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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/341

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


if the local magistrate does not decide the case rightly, it must in the future be appealed to a higher court.
àiⁿ sĭang-khòng tîeh îu cí ĕ cêk câng cêk câng khòng khí khṳ̀, put lêng hó̤ wt-khòng;
in appealing, one must carry the case step by step from the lower to the higher courts, one cannot appeal directly to the high officers.
  • khòng4641163
  • Unoccupied; vacant; empty; void.
bô̤ kâi sî-hāu ŏi tit khòng;
have no time unemployed.
i sái khui khòng jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n;
expended a large amount of money.
khò-pâng kâi ngṳ̂n khṳt i sái khui-khòng khṳ̀;
the treasury was emptied by him.
khṳt i sái khòng saⁿ sì chng-ngâu chek;
he used up three or four bins of paddy, from the public granary.
  • khòng6511304
  • A big forehead.
lâi thóiⁿ kâi a-khòng-thâu;
come and see the jester.
i seⁿ lâi sĭ a-khòng;
he is a natural clown.
seⁿ lâi thâu khòng-khòng;
is big headed, like one who has the rickets.
  • khòng1146424
  • Stupid; doltish; simple.
i kâi nâng, thóiⁿ tîeh khòng-khì khòng-khì;
he appears to be but half witted.
very stupid.
i khòng căi;
he is very dull.


  • kho̤2151405
  • To annoy by interfering; to molest needlessly; to vex by criticism.
i mih sṳ̄ kho̤-khek căi;
he is very exacting about everything.
i kẃn-thăi nâng to sĭ kho̤-kho̤ khek-khek;
he treats people with needless severity.
hŭam sṳ̄ to m̄ hó̤ kho̤ khîu;
whatever be the subject, it is not well to tire people by repeated petitions.
kho-cèng méⁿ i hóⁿ;
an inquisitive government is more savage than a tiger.
  • kho̤423755
  • A large branch; a helve; a handle.
chéⁿ khí lâi io sĭ lâm-kho̤ cêk māng;
I awoke and behold it was a dream.
hŵn lâu cun kè lâi cip kho̤;
will still trouble Your Excellency to act as middle-man.
  • kho̤4891679
  • A skillet; a saucepan.
kun côiⁿ kâi tâng kho̤, jît kùa hó̤ cṳ́ pn̄g, mêⁿ-kùa hó̤ khà keⁿ, cêk mûeh cò̤ nŏ̤ mûeh ēng;
the soldier's brass kettle may be used in the day time for cooking rice, and in the night for sounding the watch, one article answering two purposes.

  • kho̤489620
  • A javelin.
kang kho̤;
shields and spears.
kang-kho̤ sì khí;
civil war ensued.
tŏng khang-kho̤;
begin war.
an astringent nut, used for the toothache, and other ailments.
tîeh ēng kho̤-cí, sìa cìaⁿ ŏi tit cŭ;
must take this nut, and then the purging will cease.
  • kho̤215305
  • The sound of laughter.
chìe kàu kho̤-kho̤-kìe, chìe ho̤-ho̤;
to laugh boisterously.
  • khó̤425302
  • May; able; proper; competent.
khó̤ ù;
khó̤ hṳ̆n;
khó̤ náu;
khó̤ ùi;
khó̤ kèng;
khó̤ chìe;
khó̤ sieh;
to compassionate.
khó̤-íⁿ cò̤ tit;
it will do; it may be done.
sît-căi khó̤-lîen;
it is indeed pitiable.
sĭm sĭ khó̤-ù;
it is very disgusting.
cí kâi nâng cin-cin khó̤ ù;
this man is truly despicable.
hui tâng sío khó̤;
it is by no means a little thing.
m̄ sĭ síe khó̤ kâi sṳ̄;
it is no trifling matter.
úa li bô̤ khó̤ bô̤ put khó̤;
it does not matter to me which way it is.
úa thóiⁿ li khó̤-íⁿ put pit;
I do not consider it to be absolutely necessary.
khó̤ hóⁿ li hûe sìn;
whether so or not send a written reply.
put khó̤;
ŭ put khó̤, bô̤ put khó̤;
whether you do or not is not of much consequence.
  • khó̤220858
  • To dry up; to run out; to ebb.
cúi khó̤ a būe?
Is the tide falling yet?
cúi khí-thâu khó̤;
the tide has begun to ebb.
khó̤ kàu tah-tah;
ebb so as to leave the ground bare.
lâu tōa a lâu khó̤?
Is the tide rising or falling?
khó̤ kàu ta lío;
it is all run out.
khó̤ būe lī;
not yet run dry.
khó̤ ku-ā chieh lío;
it has abated by several feet in height.
tĭⁿ lâu a sĭ khó̤ lâu?
Is it flood tide or ebb tide?
sîn kàm cíu, cíu tŏ̤ cíu-ceng tói ŏi tĭⁿ ŏi khó̤;
when the gods partake of the wine, the wine rises and falls in the cup.
  • khó̤425325
  • Unfortunate; not getting on.
a valetudinarian; one always in trouble; a ne'er-do-well.
i cí kúi nî khám-khám khó̤-khó̤, bô̤ cêk nî sŭn;
he has for several years been very unfortunate, without a single year of prosperity.
  • khó̤4251818
  • A classifier of small round objects.
i tit tîeh cêk khó̤ mêⁿ mêng cu;
he gained a a gem that sparkles in the dark.