To classify; to adjust; to arrange; to compare; to make a precedent of; laws which are less stringent than statutes; rules, regulations, by-laws, directions; custom, usage; the order or disposition of things.
taⁿ cìaⁿ sin khí lī kâi;
that which comes under the new regulation.
cía bô̤ lī kâi;
there is no fixed rule about this.
i hío lut-lī;
he understands the law.
cìe lī phōiⁿ sṳ̄;
adjudicate the affair in accordance with the usages.
kú cū cîaⁿ lī;
in the course of time it becomes a usage nearly equivalent to a law.
ē tńg cū sêng cò̤ lī;
another time it will be used as a precedent.
ŭ tīaⁿ lī kâi;
there is a settled usage in regard to it.
hâh lī;
in accordance with established usage.
lī kìm ngîam căi;
the prohibitory rule is very strict.
chê cek-lī;
examine the rules.
m̄ hó̤ cang cí kâi ûi lī;
do not make this a precedent.
kak chù kak chù kâi lī;
each place has its peculiar customs.
nín kâi hieⁿ lī cò̤-nî?
What is the usage in your village?
ún kâi kui-lī hó̤;
our practise is an excellent one.
bô̤ lī mó̤ khí, ŭ lī mó̤ cí;
if there is no rule it is not well to make one, if there is a rule it is not well to abolish it.
An officer; magistrates; a deputy, or a secretary in an office; to rule.
lī pŏ, lī pâng, lī khue;
the Board of Civil Office in Peking, and its departments in each province and district, where it superintends the appointment, salaries and movements of officials.