dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- 懶láng5036116
- Lazy; remiss; disinclined to.
- láng-tŏaⁿ;
- lazy; languid.
- ciu-jît to sĭ láng-láng tŏaⁿ-tŏaⁿ, chŵn m̄ cò̤ kang-hu;
- loafs around all day and does no work.
- láng-láng tháng-tháng;
- very listless.
- 囊láng61511822
- A bag; a sack.
- khang láug tńg-lâi;
- came back with an empty bag.
- sieⁿ láng;
- a haversack.
- tek láng;
- a splint bag.
- sīu cò̤ cêk láng;
- kept them and put them all into one bag.
- 牝láng697932
- The female of beasts.
- tṳ láng;
- a young sow.
- sĭ ko a sĭ láng;
- is it male or female?
- ngio láng;
- a female kitten.
- gû-láng;
- a heifer.
- 空làng4641163
- An interim; to leave a space between; an interstice; to omit a portion.
- làng kúi kâi jī;
- left out several letters.
- làng saⁿ kâi;
- omit three.
- làng cêk hîeh lío cìaⁿ hó̤ sía;
- leave one blank page and then write.
- mn̂g ĕ àiⁿ làng jîeh kûiⁿ?
- How wide a space is to be left at the bottom of the door?
- tìn-tang làng ŭ kò̤ tī;
- an open space is left in the middle of the grounds.
- làng tīo nŏ̤ bó châng m̄ hó̤ co̤h;
- not reckoning two acres which are unfit for cultivation.
- múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ khui theng làng ò̤;
- vent holes opening in all directions.
- seⁿ lâng;
- to produce pus.
- tìeⁿ lâng;
- puffed up with pus.
- khí-thâu-ē chut cêk kóng lâng, taⁿ sĭ lâu lâng-cúi tĭaⁿ;
- at the first a hard lump of pus came out of it, and now it exudes only watery pus.
- kẁn lâng;
- bring to a head, make ripe for opening.
- līu kàu lâng-thâu chut lâi;
- squeeze out the core (of a boil).
- thie i chut lâng;
- open it and let out the pus.
- i só̤ phùi kâi sĭ lâng, m̄ sĭ thâm;
- what he expectorates is pus, not mucous.
- tâng i khṳ̀ thò lâng thò hueh, màiⁿ chái i;
- let him go and spue out his bile, and pay no attention to him.
- ko lâng;
- to form pus.
- kâm-lâng kâm-lâng;
- raw and mattery.
- 欄杆lâng-kang501
- A balustrade; a railing.
- ûi cêk têng lâng-kang;
- inclose with a railing.
- sĭ cîeh lâng-kang a sĭ châ lâng-kang?
- Has it a stone or a wooden baluster?
- lâng-kang mn̂g;
- a grated door.
- 零lâng5451735
- What exceeds a round number; a fraction; a residue; a remainder; in numeration, a cypher showing that one denomination is not used.
- lâng-chùi kâi pò;
- remnants of cloth.
- lâng-chùi kâi ngṳ̂n-níe;
- the residue of the funds.
- saⁿ níe lâng nŏ̤ hun;
- three taels, no mace and two candareens.
- choiⁿ lâng sì;
- a thousand and forty.
- peh lâng ngŏ;
- a hundred and five.
- nŏ̤ peh bô̤ lâng;
- two hundred and nothing over.
- khî-ṳ̂ kâi put kùe lâng-cheⁿ-chùi-tíam;
- the surplus consists of nothing more than a few odds and ends.
- lâng-lâng chùi-chùi jw̆n bōi;
- sell off as may chance to be possible in bits and pieces.
- lâng-ló̤;
- a little, a small quantity or a short piece.
- àiⁿ ka lâng-ló̤, i m̄ hàuⁿ;
- he is not willing to cut off a short piece for one.
- chûn lâng-ló̤ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- have only a little left.
- hâiⁿ ke lâng-ló̤ thóiⁿ i hàuⁿ mē;
- offer him a little more and see if he will consent.
- lâng-lâng ló̤-ló̤ mûeh, chìn-chái cē;
- it is a very slight thing, do not be exacting about it.
- cí hûe bô̤ làng-ló̤ ciⁿ;
- have at present scarcely any cash.
- cí hûe kău câp tíam lâng;
- it is now past ton o'clock.
- úa pàng ŭ lâng-kĭaⁿ mûeh to̤ i kò̤;
- I left a few things in his care.
- tîeh ke lâng jît cìaⁿ ŭ;
- there will be some in a few days.
- cía sǹg sĭ lâng-sang mûeh;
- this is a thing of little value.
- i ŭ lâng bōi a bò̤?
- Does he sell any at retail?
- tih lâng tíam lóh̤ khṳ̀;
- drop in a few drops.
- lâng peh cíⁿ sṳ̄, màiⁿ po̤h khah thíam;
- do not bicker too much about a matter of a few hundred cash.
- cûah ŭ lâng-lí lō;
- lacks a few miles of it.
- cêk kĭaⁿ kàu lâng kâi ngṳ̂n;
- one of them costs but a few dollars.
- lâng-lâng su-su;
- a very little.
- 難lâng61417211
- Hard; difficult; grievous; neither easy nor pleasant; seldom attained; to harass.
- lâng cò̤;
- hard to do.
- lâng sêng;
- difficult of accomplishment.
- lâng tit;
- not easily attained.
- lâng tău i m̄ lài;
- Can you think he would come?
- lṳ́ màiⁿ lâng-ûi i;
- do not you vex him.
- lâng thóiⁿ;
- repulsive.
- lâng tàⁿ;
- unspeakable.
- lâng íⁿ cai;
- difficult to know.
- lâng thiaⁿ;
- unpleasant to hear about.
- lâng siang-sìu;
- incredible.
- i cí hûe kang-lâng-khùn-khó kâi sî-hāu;
- he is now in distress.
- lâng thàng;
- hardly earned.
- 蘭lâng50114017
- A general name for orchideous plants.
- cṳ-lâng;
- an orchid.
- mêⁿ-lâng;
- the white lily.
- ngŏ-hîeh-lâng;
- the five leaved orchid.
- koi-kha-lâng;
- the fowl's foot orchid.
- i chap ŭ cêk pang gûeh-lâng hŭe;
- he has become a member of a loan association.
- 聾lâng56812816
- Deaf; hard of hearing.
- hĭⁿ lâng;
- deaf.
- tèⁿ lâng tèⁿ é;
- pretend to be deaf and dumb.
- hĭⁿ lâng,