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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/445

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 715207
  • To creep; to crawl.
chit cŏ̤ poih pê káu hwt gê;
sit up at seven months old, creep at eight and teeth at nine.
  • 3431424
  • To crawl, as worms do.
sêng-peh thâng pê cêk koiⁿ, chi-gî căi;
the caterpillars from the fir trees are crawling everywhere, and rendering all places horrible.
cêk tīo pê tŏ̤ lṳ́ sin tèng;
there is one crawling upon you.
  • 6451274
  • A drag; a rake; to harrow.
lôi, pê, cúi-chia;
ploughs, harrows and water-wheels; farming implements.
khîa ki khau-pê khṳ̀ khau cháu;
take a rake and rake out the weeds.
pê châng;
harrow a field.
phah sua pê;
an instrument for clearing water courses from sand.
pê khui;
rake open.
thih pê;
an iron rake.
  • 66217212
  • ; pê-khî;
a small land-crab common in rice-fields.
âng kha pê-khî;
red clawed land crabs.
  • 5291
  • ; pê-thâu;
a trident; a three pronged fork, used as a weapon in battle.
  • 147880
  • A father; an ancestor.
seⁿ pĕ;
he who begot me.
pĕ chin;
own father.
ngĭ pĕ;
adopted father.
pĕ cip;
my father's friends.
peh pĕ, cek pĕ;
father's elder and younger brother.
pĕ hiaⁿ kà kíaⁿ-tĭ to sĭ kà i hó̤;
when fathers and elder brothers teach the children of a family, they are always well taught.
pĕ-bó̤ kuaⁿ;
our district magistrate.
thî-kìu pĕ sṳ;
examine his father and his teacher.
i tâng sòi bô̤ pĕ bô̤ bó̤;
from his infancy he has had neither father nor mother.
có pĕ;
ceng có pĕ;
great grandfather.
kau có pĕ;
great great grandfather.
ngák pĕ;
wife's father.
tâng-nî pĕ;
the father of a friend born in the same year as myself.
i kâi pĕ có īa sĭ thí-mīn kâi nâng;
his ancestors also were people of repute.
jû ló ău-pĕ;
hatred like that toward a step-father.
pĕ bó̤ sieh kíaⁿ kâi sim, bô̤ só put cì;
the affection of parents toward their children has no limit.
thiⁿ ĕ bô̤ put sĭ ti pĕ bó̤;
nothing under heaven can render our parents anything but our parents.


  • peⁿ649644
  • To break; to separate the parts of a thing.
peⁿ khui;
to break apart by pulling at.
cí ki sam sie-hŭ peⁿ, peⁿ cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;
help to pull apart the sides of this stick of timber and pull it in two.
peⁿ m̄ khui;
cannot rend it in two.
  • péⁿ644644
  • To hold; to guard; to head off.
péⁿ mn̂g kâi nâng;
those who guard the gates.
péⁿ-síu mn̂g-hŏ;
guards the gates.
péⁿ bô̤ i kùe;
stopped the way and would not let him pass.
ìo lō tèng kak-kak ŭ nâng tó̤ péⁿ;
the important roads are each guarded by some one.
  • pèⁿ700755
  • A handle, a haft, a crank; having control of; authority, power.
ūe pèⁿ;
something to take hold of in talking.
màiⁿ phah tīo nâng kâi ūe pèⁿ;
do not interrupt the conversation.
ĕ jît khṳt nâng cò̤ ūe pèⁿ;
will furnish a subject for gossip hereafter.
ŭ pá pèⁿ, kâi sṳ̄ cò̤ lâi bŏi jṳ̂;
with a basis for action, the thing may be done without disorder.
sĭ i tó̤ cíang khŵn-pèⁿ;
it is he who holds the authority.
cí ki pèⁿ khah tó̤;
this haft is too short.
tâng-ue tîeh tàu cêk ki pèⁿ cìaⁿ hó̤ ēng;
the copper saucepan must have a handle put in, then it can be used.
pó-thâu pèⁿ;
an axe-helve.
to pèⁿ;
knife handle.
ŭ kò̤ pèⁿ hó̤ lĭm;
there is a crank to turn it by.
lĭm i kâi pèⁿ lâi ká;
take hold of the crank and turn it vertically.
  • pèⁿ70096
  • To take from another and add to one's own.
i kâi seng-lí cn̂g kâi khṳt i pèⁿ khṳ̀;
his trade has all been absorbed by them.
nín kak nâng kak nâng cò̤, i īa màiⁿ pèⁿ lṳ́ kâi, lṳ́ īa màiⁿ pèⁿ i kâi;
now go each of you and make your own, he is not to take your things, and you are not to take his.
īa si àiⁿ pèⁿ i kâi pn̄g-úaⁿ-thâu li i căi tit hàuⁿ?;
How can he consent to having the tidbit that caps his bowl of rice taken away?
  • pêⁿ701512
  • Level, even, smooth, uniform, equal.
lō m̄ pêⁿ;
the road is not level.
pêⁿ-pêⁿ lō;
a level road.
pēⁿ tī;
level ground.
a plain.
pêⁿ-pêⁿ cêk īeⁿ;
all of the same kind.
pêⁿ-pêⁿ hó̤;
equally good.
m̄ pêⁿ īeⁿ;
not of the same sort.
pêⁿ-pêⁿ tōa;
of the same size.
taⁿ thô khṳ̀ thūn i pêⁿ;
carry earth and fill in to make it level.
hái mīn pêⁿ-pêⁿ, bô̤ huang éng;
the sea is smooth, there is no wind nor waves.
nŏ̤ nâng pêⁿ pun;
divide it equally between the two.
pàng pêⁿ màiⁿ khio bî;
set it down so that it will stand level, do not tip it.
nŏ̤ pôiⁿ tîeh péⁿ cài, cē m̄ péⁿ cài cū àiⁿ tăng-thâu-áu;
you must lade in equally on either side, if you do not it will tip to one side.
sĭ nîe pêⁿ tâng a sĭ nîe cui tâng?;
Is it measured level with the brim, or is it heaped up?
nŏ̤ nâng pêⁿ-pêⁿ kûiⁿ;
the two are of equal height.