- do not impose upon each other.
- khṳt i lîah khṳ̀;
- was seized by him.
- pun i ín-íu khṳ̀;
- was misled by him.
- khṳ̀ hwn pôiⁿ;
- go to foreign parts.
- tàⁿ lâi tàⁿ khṳ̀;
- to debate about.
- lṳ́ àiⁿ khṳ̀ jîeh hn̆g?
- How far are you going?
- i khṳ̀ kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú?
- How long is it since he went?
- i khṳ̀ nî cìaⁿ lâi;
- he came the past year.
- sueh m̄ khṳ̀;
- cannot explain it.
- i íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ sì lío;
- he has shuffled off this mortal coil.
- sía m̄ khṳ̀;
- cannot cast it off.
- sói m̄ khṳ̀;
- cannot wash it out.
- cìeⁿ-sî cîah m̄ khṳ̀;
- could not eat.
- cē khṳ̀ cū jîeh kú;
- when gone, how long you stay.
- cí kâi jī sĭ khṳ̀ siaⁿ a sĭang siaⁿ?
- Is this word in the departing tone or in the high tone?
- lṳ́ khṳ̀ kìⁿ i;
- you go and see him.
- khṳ̀ thóiⁿ i cò̤-nî;
- go and see what is the matter with him.
- i m̄ cêng-khṳ̀;
- he has not gone.
- i būe cêng khṳ̀;
- he has not yet gone.
- khṳt i cáu khṳ̀;
- let him run off.
- i pue khṳ̀ lío;
- it has flown away.
- i cáu khṳ̀ tī-kò̤ tìam?
- Where has he hidden?
- i lêng cai kùe-khṳ̀, būe-lâi kâi sṳ̄;
- he knows the past and the future.
- bŏi, cìeⁿ-seⁿ kùe tit khṳ̀;
- no matter, that will do as it is.
- sîap-lāu khṳ̀;
- oozed out.
- màiⁿ khṳ̀ thăng i;
- do not touch it.
- hàm i chut khṳ̀;
- tell him to go out.
- tńg khṳ̀ chù;
- return home.
- cûn íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ hn̆g;
- the boat has already gone a long way.
- pung huang chue khù;
- blown away by the wind.
- khṳt i mûeh tīo khù;
- has spoiled it.
- cúi-kau sak khù;
- the drain is obstructed.
- lṳ́ a sĭ khṳ̀ úa cū mín;
- if you go I need not.
- cĭeⁿ khṳ̀;
- ascend.
- lô̤h khṳ̀;
- descend.
- thn̄g lô̤h khṳ̀, m̄ căi;
- cannot touch bottom by reaching down with a pole.
- jîp khṳ̀ i lăi kò̤, chūe i;
- go into his private apartments in search of him.
- cûn khui khṳ̀ lío;
- the boat has started.
- i cheⁿ-mêⁿ khù;
- he has become blind.
- khṳt i tŭ lío, é khṳ̀;
- after being withstood by him, he became mute.
- lí lío kông khṳ̀;
- after settling the affair he became dazed.
- cùi lío ût khṳ̀;
- after he had become drunk he went to sleep.
- kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀;
- kneel down.
- ńng khṳ̀;
- become weak.
- chîeⁿ pit khṳ̀;
- the wall has cracked.
- saⁿ lîh khṳ̀;
- the tunic is torn.
- phùa khṳ̀;
- broken.
- màiⁿ khṳ̀ khì i;
- do not be vexed about it.
- cí kâi chō̤ tit khṳ̀;
- this will hold it.
- khṳ̀ ló! m̄ it-tit khṳ̀;
- There! I have forgotten it.
- khṳ̂-kok-ngán;
- greasy white spots seen in argelite inkstones.
- úa cí kò̤ īⁿ ŭ khṳ̂-kok-ngán kâi;
- this inkstone of mine is one that has white spots in it.
- ŭ khṳ̂-kok-ngán kâi hó̤, a sĭ ŭ cie pêh kâi hó̤?
- Which are the better, those that have white spots in them, or those that are yellowish white all over?
- 衢khṳ̂44414418
- A highway.
- cí-kò̤ sĭ thong-khṳ̂ kâi tī-hng;
- this is a public thoroughfare.
- thong-khṳ̂ tōa lō;
- a main street.
- 勤khṳ̂n4021911
- Laborious; diligent; sedulous.
- i thâk cṳ thâk kàu khṳ̂n căi;
- he studies very diligently.
- ŏi khṳ̂n khĭam kâi nâng;
- one who is industrious and frugal.
- cheng, sín, khṳ̂n, saⁿ jī: cò̤ kuaⁿ kâi nâng m̄-hó̤ khueh cêk jī;
- clean-handed, scrupulous, diligent: the magistrate must lack neither of these these characteristics.
- kang-hu khṳ̂n căi;
- sedulous, in his work.
- sĭm sĭ khṳ̂n-lân;
- is very painstaking.
- sì chṳ̀ khṳ̂n ûang kâi píaⁿ-bé lóng-cóng lâi;
- the troops, zealous in serving their prince, came from every side.
- tōa pù īu thiⁿ, síe pù īu khṳ̂n;
- great wealth comes by the will of Heaven, a competence comes through toil.
- kẃn-thăi nâng-kheh sĭm sĭ hṳn-khṳ̂n;
- in the entertainment of guests she is most attentive.
- mih sṳ̄ hṳn-hṳn khṳ̂n-khṳ̂n;
- in all things serving faithfully.
- m̄-hó̤ khah khṳ̂n, khíong-ùi sin-hūn bûa m̄ khṳ̀;
- do not toil too hard, for fear your strength is not equal to such close application.
- kṳ ke kâi nâng tîeh ŏi khṳ̂n-khĭam khak-khó;
- those who stay at home, must toil and save and endure hardship.
- theng côiⁿ khṳ̂n-khó thâk;
- sat by the window reading with painful exertion.
- 懇khṳ́n3186113
- To beg; to ask earnestly.
- khṳ́n-khîu;
- to supplicate.
- khṳ́n khîu kàu i hàuⁿ;
- importunately entreat till he consents.
- i tho̤h nâng lâi khṳ́n hûa;
- he commissioned some one to come and beg for reconciliation.
- jw̆n khṳ́n i m̄ hàuⁿ;
- however much you plead he will not consent.
- íⁿ-keng khṳ́n tît lío;
- he has begged for a settlement.
- khṳ́n ṳn sek-pàng;
- beg the favor of being set at liberty.
- 墾khṳ́n3183213
- To open new land; to commence tillage.
- khui-khṳ́n châng-tī;
- break up new soil.
- cie nàng lâi khui-khṳ́n;
- advertise for laborers in breaking new soil.
- khieⁿ-khṳ̀n;
- brogue.
- cía sĭ tī-kò̤ kâi khieⁿ-khṳ̀n?
- Of what place is this the brogue?
- thó im sĭ kak chù kak chù kâi khieⁿ-khṳ̀n;
- the local pronunciation is the manner of speaking in each particular locality.