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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/349

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • khúi4831496
  • To deceive; to cheat; to defraud; malicious.
cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ khúi-khúi khiet-khiet;
acts in a very crafty way.
i kâi khúi kòi to̤ twn;
he is full of schemes and tricks.
  • khùi348846
  • The breath; animal vigor; the seasons.
to sigh; to breathe; to draw a long breath.
hip kàu i bŏi tháu-khùi;
shut in so closely that he cannot breathe.
pàng cêk kò̤ khṳt i tháu-khùi;
leave a place for him to breathe through.
khùi tháu-chut tháu-jîp;
khip khùi;
draw in the breath.
m̄ káⁿ tháu-khùi;
dared not breathe.
khah kìm khùi;
too little space to breathe in.
tn̆g khùi;
cease to breathe.
thiaⁿ tîeh cn̂g kâi bô̤ khùi-sip, so̤h cò̤ bô̤ nâng tŏ̤;
I could not hear the slightest sound, and supposed there was no one there.
bô̤ kúi ē kâi khùi cū chẃn m̄ lī;
after a few strokes was out of breath.
màiⁿ thó̤ khùi khṳt nâng sĭu;
do not exact all that is due from people.
hău-seⁿ-kíaⁿ ŭ khùi-lâk, mih sṳ̄ to hó̤ cò̤;
young people are vigorous and can do anything.
m̄ pí hía bô̤ khùi-lâk hùe;
it is not the same with them as with those who have no physical strength.
coih khùi;
the seasons.
tîeh chut khùi chut lâk cìaⁿ cò̤ tit sêng;
you must exert yourself, then you will accomplish it.
cêk khùi-thâu kîaⁿ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ khṳ̀;
walked there at one breath.
  • khùi3493013
  • Vessels; utensils.
kim khùi, ngṳ̂n khùi, gêk khùi, siah khùi;
gold, silver, jade, and pewter vessels.
jîo khùi úaⁿ;
porcelain bowls.
  • khùi339395
  • A quarter of a year; the end of a time or the close of a period.
cêk nî hun cò̤ sì khùi;
the year is divided into four seasons.
cêk khùi saⁿ kâi gûeh;
each season includes three months.
thiⁿ-sî cē jûah chun-khùi kâi hôk-sek cū ūaⁿ cò̤ hē khùi kâi;
as soon as the weather becomes warm, spring garments are exchanged for summer ones.
thiⁿ-sî cē chìn, chiu-khùi kâi hôk-sek cū khǹg-khí, khîeh tang-khùi kâi hôk-sek lâi chēng;
when the weather becomes cold autumn garments are put away, and winter ones are taken out and worn.
tī-tiang-sî ūaⁿ khùi?
When does the official change of court dress occur?
lṳ́ sĭ m̄ cai ūaⁿ khùi, hēⁿ? íⁿ-keng ūaⁿ khùi nŏ̤ saⁿ jît ló;
you did not know that the change of court dresses had taken place did you? It took place two or three days ago.
nín cía phò-
co cò̤ jîeh cōi khùi kùe?
In how many installments is the annual rent of this shop paid?
côiⁿ sĭ cò̤ nŏ̤ khùi kùe, cí kúi nî le sĭ cò̤ saⁿ khùi kùe;
formerly it was paid twice a year, but of late years it is paid once in four months.
cĭeⁿ khùi hâⁿ būe cheng-chó̤;
the first installment is not paid in full.
jûah khùi;
the hot season.
cêk nî sì khùi kúe-cí, tī cêk khùi kâi kúe-cí hó̤?
Of the fruits of the four seasons, which season has the best?
  • khûi4871409
  • The sun-flower; malvaceous plants.
khûi-hue hìang jît;
the sun-flower turns toward the sun.
tang-khûi cí;
seeds of the Hibiscus.
pû-khûi sìⁿ;
a fan made from a certain large leaf.
a mat made of leaves.
  • khûi488649
  • To examine and conclude.
a general supervisor.
hṳ́ hṳ̂e sĭ tó̤ cò̤ peh-khûi;
was at that time acting as general supervisor.
  • khŭi4846110
  • Abashed; ashamed; disconcerted.
thóiⁿ tîeh ka-kī cṳ̆ khŭi;
when he saw it he was ashamed of himself.
mn̄g sim ŭ khŭi cū bô̤ táⁿ;
being conscience stricken he had no courage.
mn̄g sim bô̤ khŭi cū míen kiaⁿ;
if unconscious of guilt one need not be afraid.
sim lăi sĭeⁿ tîeh châm-khŭi;
felt remorseful when thinking of it.
siu khŭi múaⁿ mīn;
i ka-kī cn̂g kâi m̄ cai châm-khŭi;
he is wholly destitute of a sense of shame.


  • khun4941958
  • A sea-monster, like a kraken or sea-serpent.
pak hái tèng ŭ īeⁿ khun-hṳ̂ tōa căi, ŏi pien cò̤ tōa phâng-cío;
in the northern seas there is a species of sea-monster that changes into a roc.
khun phêng pìen-hùe;
the transformations of the leviathan into the roc.
  • khun495325
  • What is inferior and should be obedient; the eighth diagram.
khun cău;
a girl’s horoscope.
seⁿ tîeh kíaⁿ ŭ khîen-khun cò̤ pĕ-bó̤ cṳ thí-mīn;
a son of remarkable talent is the distinction of his parents.
  • khún4961697
  • A gateway; inner apartments.
i hīn-khek tó̤ cò̤ to-khún-hú;
he is now acting as commander of the garrison.
màiⁿ tàⁿ nâng kui khún kâi àm-cĕⁿ sṳ̄;
do not talk about what people do when they have returned to the inner apartments.