- Who is managing the national affairs?
- i kâi kok-cèng hó̤ mē?
- Are their national affairs in good condition?
- kok thài, mîn uaⁿ;
- when the country is at peace, the people are comfortable.
- thŵn kok jîeh cōi tŏ̤;
- handed down the throne to many generations.
- kùe kok;
- leave the country.
- gūa-kok kio tong-kok hûa-háu;
- other countries are on amicable terms with China.
- tăi-múiⁿ-kok; hue-kî-kok;
- the United States.
- tăi-eng-kok;
- Great Britain.
- tăi-huap-kok;
- France.
- tăi-ngô̤-kok;
- Russia.
- jît-pún-kok;
- Japan.
- ang-lâm-kok;
- Anam.
- lîn-khîu-kok;
- Corea.
- sīam-lô̤ kok;
- Siam.
- pît-lú kok;
- Peru.
- ìn-tō kok; thien-cok-kok;
- India.
- míen-tĭen-kok;
- Thibet.
- thó-jṳ́-ki-kok;
- Turkey.
- ai-kîp-kok;
- Egypt.
- îu-thài-kok;
- Judea.
- 穀kok45311510
- Corn; grains; cereals; virtuous ; in medicine, fecal matter.
- ngŏ kok;
- all kinds of grain.
- peh kok;
- every sort of cereal.
- kok tău;
- the fecal passage.
- kok tău m̄ thong;
- bowels are constipated.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ kua cíⁿ kok, a kua hîaⁿ míaⁿ?
- Is this business to bo referred to the clerk in the prefects office, or to the legal counsel who manages criminal cases in the local court?
- 𠔠kok11171210
- To boil down; to stew.
- m̄ cai kwn, kok kàu cúi ta khṳ̀;
- was not looking after it, and it boiled dry.
- kok-kok-kìe;
- the noise of rapid boiling.
- kok cêk kùa le khá hó̤ lío;
- it has boiled a half day and must be done.
- 功kong460193
- Achievement; good service; virtue ; meritorious.
- i kâi kong-lâu tōa;
- his merit is great.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ cò̤ kàu sêng kong;
- one must bring what one does to a successful issue.
- ŭ kong kâi chîn-cṳ́;
- courtiers who have done meritorious deeds.
- kong-chîn ău-ĭ;
- the descendants of deserving ministers.
- bô̤ kong ien káⁿ cîah lôk?
- Without having done anything deserving reward, how dare one draw his salary?
- ŭ kong-tek kîp mîn;
- has done good works in behalf of the people.
- kĭen kong, lîp ngîap;
- achieve virtue, and found an estate.
- kong-mîaⁿ chî cá to ŭ sìo;
- merit is sooner or later rewarded.
- thû-lâu bô̤ kong;
- to labor without advantage.
- cău-hùe cí thiap îeh cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ ŭ kong-hāu;
- as it happened this dose of medicine proved effective when taken.
- i íⁿ-keng kong sêng, mîaⁿ cĭu lío;
- he has already achieved a reputation.
- i tó̤ cò̤ kong-tek;
- he is making merit.
- i kâi hà hôk sĭ sìo kong a tăi kong?
- Does he wear mourning for five or for nine months.
- 公kong459122
- Public; common; open; equal to all; general; just; equitable; the first of the five ranks of nobility; a duke, a lord, a master.
- kong sṳ̄;
- public business.
- kong hŭe;
- club, association, or public society.
- kong só̤ tī-hng;
- town houses or public halls.
- kong-tău;
- fair, equitable.
- kong-kong tău-tău;
- perfectly just.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ úa thóiⁿ tîeh m̄ kong-tău;
- he acts in a way that appears to me to bo unfair.
- kong-cìaⁿ kâi hieⁿ sin;
- upright village elders.
- cèng nâng lâi kong lí;
- all came to make a fair settlement.
- tăi-ke àiⁿ kong-kṳ́ tī-tîang?
- Whom do you all want to put forward as a candidate?
- kong-ciak;
- a duke.
- kong îa;
- my lord, the duke.
- kong cṳ́;
- a young gentleman; officers, gentlemen.
- sío kong-cṳ́;
- a wild young gentleman.
- hua-hua kong-cṳ́;
- a young spendthrift.
- tōa siang kong;
- a term used in addressing a clerk in a yamun or a large house.
- kong cú;
- the emperor’s daughter.
- i sĭ kong ke cò̤-pû cîah a sĭ pun khui cîah?
- Do the whole family take their meals together, or do they eat separately?
- a-kong;
- a grandfather.
- thài kong;
- great grandfather.
- gūa kong;
- maternal grandfather.
- kong má;
- grandparents.
- hŏng có-kong; pài có-kong;
- worship of ancestors.
- kong có tăi-jîn;
- the Prefect.
- nŏ̤ kong phûa hûa căi;
- the old couple agree very well.
- cía sĭ kong băng;
- this is a public fund.
- i sai-khih nâng kâi kong cîⁿ;
- he embezzles the public funds.
- hùi tīo kong mûeh;
- waste the public property.
- hak ke cêk cho̤h kong ngîap;
- buy some more public property.
- tì-chàng ke ho̤h cōi kong châng kong phò;
- buy in ever so many more fields and shops to be used in common.
- kong sim;
- public spirited.
- kong phêng;
- just; equitable.
- kong phêng kau-êk;
- a fair bargain.
- kong bŭ hŵn căi;
- public business of many kinds.
- kong tn̂g;
- a public hall.
- kong tī;
- a common.
- cêk jī jîp kong mn̂g, káu gû thoa m̄ chut;
- when a complaint is once entered at the yamun, nine oxen cannot draw it out.
- péng kong phōiⁿ sṳ̄;
- adjudicate in accordance with equity.
- soiⁿ kong, ău sai;
- public interests before private business.
- sĭ kong hun, a sĭ pêh thô?
- Is it the best quality of opium, or the worst?
- 攻kong461663
- To attack; to assault; to fight with; to set to work at; to apply to; to rouse by reproving.
- kong-phah i kâi tī-hng;
- attacked their country.
- cèng nâng kong-khek cêk nâng;
- they all set upon him.
- kong sîaⁿ;
- assault a citadel.
- jît mêⁿ kong cṳ;
- study hard day and night.
- íⁿ tâk kong tâk;
- use poison as an antidote for