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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/446

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • pêⁿ662758
  • A scaffold or staging; a framework; a shed; a booth.
hì pêⁿ;
a platform for plays.
tah kâi lîang pêⁿ;
set up an awning.
sài péⁿ;
a drying shed.
thiah pêⁿ;
take down a staging.
keⁿ pêⁿ;
a watchman's shed.
kìm bô̤ nâng tah kùe-koi-pêⁿ;
forbid any one's putting a staging across the street.
cò̤ kúi, so̤h m̄ cĭeⁿ ko-péⁿ;
when you become a spirit, you won't be able to climb up on the platform where the food is laid out for poor devils.
cò̤ ŭ kúi pêⁿ hì?;
How many theatrical performances are going on?
kue pêⁿ;
trellis for a melon vine.
pò pêⁿ;
a cloth awning.
sîn pêⁿ;
a platform for the gods.
lō thâu pêⁿ;
a shelter beside the road.
tó̤ lîo-pêⁿ tói kò̤ ût;
lying asleep in a shed.
pêⁿ pang;
the flooring of a stage.
the roof of a shed or booth.
mō̤ⁿ pêⁿ;
a lookout.
cĭeⁿ mō̤ⁿ-pêⁿ téng khṳ̀ mō̤ⁿ;
went up into the observatory and looked out.
cúa íaⁿ pêⁿ;
a platform for a puppet show.
  • pēⁿ7001045
  • Sickness, illness; an ailment or pain; a defect; affliction; misery.
ŭ pēⁿ;
is ill.
seⁿ pēⁿ;
to become ill.
bô̤ pēⁿ;
has no ailment.
disease; malady.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ cía pēⁿ ùi mē?;
Do you think his disease dangerous?
cía pēⁿ o̤h ui;
this is an incurable disease.
cí khí pēⁿ bô̤-siang-kang;
this ailment is of no consequence.
i tì ŭ sĭm-mih-pēⁿ?;
What disease has he?
i kâi pēⁿ chŵn-jú lío;
he has recovered.
khin pēⁿ;
a slight ailment.
tăng pēⁿ;
a severe illness.
saⁿ-câp nî côiⁿ, nâng chūe pēⁿ, saⁿ-câp nî ău, pēⁿ chūe nâng;
before thirty people go out of their way to incur illness, after thirty illness comes to people unsought.
i tâng bô̤ pēⁿ tîeh lŏng kàu pēⁿ;
nothing being the matter with it, he must needs meddle with it till there is.
i bô̤ măuⁿ-pēⁿ;
nothing is the matter with it.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kài măuⁿ-pēⁿ sĭ tŏ̤ cí kâi nâng;
the trouble in this matter lies in this individual.
chù-téng pó lío cong-kú àiⁿ lāu, lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi măuⁿ-pēⁿ sĭ tŏ̤ tī kò̤?;
Since being mended the roof continually leaks, what do you think is the trouble with it?
úa cū cai i kâi pī-pēⁿ tŏ̤ tĭ-kò̤;
I know what is the trouble with it.
i hó̤ lío, pēⁿ lêng-ūaⁿ hẃn;
after recovering he had a relapse.
jíam tîeh sĭm-mih pēⁿ-cèng?;
What disease has he?
pēⁿ su-hôk îeh;
disease yields to medicine.
i kâi sĭ kú pēⁿ a sĭ cho pēⁿ?;
Is his ailment one that he has had before, or is this the first time he has had it?
tī pēⁿ;
cure sickness.
thîo-lí i kâi pēⁿ;
doctor him.
tŏ̤ ke íang pēⁿ;
is at home nursing his health.
thóiⁿ tîeh bô̤ kâi pēⁿ îong;
does not look ill.
pău pēⁿ;
a violent attack.
i íⁿ-keng peⁿ kú lío;
he has been ill a long time.
pēⁿ kàu pùaⁿ thó̤ sí;
so ill that he nearly died.
cía sĭ sim pēⁿ, m̄ sĭ îeh hó̤ ui kâi;
this is a mental disease, not curable by medicine.
bŏi pēⁿ bŏi thìaⁿ;
is not ill, nor in pain.
hŵn-ló̤ kàu pēⁿ;
made ill by grief.
pēⁿ hó̤ lí̤o;
has recovered.
huang-híam kâi pēⁿ;
a dangerous illness.
pò̤ pēⁿ;
to plead illness.
tèⁿ pēⁿ;
to pretend to be ill.
cuang pēⁿ;
to elaborately feign illness.
tōa pēⁿ;
a long fit of sickness.
khì kàu pēⁿ;
become ill through vexation.
pēⁿ kàu tó̤ chn̂g;
ill in bed.
kio pēⁿ nâng cék īeⁿ;
like an invalid.
khîeh cīⁿ khṳ̀ bói pēⁿ;
to purchase illness, to smoke opium.
àiⁿ ui pēⁿ, jú-kèng thiⁿ pēⁿ;
tried to cure him, but made him worse.
pēⁿ ngŵn;
the origin of the disease.
pēⁿ kṳn ŏi tn̆g;
the cause of the malady is removed.
sĭ phio pēⁿ a sĭ pńg pēⁿ?;
Does the disaese arise from external or internal causes?
cí khí pēⁿ ŏi ùe nâng;
this disease is contagious.
úa thóiⁿ i kâi pēⁿ-sì tîm-tăng;
I think the disease has taken a deep hold on him.
pēⁿ îu;
the cause of the disease.
pēⁿ chêng;
the symptoms.
pēⁿ kàu àiⁿ sí;
at the point of death.
pēⁿ chíen;
not very sick.
mn̄g pēⁿ;
inquire after the sick.


  • peh291098
  • To open, as the eyes.
lṳ́ kâi mâk peh tōa cē;
open your eyes a little wider.
i kâi màk m̄ cai sĭm-mih măuⁿ-pēⁿ, m̄ káⁿ peh khui;
do not know what is the matter with his eyes, it hurts him to open them.
mâk peh m̄ khui;
cannot open his eyes.
hṳ́ khí mâk táng i peh kàu tōa-tōa lîap, tìeⁿ kàu hāiⁿ-hāiⁿ, hŵn sĭ m̄ tit nâng ùi;
let him bung out his eyes as much as he pleases, nobody is afraid of him.
cêk pôiⁿ mâk peh khui, cêk pôiⁿ mâk tìeⁿ bûa;
open one eye and shut the other.
  • peh70795
  • A father's elder brother; the eldest of the brothers; a senior.
cek pek hiaⁿ tĭ;
sons of brothers.
i sĭ ún a-peh;
he is our uncle.
peh pĕ;
my dear uncle.
thâng a-peh;
father's cousin.
lău peh; peh kong;
great uncle.
cok lăi kâi a-peh;
a senior of the same clan.
hôk lăk lăi kâi a-peh;
a senior, so near of kin that mourning would be worn for him should he die.
peh ḿ;
uncle and aunt.
a-cek a-peh hùe;
peh îa;
a god usually having its shrine on a hill.
  • peh708755
  • The cypress, cedar, and similar evergreens.
the fir tree.
bark of the Pterocarpus flavus*, used to dye silks yellow.
the arbor-vitæ.