- 啊ô̤644308
- An interjection, expressing satisfaction.
- ō̤, sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- Oh, that is the way it is.
- ŏ̤, sĭ lṳ́;
- Oh, it is you.
- ŏ̤, úa li m̄ cai;
- Oh, I was not before aware of it.
- 呃o̤h2304
- To hiccough; to eructate.
- phah o̤h;
- to belch or hiccough.
- i cong-kú phah o̤h sĭ ŭ pēⁿ;
- if he belches continually, he is surely ill.
- khó sái o̤h;
- hiccough because of sour stomach.
- 難o̤h61417211
- Hard, difficult; not easy or pleasant; irksome, fatiguing.
- o̤h pat;
- difficult to comprehend.
- mih sṳ̄ to o̤h;
- every thing is irksome.
- cía àiⁿ sêng, cóng o̤h;
- it is going to be difficult to compass this.
- cí tîo lō o̤h kîaⁿ;
- this road is a tiresome one.
- cía îeh bŏi o̤h cîah;
- this medicine is not hard to take.
- o̤h kâi jī i m̄ pat;
- he does not know the hard letters.
- jṳ̂-jṳ̂, o̤h it-tit;
- it is not well arranged, and is hard to remember.
- 述ô̤h7791625
- To narrate; to tell the particulars.
- ô̤h kó;
- tell stories.
- úa ôh lṳ́ thiaⁿ;
- I tell you about it.
- i ô̤h kàu cêk tîo;
- he repeated one line.
- ô̤h i kâi ūe khṳt nâng thiaⁿ;
- repeat his words for others to hear.
- i hun-hù i màiⁿ kio nâng ô̤h;
- she told him not to tell any body.
- lṳ́ hó̤ ô̤h i cai;
- you make it known to him.
- 學ô̤h2093913
- To learn; to practise; to imitate.
- i m̄ khéng ô̤h;
- he is unwilling te learn.
- cìn ô̤h; jîp ô̤h;
- to enter school.
- ngĭ ô̤h;
- a free school.
- ô̤h sîp;
- to learn.
- ô̤h bú;
- learn military tactics.
- ô̤h tn̂g;
- school-house.
- ô̤k kuaⁿ;
- superintendent of schools.
- ô̤h keng;
- a government district school.
- chut gūa îu ô̤h;
- travel for information.
- i mih sṳ̄ to ô̤h tît lâi;
- he can learn anything.
- ô̤h ŭ cêk īeⁿ kang-hu chíu-gōi tŏ̤ sin;
- has learned a trade.
- i ô̤h ŭ jîeh kú?
- How long has he been practising it?
- ô̤h chùi ô̤h cîh;
- to mimic.
- ô̤h i kâi īeⁿ;
- follow his example.
- ô̤h hó̤;
- practise what is good.
- sĭ úa kâi a-pa;
- it is my papa.
- i ŭ a-pa hó̤ úa;
- he has his father to depend upon.
- 巴pa644491
- A classifier of slaps with the hand; a clap; sign of the optative.
- pa put tit cò̤ kàu cîaⁿ;
- would that I could bring it to completion.
- pa tāu; pa tāu cí;
- the
croton-oil fruit.
- pa-cíeⁿ;
- the palm of the hand.
- cang pa-cíeⁿ phah i;
- slapped him with his open hand.
- cang pa-cíeⁿ cìeⁿ pôiⁿ hien kùe lâi, hìeⁿ pôiⁿ hien kùe khṳ̀;
- slapped him on one side with one hand and on the other side with the other hand.
- i khṳt i tōa nâng cang pa-cíeⁿ piang kàu hṳ́ pôiⁿ hĭⁿ thiaⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
- she was boxed by one of the elders of her family so that she is deaf in one ear.
- búe-pa;
- the flat part of the tail of an animal.
- îeⁿ-búe pa;
- sheep’s tails.
- têk búe pa;
- deer’s tails.
- 擺弄pa-lói648
- To tease, to plague; to meddle with; to handle.
- i tó̤ pa-lói i kâi;
- he is teasing her.
- i kâi láu-láu-sît-sît, nín àiⁿ pa-lói i mih sṳ̄?
- He never does harm to any one, what are you plaguing him for?
- i to sĭ tó̤ pin-tǹg pa-lói i kâi;
- they are always making game ofhim.
- i tó̤ pa-lói cîah;
- she is preparing the meal.
- 庶幾pa-lak778
- Perhaps; perchance.
- pa-lak úa ka-kī àiⁿ khṳ̀;
- perhaps I shall myself go.
- pa-lak ŏi tit hó̤;
- possibly it may be completed.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤, pa-lak bŏi hŭam cŭe;
- in thus doing, it may be that no sin will be committed.
- pa-cie;
- a banana.
- pa-cie sìⁿ;
- a fan shaped like a plantain leaf.
- 飽pá6641845
- To eat enough; satisfied; gratified; satiated.
- cîah pá;
- finished his meal.
- cîah būe pá;
- has not yet finished his meal.
- cîah cîaⁿ pá;
- is just through eating.
- cîah m̄ pá;
- did not eat all I wanted.
- màiⁿ cîah khah pá;
- do not eat to repletion.
- i sĭ pá hâk kâi nâng;
- he is a very learned man.
- i kâi mīn-sì thêng pá-múaⁿ;
- he has a full round face.
- ki pá îu jîn;
- hunger and fullness are much as people please.
- thóiⁿ kàu pá;
- looked at it as long as I wish to.
- cē thóiⁿ cū pá;
- the sight of it is enough.
- thóiⁿ lío, tó ŏi pá a bŏi?
- Did you see enough of it?
- khṳt i cîah pá-pá, sí lío hó̤ cò̤ kâi pá kúi;
- give him all he can eat, and when he is dead he will be a contented ghost.
- pá cîah m̄ jû pá ût;
- eating enough is not so good as sleeping enough.
- tìeⁿ kàu pá-pá;
- stuffed as full as is can be.
- bô̤ chài le pn̄g tîeh cîah pá cē;
- since there are no side-dishes, you must eat the more of the rice.
- chíaⁿ a-îⁿ lâi pá pn̄g;
- ask your aunt to come to supper now.
- 把pá644644
- To seize; to hold for the purpose of using; to grasp; to lay hold of; to take a thing to be; to consider as.
- pá-cáng;
- an ensign in the army.
- lṳ́ pá i thóiⁿ