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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/359

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • lâm540858
  • To drench; to souse; to splash.
lâm kàu cêk sin tap-tap-tih;
drenched so that he was dripping wet.
ēng kún cúi lâi lâm i nńg;
souse it with hot water to soften it.
íe cho̤h cúi lâi lâm koi;
dip out some water and scald the fowl.
lâm thâu lâm hĭⁿ cū lâm lôh khṳ̀;
pour it over him, head and ears, (as water from a shower-bath).
lâm pn̄g-ám;
drench it with rice water.
lṳ́ kâi saⁿ lâm tîeh îu;
your tunic is splashed with oil.
khṳt kún cúi lâm kàu kâi phă;
was splashed by the hot water so as to have a blister raised.
i khṳt lâ lâm kàu híam-híam sí
he came very near being scalded to death by the lard splashing over him.
  • lâm50214014
  • Blue; indigo blue.
lâm sek;
jī lâm;
navy blue.
saⁿ lâm;
dark blue.
gûeh lâm;
pale blue.
it-pín lâm;
blue black.
chùi lâm;
a greenish blue.
gêk lâm;
a bluish green.
thien lâm;
i sĭ sía tîeh lâm pńg kâi;
he is writing out essays on thin paper for the use of lazy students.
pó̤-lâm sùaⁿ;
dark blue thread.
lâm pò saⁿ;
a jacket of dark blue cotton cloth.
  • lâm6141022
  • The male of the human species; a baron; the lowest of the five ranks of nobility.
a son; a man.
lâm-cṳ́ hàng;
lâm nńg;
male and female.
lâm hŭ láu ìuⁿ;
those of both sexes and of all ages.
lâm kè;
the men folk.
thâu tho̤ sĭ seⁿ lâm a seⁿ nńg?
Was her first born a boy or a girl?
a baron.
  • lâm614247
  • South; southern; austral.
lâm hng;
the southern regions.
lâm pôiⁿ kâi tī-hng jûah;
southern countries are warm.
cí koiⁿ chù hìang lâm, hṳ́ koiⁿ sĭ cŏ̤ lâm;
this house fronts the south, that one has its back to the south.
huang-thai thàu kàu hṳ́ búe cū àiⁿ á hûe lâm;
when the typhoon has blown itself out it veers to the south.
cí lâm cam;
a magnetic needle.
lâm pâk hâng;
a warehouse where northern and southern goods are exchanged.
  • lâm10651677
  • To wash over with metal; to plate.
nâng būe sĭ lâm seⁿ-thih kâi, cong-kú tŏ̤;
men are not plated with iron that they last forever.
ío, i m̄ tîeh lâm seⁿ-thih kâi;
and moreover, he is not invulnerable.
hṳ́ tói tâng kâi, cí gūa sĭ lâm ngṳ̂n kâi;
the inside is brass, and the outside is overlaid with silver.

  • lâm502469
  • Vapor or mist.
suaⁿ-lâm cìang-khì;
malarious vapor among mountains.
nâng a sĭ chok tîeh suaⁿ-lâm cìang-khì cū àiⁿ seⁿ pēⁿ;
if people imbibe malaria they become ill.
  • lâm50217811
  • Long continued rain.
hía hŏ cheⁿ-lâm!
What torrents of rain!
hŏ tōa căi lí-kẃn lâm;
a torrent of rain pouring incessantly.
  • 襤䄛lâm-lú502
  • Ragged; shabby.
saⁿ lâm-lú;
garments shabby.
cêk sin chēng kàu lâm-lâm lú-lú;
he was clothed in rags.
  • lâm614759
  • An even grained, yellowish, fine wood, used for furniture; it grows in Kiang-si.
cìaⁿ nńg-lâm;
the real, elastic, yellow-wood.
a fragrant wood brought from Anam, and used for beads.
  • lâm502388
  • Covetous; greedy.
  • lăm5038514
  • A freshet; profuse; excessive; lawless; irregular; beyond bounds; unsettled.
cúi hùam-lăm;
the water surges.
hùam-hùam lăm-lăm chŵn bô̤ tīaⁿ keⁿ;
surging to and fro, with no fixed channel.
cò̤ kuaⁿ-hú kâi nâng m̄ hó̤ lăm hêng;
magistrates must not inflict excessive punishments.
ūe màiⁿ lăm tàⁿ, sṳ̄ màiⁿ lăm cò̤;
do not speak heedlessly, and do not act lawlessly.
heedless, lawless, careless, wanton.
ciⁿ-ngṳ̂n màiⁿ lăm ēng;
do not spend your money thoughtlessly.
màiⁿ lăm kau-chap phêng-íu;
do not heedlessly enter into friendships.
lăm pó̤;
give a security carelessly; to recommend without full knowledge.
cò̤ ŭ hìeⁿ lăm?
How could you be so heedless?


  • lang7751037
  • Wide apart; open; having interstices.
màiⁿ pâi khah lang;
do not set them too far apart.
thóiⁿ tîeh lang-lang nē;
it appears as if the spaces between were very wide.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ khah hi-lang, tîeh cò̤ bâk-câk cē;
that is too open, it must be made closer.
  • lang551305
  • A thick indurate skin on the hands and feet.
phoi kha-lang;
pare off the indurate skin on the feet.