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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/438

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

cò̤ sĭm-mih nâng?

Whom did you take him to be?
i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ ŭ pá-thî;
he acts in a masterful way.
cū sĭ i tó̤ pá-thî sṳ̄;
it is he who holds control in the affair.
cò̤ mîh sṳ̄ àiⁿ ŭ pá-pèⁿ;
in whatever one does he needs something that he can use as a handie.
màiⁿ pá i kâi kang-hu gō khṳ̀;
do not interfere with him so as to spoil his work.
àiⁿ pá cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤-nî lâi chù-lì?
How shall we arrange this business?
cò̤ pá hì;
play tricks of legerdemain; to performs feats, as acrobats or trained animals do; jugglery.
  • 6577510
  • A list of successful candidates.
the “eye of the list”, a term for the second scholar in the land; the idea is that he is second in order as the eye is under the forehead.
nŏ̤ hiaⁿ tĭ cêk kâi tèng cŏ̤-ngŵn, cêk kâi tèng pá-ngân;
of the two brothers one became the first scholar of the empire, and the other the second.
sīa cìⁿ kâi pá;
a target.
tòng tîeh pá kâi âng-sim;
hit the centre.
sīa tîeh pá kîⁿ;
hit the outer edge of the target.
pûaⁿ pá;
fired over the target.
pài pá;
a little short of the mark; the arrow fell at the foot of the target.
sīa m̄ tîeh pá;
did not hit the target.
  • 6651533
  • A name for spotted felinæ, the leopard, panther, jaguar, cheetah or ounce. The leopard is the insignia of military officers of the fourth rank.
kim cîⁿ pà;
the leopard.
hóⁿ seⁿ pà jî;
the tiger has a leopard as its offspring.
pà phûe cêk tíam cêk tíam, hue-hue;
a leopard-skin is speckled and spotted.
  • 64517313
  • To reign by force rather than by law; to incroach on; to hold in check through fear.
pá-cìam nâng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
take possession of other people’s things.
cí kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ pà căi;
this person does things in a high handed way.
hûeⁿ-pà; hùeⁿ-hûeⁿ pà-pà;
regardless of the rights of others.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ pà-tău;
this is a resort to intimidation.
i kâi ūe pà-tău căi;
his language is intended to intimidate.
  • 64512210
  • To suffice; to cease from, to leave off, to finish; to quash; to strike work; enough; no more.
kău cìeⁿ-seⁿ le pă lío;
that is enough of this; it is quite time this was stopped.
m̄ khéng pă chíu;
would not stay his hand.
jī ke phah pă, màiⁿ sie chūe;
both parties having discontinued the quarrel, let there be no farther fighting.
ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ pă chĭ?
What is the reason for the markets being closed?
cèng nâng hŭe-côi pă kháu;
they all combined and forclosed the examination by refusing to attend.
àiⁿ pă put lêng;
could not stop though he wished to.
m̄ àiⁿ, cū pă;
if you do not want it let it alone.
i íⁿ-keng pă ceh, kui ke;
he has already fulfilled his duties and returned home.
  • 582137
  • To assume a false name.
i tŏ̤ gūa kháu to sĭ pă i kâi mîaⁿ;
he always assumes his name when abroad.
thèng pă nâng kâi mîaⁿ;
take other people’s names.
pă i kâi kî-hō̤;
make illegal use of their flag.
i sĭ pă tī-tîang kâi hŏ̤-thâu?
Whose mark has he counterfeited?


  • pái6486415
  • To spread out; to display; to set in order.
pái kè-sì;
to make a display; to put on airs.
pái tūi-ngó;
parade troops.
pái tŏ̤ sang pôiⁿ;
ranged on the two sides.
pái-siet mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
to put things in place.
pái hīn-hīn tó̤ khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;
lay out as to let people see them.
pái khui cē;
spread it out more.
màiⁿ pái khah khuah;
do not spread it out too broadly.
pái côi-côi, sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
range them evenly and squarely.
îo-îo pái-pái;
to strut arouad.
pái tō;
. ferry formed of stationary boats.
pái toh;
to lay a table.
pái chn̂g-íⁿ;
to arrange the furniture.
pái ceng tṳ̄;
to lay the dishes.
pái kó-tóng;
arrange the bric-a-brac.
pái phâi-chîang;
arrange elegantly.
pái hó̤ thóiⁿ tīaⁿ;
laid out merely to look at.
gūa mīn pái khṳ̀ li hó̤ thóiⁿ, m̄ cai lăi mīn căi-seⁿ;
the outside is well arranged, I do not know how it may be inside.
cí kâi mûeh sĭ pái tó̤ thit-thô̤ kâi, a sĭ pái tó̤ phīⁿ phang?
Are these things put here for show, or are they put here for their sweet smell?
  • pâi648645
  • To honor; to reverence; to kneel to; to make an obeisance; to visit; to salute; to pay one’s respects to; a salute.
pài sîn;
worship the gods.
pài có;
worship ancestors.
pài kheh;
return a visit.
pài pńg cĭeⁿ kiaⁿ;
memorialize the throne.
úa sĭm sĭ pài hôk lṳ́;
I acknowledge your superiority.
úa àiⁿ pài tho̤h lṳ́ kio úa cò̤ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
I have something that I wish to ask you to do me for me.
i lâi hûe pài;
he has come to return your visit.
úang lâi sie pài;
go back and forth interchanging visits.
tŏ̤ móng sî pài sìang;
at that time minister of state.
pài âp;
a card case.
pài kìⁿ;
salute on seeing.
ēng pài kúi pài?
How many obeisances are to be made ?