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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/371

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • 5581697
  • A habitation.
mō̤ⁿ i ŏi kói-ūaⁿ mn̂g-lî;
hope he may improve the fortunes of the family.
early dawn.
lî-mêng cṳ cáu-khí;
got up at the first streak of dawn.
  • 5091302
  • The side of the body.
phiaⁿ-lî kut;
the ribs.
phah tîeh phiaⁿ-lî;
struck him in the side.
khang kàu phiaⁿ-lî tèng ŏi thìaⁿ;
made my side ache.
  • 521185
  • Advantageous; useful; gains; profit; shrewdness; greedy for gain; slippery; to benefit; to oblige.
tit lĭ;
to gain.
lĭ-chĭ căi;
very profitable.
tăi kit lĭ-chĭ;
a very lucky stroke of fortune.
i cêk nî siu ŭ jîeh cōi lĭ-sek?
What income does he get from it annually?
mîaⁿ lĭ líang tit;
fame and wealth both attained.
kin nî kâi seng-lí sŭn-lĭ căi;
business is very prosperous this year.
lĭ-cîⁿ ke kùe bó̤-cîⁿ;
the profit is greater than the capital.
malicious; harmful.
lĭ lō heng thong;
everything is prosperous.
ŭ sĭm-mih lĭ-iah nē?
What advantage is there in it?
bô̤ lĭ bô̤ iah;
of no benefit whatever.
cúi lĭ;
marine revenue.
îam lĭ;
revenue from salt.
cìeⁿ-sî ŭ lĭ a bô̤?
Have you made anything lately in your business?
cía mng tōa lĭ căi;
this is anything but profitable.
m̄ lĭ; put lĭ;
unprofitable; unprosperous.
ŭ lĭ hó̤ chu mē?
Is there any profit to be made?
  • 5222713
  • Harsh, stern, severe.
awfully stern.
lĭ siaⁿ;
a harsh voice.
lĭ siaⁿ, tăi toah;
shouted out very loudly to him in a threatening voice.
lĭ kúi hāi nâng;
a discontented ghost injures people.
sṳ̂ sek ngîam-lĭ;
words harsh, and aspect austere.
  • 5231915
  • To animate, to incite.
míen-lĭ i khṳ̀ cò̤;
impel him to go and do it.
kó-lĭ kun-sṳ̆;
rouse the troops.
  • 5241988
  • Elegant, beautiful, ornamented, flowery.
siu-sîp kàu īam-īam lĭ-lĭ;
arranged very elegantly.
sek-cúi īam-lĭ căi;
its color is very fine.
i seⁿ lâi sìu-lĭ căi;
she is very finely proportioned.
thóiⁿ tîeh li sìu-sìu lĭ-lĭ, cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ cho-máng;
looks elegant and refined but acts in a very boorish way.

  • 5211047
  • Dysentery; diarrhea.
sĭ pêh lĭ a sĭ chiah lĭ?
Are the discharges white or red in color?
hueh lĭ; âng lĭ;
bloody flux.
kìm kháu lĭ;
diarrhea with loss of appetite.
tn̂g-tn̂g lĭ-cît;
chronic dysentery.
  • 52196
  • To classify; to adjust; to arrange; to compare; to make a precedent of; laws which are less stringent than statutes; rules, regulations, by-laws, directions; custom, usage; the order or disposition of things.
taⁿ cìaⁿ sin khí lī kâi;
that which comes under the new regulation.
cía bô̤ lī kâi;
there is no fixed rule about this.
i hío lut-lī;
he understands the law.
cìe lī phōiⁿ sṳ̄;
adjudicate the affair in accordance with the usages.
kú cū cîaⁿ lī;
in the course of time it becomes a usage nearly equivalent to a law.
ē tńg cū sêng cò̤ lī;
another time it will be used as a precedent.
ŭ tīaⁿ lī kâi;
there is a settled usage in regard to it.
hâh lī;
in accordance with established usage.
lī kìm ngîam căi;
the prohibitory rule is very strict.
chê cek-lī;
examine the rules.
m̄ hó̤ cang cí kâi ûi lī;
do not make this a precedent.
kak chù kak chù kâi lī;
each place has its peculiar customs.
nín kâi hieⁿ lī cò̤-nî?
What is the usage in your village?
ún kâi kui-lī hó̤;
our practise is an excellent one.
bô̤ lī mó̤ khí, ŭ lī mó̤ cí;
if there is no rule it is not well to make one, if there is a rule it is not well to abolish it.
  • 522857
  • To enter upon, as office.
tâng cí kâi kuaⁿ lī jīm ău tī-hng ío phêng;
since this magistrate entered upon his office, the country has been more quiet.
  • 42602
  • From first to last; thoroughly, completely.
tó̤ kàu lī-lī;
fallen flat.
cúi khó̤ káu lī-lī;
the water has all ebbed out.
ke khṳt i phùa kàu lī-lī;
the family has been completely ruined by him.
sie khṳ̀ hŵn-lío bŏi lī;
it is not yet all burned up.
  • 522303
  • An officer; magistrates; a deputy, or a secretary in an office; to rule.
lī pŏ, lī pâng, lī khue;
the Board of Civil Office in Peking, and its departments in each province and district, where it superintends the appointment, salaries and movements of officials.
i múaⁿ lī a būe?
Has he completed his term of