
àiⁿ koih sĭm-mih lí?
What sort of lining will you put in?
koih hîuⁿ;
a lined sleeveless jacket.
koih bûeh;
lined stockings.
koih khò-thàu;
double trowsers.
koih phàu-thàu;
a double-gown.
ēng tṳ̄ koih;
take up with chopsticks.
koih m̄ khí;
I cannot nip it up.
cía tîeh khîa thih-kîⁿ khṳ̀ koih;
you must pick it up with tongs.
koih mûeh phùe;
pick up the condiments.
cía m̄ ēng tṳ̄ koih, tîeh ēng sî íe;
this is not to be taken up with chopsticks, but is to be dipped up with a spoon.
挾 kôih 356 64 7
To press between two boards; boards for pressing; to clasp or carry under the arm.
kôih póiⁿ;
boards for pressing the sides of a thing.
cṳ-cheh kôih;
board covers for books.
sieⁿ kôih;
boards used to support the sides of trunks.
kôih kín cē;
press it somewhat tighter between the two.
kôih kín-kín;
squeezed very tightly between two.
kôih bih;
flatten by pressing.
kôih kàu cap lâu-lâu;
squeezed so that the juice runs out.
nâng cōi, sie cìⁿ sie kôih;
there was a great crowd of people, crowding and pressing upon each other.
kôih kha, kôih chíu;
to torture by pressing the ankles and wrists between boards.
khṳt i kôih tîeh;
got nipped by it.
hŭ-jîn hùe siu cang kâi cang-kôih;
the splints used by women to hold the coiffure in place.
kôih tŏ̤ cṳ-cheh tói;
pressed in a book.
pài thiap tói kôih cêk tieⁿ lói-mûeh toaⁿ;
a complimentary token folded within the folds of a visiting card.
kôih tŏ̤ ko̤h-tháng-ĕ;
put it under his arm.
kôih pńg cṳ-cheh;
carrying a book under his arm.
kôih cêk ki phoiⁿ-taⁿ;
carrying a bearing-pole under
his arm.
ciah chíu kôih, ciah chíu khîeh;
some under one arm, and some in the other.
kàu kâi, kôih lâi;
take it whole, and bring it along.
phiaⁿ-lî-kut khṳt i kôih cîh;
squeezed him under his arm so hard as to break his ribs.
㖏 kôih 633 30 7
To mimic tones; to modulate the voice.
kôih kàu ki siaⁿ sòi-sòi, cū sĭ cṳ-niê siaⁿ;
modulated his voice to a squeak, like the voice of a woman.
i kâi siaⁿ m̄ cai cò̤-nî nîap, cò̤-nî kôih, put tăng chìe khek kâi siaⁿ kio cṳ-nîe cêk īeⁿ, cū sĭ tîaⁿ-pêh kâi ūe, īa cū sĭ kâi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ kâi siaⁿ-sueh;
I do not know how he modulates his voice, but in singing ballads his voice is just like a woman’s, it is in a conversational style, and is also the voice of a young girl.
kôih siaⁿ jîn;
an apt mimic of female voices.
谷 kok 453 150 0
A gully; a gulch; the bed of a torrent.
a ravine.
i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ suaⁿ-kok-lok tói;
he lives away off in a mountain wady.
tùi cí suaⁿ-kok-lok tói jîp khṳ̀ cū sĭ;
go in through this wady, that is the way.
國 kok 491 31 8
A state, a kingdom, a country, a nation, a people; national; government.
pńg kok;
own country.
gūa kok;
foreign lands.
pâk kok; tha kok;
other nations.
bw̄n kok;
all nations.
kū kok;
fatherland; the old country.
i tńg khṳ̀ kū kok;
he has returned to his native land.
kok kun;
kok bó̤;
the empress.
kok ûang;
kok sṳ;
royal astrologers.
tŏ̤ tī cêk kok-tō?
What country is it in?
chêng-lí bw̄n kok cū tăi-khài sie tâng;
those usages which are founded in reason, are much alike in all countries.
lī-sôk bw̄n kok cū kak-kak m̄ tâng;
customs differ in all different lands.
kak kok kak kok kâi hong-sôk;
each nation has its own peculiar ways of doing things.
hīu-khek thiⁿ-ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi tōa kok?
How many great nations are there now in the world?
thong thiⁿ-ĕ bw̄n kok;
all nations under heaven.
sam kok;
the three states which divided China from A.D. 222 to 265.
líang kok sie thâi;
the two countries are at war.
kok huap; kok-ke kâi huap-lût;
the laws of the country.
suaⁿ kok;
a mountainous country.
cêk kok;
a country of which a large portion of the surface is watered.
thó kok;
a country which contains a large proportion of dry land.
cṳ̆ khui kok íⁿ lâi, būe ŭ;
from the foundation of the state until now it has not been so.
kok sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cóng-