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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/348

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ ngŏ̤ i m̄ tîeh;

I have divined, and have thus gotten an omen denoting absence, so I fear that on going there I shall not find him.
  • khui3081694
  • To open; to unfold ; to unloose; to particularize ; to initiate; to start.
khui mn̂g;
open the door.
khui cûn;
to loose the boat from moorings and start.
lî m̄ khui sin;
could not get away (on account of business).
i būe pat khui kùe ngán;
he has not yet got his eyes open; he has not had experience.
cí kâi ngán sîn khui lâi hó̤ căi;
these eyes (of an idol) are made so as to be very expressive.
khui nî cū ŭ;
in the beginning of the year there are some.
khui cêk tîo lō;
make a road.
khui hue;
to blossom.
lâi khṳ̀ khui sim khui sim cē;
let us go and divert ourselves somewhat.
khui māng lō;
to clear the way for a spirit.
khui lō sien hong;
to lead the van.
lṳ́ hó̤ khui-kòi i thiaⁿ;
you explain it to him.
piⁿ thiah khui;
unbraid the queue.
sìn thiah khui;
to open a letter.
i kâi saⁿ-níu kói-khui;
unbutton his jacket.
peⁿ m̄ khui, khah siap;
I can’t pull it open, it is too tight (as a door).
cí khí keng tîeh lâk tōa hùe cìaⁿ thí tit khui;
this bow must be drawn by some one who has great strength then it can be stretched.
mâk siap căi, tìeⁿ m̄ khui;
I am so sleepy I cannot hold my eyes open.
i cò̤-nî tīam-tīam, m̄ khui chùi?
Why does he remain silent, and not open his mouth?
khĭa khui cē;
stand farther off.
mn̂g sĭ khui tŏ̤ kò̤ a sĭ kueⁿ tŏ̤ kò?
Is the door open or shut?
khui theng lâi íam;
open the window and peep out.
kha khîeh khui;
take your feet off it.
kûi i khui pàng kò̤ lā, màiⁿ khàm;
leave it open to the air, and do not put a cover over it.
mn̂g pàng i khui pàng kò̤ cū hó̤, màiⁿ kueⁿ;
leave the door open, do not close it.
tìeⁿ tîeh tōa hṳ̂ tîeh pàng i khui lío cìaⁿ chîu i bûa;
when you catch a large fish on your hook, let him run off and afterward draw him in.
peh khui;
break open with the fingers.
khà i khui;
open it by rapping it.
cí kâi só̤-thâu cò̤-nî khui m̄ khui?
What is the reason that this lock will not unlock?
khui só̤-thâu;
unlock a lock.
pò-tō̤ chùi tîeh thé i khui, cìaⁿ jîh tit lô̤h;
you must stretch open the mouth of the wallet, then you can stuff them in.
léng khui;
push open.
pôih khui;
pull open.
buah khui;
shove aside.
cáu khui;
run off.
hàm i cáu khui;
tell him to stand aside.
kìe i kîaⁿ khui cē;
tell him to go further off.
khui mîaⁿ;
make out a list of names.
phah m̄ khui sin;
does not box hard enough to drive away the sand bag.
khui toaⁿ;
make out an order 
sìo khṳt
i khui tāⁿ khṳ̀;
the bill was made out wrongly by him.
khui heng saⁿ;
a jacket open in front.
lṳ́ hó̤ khui tău i thiaⁿ;
you give him directions as to the way.
lí m̄ khui;
cannot manage it.
tâng khui thiⁿ tī íⁿ lâi;
since the creation of the world.
cṳ̄ khui thiⁿ-tī kàu taⁿ;
from the creation till now.
hûn khui kìⁿ jît;
there is a rift in the clouds and the sun appears.
khui hâng;
open a warehouse.
khui phò;
keep a shop.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ m̄ khui kau;
be keeps talking about it.
sìⁿ thí khui lío cò̤-nî hâp m̄ bûa?
Why is it that I cannot shut the fan after opening it?
  • khui48614111
  • Lacking; a deficiency; a grievance; to injure; to annoy.
bŏi khui-khìam cêk kĭaⁿ;
lacks nothing.
seⁿ-phêng bô cò̤ khui sim sṳ̄, mêⁿ-kùa phah mn̂g ua m̄ kiaⁿ;
in all my life I have never done a dishonest act, and when any one knocks at the door in the night, I am not afraid.
cía khah khui tîeh lṳ́;
this is putting you to too much trouble.
mih-sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ khui nâng;
do not trouble other people about anything whatever.
úa bô̤ khui lṳ́;
I have done you no harm.
líang ke a sĭ khéng cîah khui, sṳ̄ cū tît, bô̤ năi cêk pôiⁿ khéng sĭu khui, cêk pôiⁿ m̄ khéng sĭu khui;
if each would take back what he said, the matter could be settled, but nothing can be done so long as one party will own his mistake and the other will not.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sǹg sĭ khui-hŭ tîeh i;
this is treating him ungratefully.
úa mih sṳ̄ m̄ khui nâng;
I never injure anybody.
chŵn bŏi khui-sún tîeh;
received no injury whatever.
seng-lí cò̤ khṳ̀ khui pńg;
lost capital in the business.
úa sui-sĭ àiⁿ bói pĭⁿ, īa bô̤ àiⁿ khui tîeh lṳ́ kâi pńg;
although I wish to buy it cheap, I do not want to have you lose on it.
i cí jīm kuaⁿ cò̤ khui-khòng ŭ cêk bw̄n ngṳ̂n;
he drew on his own funds to the extent of ten thousand dollars, in fulfilling the duties of his office.
seng-lí cò̤ khṳ̀ khui-khòng;
lost in business.
  • khúi488649
  • To consider; to guess; to calculate.
to weigh in the mind; to examine and conclude.
câng chêng-lí lâi khúi-tâk;
determine it in accordance with just principles of action.
hŭam sṳ̄ to tîeh khúi-tâk chêng-lí;
in all things the correct principles of action must be considered.
  • khúi4831592
  • An orbit; a rut; a path; a law.
put khúi;
unconformable; aberant; irregular.
i cò̤ nî káⁿ mông-ûi put khúi;
how dare he scheme for what is treasonable?