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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/353

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

  • khṳ̂n4031404
  • Celery, parsley, and similar plants.
iam khṳ̂n-chài;
put dressing upon celery.
  • khṳ̂n420315
  • A stack; to stack np; to pile.
khṳ̂n kàu cêk koiⁿ chek tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
heaped full of paddy.
cí cêk khṳ̂n cháu tōa khṳ̂n căi;
this stack of weeds is a big one.
thiaⁿ piⁿ khṳ̂n cêk khṳ̂n hun-kuah;
on one side of the main room a pile of sweet potatoes was piled.
cêk khṳ̂n tāu-khoih;
a pile of pea-pods.


  • khṳt39552
  • To beg; to ask alms; to intreat humbly.
khṳt cîah;
to beg for food.
cêk khûn khṳt-kài lâi khṳt cîⁿ;
a swarm of medicants came asking alms.
în koi khîu-khṳt;
to beg in the streets.
hôk khṳt ṳn cún;
prostrate one's self and humbly beg for mercy.
chit sek khṳt khá;
on the seventh night of the seventh month beg the weaver goddess for skill in needlework.
  • khṳt3931206
  • To allow one the opportunity; to give; to afford.
khṳt úa lâi khùi;
let me go.
cŏ̤ khṳ̀ cē, kò̤ khṳt úa cŏ̤;
sit along a little and make room for me.
àiⁿ khîeh khṳt i a m̄?
Are you going to give it to him or not?
màiⁿ khṳt i jîp lâi;
do not let him come in.
khṳt i khṳ̀ sĭeⁿ cē;
let him go and think it over.
sĭ úa chin chíu khîeh khṳt i kâi;
it is the one I gave him with my own hand.
àiⁿ sàng khṳt tīa-tîang?
To whom are you going to give it?
i m̄ hàuⁿ khṳt úa thóiⁿ;
he will not let me see it.
hàm i tîeh khṳt úa thóiⁿ kàu hâh ì, cìaⁿ àiⁿ;
tell him he must let me look at it till I am satisfied that it suits me, then I will take it.
i bô̤ khṳt úa cai;
he did not let me know.
khṳt i chì-thóiⁿ hó̤ mē;
let him try it and see if it is good.
lṳ́ taⁿ hó̤ khṳt úa khṳ̀, ē jît úa cū lâi;
let me go now and I will come another day.
  • khṳ̂t4467512
  • A stake; a stanchion; a peg.
tèng cêk ki khṳ̂t;
drive a stake.
ceng-seⁿ khṳ̀ pâk pàng hṳ́ khṳ̂t kò̤;
go and tether the animal to that stake.
cí ki khṳ̂t khah sòi ki m̄ hó̤ pâk;
this post is too small to tie to.
tèng ki khṳ̂t tŏ̤ toi-kha hó̤ pâk cûn;
drive a stake in the bank to fasten the boat to.
chîeⁿ-tèng tèng ki khṳ̂t hó̤ pák mûeh;
drive a large peg in the wall to fasten things to.


  • khwn4774012
  • Ample; clement; to forgive; to bear with; to indulge; lax.
i kâi nâng khwn-hông tăi-lĭang;
he is a very easy tempered and liberal minded man.
chíaⁿ khwn-îong i;
I beg you to bear with him.
tī-hng khwn-khuah căi;
the space is ample for the purpose.
chíaⁿ khwn i cêk chṳ̀;
please let him off this once.
chù lăi khwn-khwn khuah-khuah, sûi lṳ́ khĭa khí;
the house is roomy, abide wherever you please in it.
khwn-ĭu i kâi cŭe;
overlook his fault.
i kâi ce kui khah khwn;
the discipline of the school is too lax.
i kâi sèⁿ-chêng sĭm sĭ khwn-hûa;
his disposition is very forgiving.
i kâi kui-kṳ́ cū hó̤, īu bŏi kùe ngîam, īu bŏi kùe khwn;
their rules are just right, being neither too strict nor too lenient.
cang khwn-sù lâi thăi nâng;
treat people with clemency.
i ā-sĭ mó̤, úa cū bô̤ khwn-îong i;
if he is bad, I shall not be lenient toward him.
khwn hăng ke câp jit;
allow ten days beyond the time alloted.
  • khwn451818
  • An enclosure; a large circle.
kîaⁿ cêk tōa khwn;
walked a long distance around.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū lô̤h i kâi khwn-thàu;
thus fell into his snare.
tīa kîⁿ cêk khwn lóng-cóng àiⁿ kit cò̤ cîeh kâi;
the enclosure is to be built wholly of stones.
ûi cêk tōa khwn nâng, tó̤ thói;
a great circle of spectators stood around.
  • khẃn4221812
  • The largest of Chinese land measures, equal to a hundred Chinese acres.
châng īa bw̄n khẃn;
a vast extent of arrable land.
i kâi châng-bn̂g bw̄n khẃn;
he owns an immeasurable stretch of land.
  • khẃn477767
  • Kind, sort; a style or fashion; inscriptions, such as are on jars, showing the date of manufacture; a proof stamp.
àiⁿ tī cêk khẃn kâi?
Which sort do you want?
úa àiⁿ cí khẃn, hṳ́ khẃn úa màiⁿ;
I want this sort, not that.
cìeⁿ cōi khẃn sûi lṳ́ thóiⁿ;
of these many sorts, whichever you see fit.
tī cêk khẃn ío hâh sî?
Which sort is the more suitable for the occasion?
kak khẃn m̄ sie tâng;
each kind is different from all the others.
mih sṳ̄ to ŭ kâi khẃn sek;
there is a fixed style for doing everything.
lṳ́ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤ bô̤ khẃn bô̤ sek, khṳt nâng chìe;
in doing it thus, not in accordance with any established fashion, you will be laughed at.
bô̤ khẃn căi;
not after any known pattern.
sît-căi kah khẃn to bô̤;
really of no style at all.
chŵn bô̤ kâi