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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/342

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • khò̤4891678
  • Bullion; paper representing bullion.
bói cho̤h ngṳ̂n-cúa lâi cih khò̤;
buy some gilt paper and fold it so as to represent bullion.
a small ingot with a coil on its top.


  • kho̤h429309
  • To cough in order to get something out of the throat.
jw̆n kho̤h, kho̤h m̄ chut;
however much I cough, I can't cough it up.
  • khô̤h4051012
  • Solicitous lest a thing miscarry; cautious; fearful.
cék kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khô̤h-khô̤h-sih;
is very solicitous about this matter.
kiaⁿ kàu khô̤h-khô̤h-sih;
in an agony of fear.


  • khu44318711
  • To drive on; to urge; to force; to lash on.
khu sîaⁿ tôk mût;
to dispel noxious influences.
tī-tîang khu-sái lṳ́ lâi?
Who urged you into coming?
khu piaⁿ côiⁿ-cìn;
urge the troops forward.
khu kàu i m̄ káⁿ lâi;
worked upon his fears so that he did not come.
i ŏi khu sîn hîah kúi;
he can animate the gods, and detain the demons.
khu cêk kâi kúi chut lâi teng-tùe;
forced a demon to come out and attend upon him.
khu huang;
expel the wind.
khu sip;
expel bad humors.
  • khu416325
  • A classifier of parcels of land.
cêk khu châng;
a field.
cí cêk khu hn̂g cū khuah;
this garden plot is wide.
cí khu tī tǹg nâng ŭ nŏ̤ saⁿ khu khuah;
this piece of ground is three or four times as wide as theirs.
in cí-kò̤ kâi chang-khu ío ôih;
their fields here are narrower.
kek piah khu;
the adjoining lot.
i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ teh kha-khu;
the two are playing draughts.
  • khu438645
  • To restrain; to moderate; bigoted; to grasp so as to detain.
put khu ke cíe to hó̤;
whether more or less is no matter.
m̄ khu tōa sòi úa lóng-cóng àiⁿ;
whether large or small I want all of them.
míen khu tīaⁿ tī cêk jît;
need not fix any particular day.
màiⁿ khu lói-sìo;
do not be formal.
i kâi nâng khah khu-cip;
he is too set in his own way.
cò̤ sṳ̄ khah khu-nĭ;
acts too willfully.
cē bô̤ nâng khu-sok cū thèng cò̤;
whenever be is without some one to restain him he acts recklessly.
thek che khu kìu;
send constables to seize and examine.

  • khu44315811
  • The body, the person.
i kâi sin-khu ío kûiⁿ-tōa;
he is rather tall and stout.
i kâi sin-khu ío ói sòi;
he is rather short and small.
  • khu442239
  • To assign a place for.
úa cṳ̆ ŭ khu-chú;
I have a good plan for it.
khu-pîet mêng-pêh;
discriminate clearly.
  • khû102115712
  • To sit on the heels; to squat.
khû lô̤h khṳ̀, tô̤h khí lâi;
squat down and pick it up.
i khû tó̤ hṳ́-kò̤, táng i;
he is squatting there waiting for him.
  • khŭ4141340
  • A mortar; a socket.
cía bí sĭ ceng hue khŭ kâi a sĭ ceng cîeh khŭ kâi;
was this rice pounded in a chunan mortar or in a stone mortar?
khŭ sói cheng-khih lío khṳt i lā: ùaⁿ cē àiⁿ ceng kùe;
wash the mortar clean and let it dry in the air: after a little while I am going to pound up the ingredients for a cake.
a small mortar.
a mortar for triturating medicines.
ci kâi mn̂g-kha-khŭ tîeh ūaⁿ;
the socket in which this door turns must be renewed.
hṳ́ ki khŭ-kíaⁿ-thûi m̄-kìⁿ-khṳ̀;
the pestle to this little mortar is missing.
kha kut pûah chut khŭ;
he fell and dislocated his thigh bone.
i kâi chíu cò̤-nî ŏi chut khŭ?
How did he dislocate his shoulder joint?
nín cêk jît sio ŭ jîeh cōi khŭ bí?
How many mortars full of rice do you consume in a day?
thang-îu-hue khŭ;
a mortar used in making putty.
sṳ̄ to m̄ kui khŭ;
the matter does not take a manageable shape.
cí kâi tûi m̄ kah cí kâi khŭ;
this pounder does not fit this mortar.
cò̤ cêk khŭ khah tĭⁿ, tîeh cò̤ nŏ̤ khŭ ceng;
there is too much for one pounding, you must make two of it.
mn̂g-tŏiⁿ khŭ;
sockets in a doorsill, for bars to stand in.


  • khua4681496
  • To boast; to brag; conceited.
mih sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ khah cṳ̆ khua;
one should not laud himself too much in anything.
i khua-cìang i kàu cìaⁿ ŏi;
he extoled his being so upright and able.
ūe tàⁿ chut lâi khah khua;
the style in which he talks is too grandiloquent.
úa thiaⁿ tîeh i kâi ūe khiam-khua khiam-khua nē;
I thought his manner of speaking both modest and self-respectful.