dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- 瞑khoih60010910
- The eyes closed so as not to perceive.
- hṳ̂ sí, mâk m̄ khoih;
- dead fish do not have their eyes shut.
- i hìeⁿ cá cū khṳ̀ sí-khoih;
- he is thus early abed and asleep; he has his eyes shut as if he were dead.
- 夾khoih356374
- Hard pressed between two; violently pressed upon.
- chíu khoih tîeh;
- got his hand pinched.
- m̄-hó̤ khṳt mn̂g khoih tîeh;
- do not get pinched in the door.
- khoih kàu hueh lāu;
- pinched so as to bring the blood.
- khoih phìu phûe;
- pinched as to abrade the skin.
- màiⁿ sie khoih tîeh;
- do not crowd upon each other.
- khoih bih;
- flattened by violent pressure.
- khoih kaⁿ-ná;
- pressed olives.
- khoih bûe pó;
- dried pressed plums.
- ká cìa sĭ khoih i kâi cap chut lâi;
- to press sugar-cane is to squeeze out its juices.
- khoih tīo i kâi siap cap;
- express its acrid juice.
- 莢khoih3561407
- The pods of leguminous plants.
- tāu khoih;
- bean-pods.
- kin-nî kâi tāu hó̤ căi, khoih nĕ pá-pá;
- the beans are very fine this year, the pods are quite full.
- tāu-khoih-khak phâk ta lío hó̤ hîaⁿ húe;
- pea-pods when dried in the sun are good for fuel.
- bói pé tn̂g-khoih-tāu;
- buy a handful of string beans.
- hô̤-lang tāu àiⁿ pêh jîn chá a sĭ kàu khoih chá?
- Do you want the French beans shelled before frying, or fried in the pod?
- 輕khôih4071597
- Gentle; lightly; gently.
- i cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to sĭ khin kha khôih chíu, cṳ̆-sòi căi;
- he does everything very gently, and is exceedingly careful.
- cía tîeh khin kha khôih chíu cìaⁿ hó̤ cò̤;
- this can only be done by one who is very gentle and careful.
- cía sĭ sòi-síe kâi mûeh, cē m̄ khin kha khôih chíu cū mûeh tīo khṳ̀;
- this is a delicate thing, and any rough handling will spoil it.
- 咯khok553306
- To clear the throat.
- khok ŭ hueh chut lâi;
- spat blood.
- i cē khok-cē-kìe i cū cai;
- as soon as he made the sound of clearing his throat he understood (the signal agreed upon).
- 柝khok915755
- A board with a hole and short handle, used by watchmen to strike the hours.
- khà khok, tńg jī khok a būe?
- Has the watchmen sounded the second watch yet?
- úa thiaⁿ-kìⁿ saⁿ khok hŵn-lío būe ût;
- I had not yet been asleep when the third watch struck.
- lṳ́ tīam-
tīam thiaⁿ thóiⁿ khà kúi khok;
- you listen intently and see how many raps there are on the watchman's board.
- 酷khok4561647
- Inhuman; tyrannical.
- cí kâi kuaⁿ tham khok;
- this ofiicer is avaricious and tyrannical.
- khok-ngîak;
- inhuman.
- hêng-huap chám-khok;
- the punishment is cruelly severe.
- 觳觫khok-sok823
- To start, to tremble, as an ox at the sight of a lion.
- kàu àiⁿ lîah khṳ̀ phōiⁿ cŭe, thóiⁿ tîeh kâi īeⁿ cū khok-sok;
- when he was to be seized and taken to trial, he appeared dreadfully frightened.
- kiaⁿ kàu khok-khok sok-sok;
- livid with fear.
- 空khong4641163
- Void; vacant.
- khong-khong jû;
- entirely empty.
- pue tŏ̤ khong tang;
- soar in the heavens.
- kiaⁿ kàu i kâi hûn pue tŏ̤ pùaⁿ khong tèng;
- so frightened that he lost all presence of mind.
- phêng khong bô̤ kù, cò̤-nî phah i?
- Having no reason for so doing, why did you strike him?
- phah khong khûn kâi sṳ̄ o̤h cò̤;
- fighting empty handed is hard work.
- chíeⁿ kàu khong-khong;
- seized and carried off everything that was there.
- khong mn̂g;
- the abstracted class, Buddhist priests.
- 倥侗khong-thong465
- Rude; doltish; clownish.
- i sui sĭ cìeⁿ tōa hŵn-lío mih sṳ̄ khong-khong thông-thông;
- although he is large, he is still very awkward and ignorant.
- 孔khóng465391
- An orifice; great.
- khóng-chieh khui phîn;
- the peacock spreads its tail.
- i kâi mâk-khóng khuah căi;
- his eyes are very large.
- i ŭ thâk khóng-cṳ́ cṳ a bô̤?
- Has he read Confucius?
- i khṳ̀ chūe khóng huang hiaⁿ;
- he has gone in search of the brother with the square hole, i.e. cash.
- phah kàu i chit khóng lâu hueh;
- beat him till the blood ran from the seven orifices of his head.
- khì kàu i chit khóng chut in;
- so angry that smoke issued from all the orifices of his head.
- i kâi mīn chit khóng seⁿ cò̤ cêk phóng;
- his features are all huddled together.
- 控khòng465648
- To accuse; to inform the rulers.
- khṳ̀ kuaⁿ-hú kò̤ khòng-kò̤;
- go before the magistrate and accuse him.
- cía sǹg sĭ bû khòng i;
- this is probably a false charge against him.
- niap-khòng;
- to trump up a charge against.
- tī-hng kuaⁿ tẁn m̄ tît, ciang-lâi tîeh tì-kàu