heretofore left any balance to be afterward settled.
- sio-bâk chŵn bŏi nih khìam;
- his account has no small balance left for collection.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ tùe-tùe nih-nih kang-khó căi;
- there are all sorts of little hindrances making it very difficult.
- cía sĭ nín kâi;
- this belongs to your folks.
- nín chíaⁿ cŏ̤;
- please take seats.
- nín tī-tiang-sî lâi?
- When did you all come?
- cí kò̤ châng sĭ nín kâi a sĭ in kâi?
- Is this field yours or theirs?
- m̄ cai sĭ nín kâi a sĭ un kâi;
- do not know whether it is yours or ours.
- i kio nín ŭ chin mē?
- Is he a relation of yours?
- in pat nín;
- they are acquainted with your people.
- 抓nioⁿ32644
- To tickle, titilate or cajole.
- tṳ cē nioⁿ i cū ût lô̤h khṳ̀;
- titilate a pig a little and he will go to sleep.
- cē nioⁿ cū àiⁿ chìe;
- if you tickle him he will laugh.
- úa m̄-ùi nioⁿ;
- I am not easily tickled.
- khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ lâi nioⁿ i;
- gradually cajole him into it.
- 嫋娜níoⁿ-nó̤632
- Lissome; slender; flexible.
- seⁿ lâi sĭm sĭ níoⁿ-nó̤;
- is naturally very graceful.
- níoⁿ-níoⁿ nó̤-nó̤;
- very graceful.
- 縐nìoⁿ96217010
- To wrinkle; creases.
- nìoⁿ bâi;
- to scowl.
- i kâi mīn phûe ŏi nìoⁿ;
- her face is wrinkled.
- hîah tèng ŏi nìoⁿ hûn;
- his brow is furrowed.
- nìoⁿ cêk cūe hûn;
- make a crease.
- i kai mīn phûe pô̤h-pô̤h, cn̂g kâi bŏi nìoⁿ;
- her face is fair, and without wrinkles.
- cih hó̤-hó̤, màiⁿ nìoⁿ hûn;
- fold it nicely and do not wrinkle it.
- cŏ̤ kàu saⁿ nìoⁿ-nìoⁿ;
- sat till lier tunic was rumpled.
- i thóiⁿ tîeh, phīⁿ nìoⁿ chùi nìoⁿ;
- when he saw it he drew up his face as if to laugh.
- cúi mīn kâi cúi-po̤-hûn nìoⁿ-nìoⁿ;
- the surface of the water is rippled.
- i cìeⁿ lău, kâi phûe to bŏi nìoⁿ;
- though so old, his skin is not shriveled.
- 蠕nioh30514214
- To squirm; to wriggle; to twitch.
- nîoh-nîoh-tăng;
- just able to move; to twitch and squirm slightly like a half killed reptile.
- cûa hŵn-lío ŏi nih-nioh tin-tăng, tîeh phah ke nŏ̤ ē;
- the snake can still wriggle a little, you must give him a couple of blows more.
- cúi-koi tok cò̤ nŏ̤ saⁿ kò̤ hŵn-lío ŏi nih-nioh tin-tăng;
- a frog when cut in two or three pieces will still continue to twitch and jerk.
- ŏi nîoh-nîoh-tăng, sĭ ŏi ûah kâi īeⁿ;
- it squirms, as if it were alive.
- hía īeⁿ sĭ būe sí kâi īeⁿ, hŵn ŏi nîoh-nîoh-tăng;
- that does not appear to be dead, it still moves a little.
- 揀niuⁿ383649
- To reject from the mouth, using tongue and teeth in selecting the offending object.
- ŭ kut, tîeh cai níuⁿ tīo, màiⁿ kéⁿ tîeh;
- if there are bones in it you must pick them out of the month and not get choked by them.
- 綹niuⁿ5491208
- A fob or pocket.
- cíen-níuⁿ;
- a cut-purse.
- kṳ́n hûang cíen-níuⁿ;
- beware of pickpockets.
- 扭níuⁿ639644
- To collar; to gripe; to clutch.
- níuⁿ i khṳ̀ phṳ̀a;
- collar him and take him to the yamun.
- níuⁿ kàu pùaⁿ lō, khṳt i cáu khṳ̀;
- dragged him half way, when he made his escape.
- níuⁿ tŏ̤ cí kò̤ kùe;
- took him by force past here.
- níuⁿ kau;
- seize and deliver to the authorities.
- 鈕níuⁿ6381674
- A button, a knob.
- saⁿ níuⁿ;
- buttons on a tunic.
- saⁿ liap níuⁿ;
- three buttons.
- có̤-níuⁿ;
- buttons made of knotted cord.
- phah có̤-níuⁿ;
- to make cloth buttons.
- níuⁿ phàng;
- a loop, used as a button hole.
- kng mīn kâi níuⁿ;
- plain metal buttons.
- hue níu;
- ornamental buttons.
- 謬nĭuⁿ60114911
- Falsity; error; to mislead.
- pŭe-nĭuⁿ;
- misleading; fallacious.
- hṳ-nĭuⁿ;
- fabulous.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi uē ŭ nĭuⁿ a bô̤?
- Do you think what he says extravagant?
- châng-nĭuⁿ;
- conceal a falsehood.
- 女ńng641380
- Women; females; feminine.
- sĭ ńng-jîn a sĭ lâm-jîn?
- Is it a man or a woman?
- lâm ńng kíaⁿ;
- sons and daughters.
- thông ńng;
- a girl; a virgin.
- hŭ-ńng;
- women.
- sien ńng;
- a sylph.
- keng ńng;
- a woman belonging to the palace.
- ńng lìu;
- womenfolk.
- ńng kè, lâm hun;
- women marry and men take wives.
- sĭ seⁿ lâm a sĭ seⁿ ńng?
- Has she given birth to a boy or to a girl?
- cîeh ńng;
- a barren woman.
- 軟ńng3051594
- Soft; delicate; weak; tender; ductile, pliable, yielding; limber; lithe; with no fixed principles; infirm of purpose.
- hip ńng;
- soften it by covering it closely and keeping it warm.
- cìm i ńng;
- soften it by soaking.
- ńng-jîak;
- weak; debilitated.
- tì ŭ