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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/465

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

back of the hand.

tī-tiang-sî kau pûaⁿ?
When was the business transferred to others?
siu pûaⁿ; suah pûaⁿ;
to wind up an affair.
cía hùe tī-tiang-sî cìaⁿ àiⁿ khui pûaⁿ?
When are these goods to be throw upon the market?
disbursments; incidental expenses.
saⁿ chùn pûaⁿ, ngŏ chùn pûaⁿ chit chùn pûaⁿ;
three, five, and seven inch platters.
  • pûaⁿ11241629
  • To pass over or beyond.
pûaⁿ sîaⁿ chut khṳ̀;
traversed the city and went out on the other side.
pûaⁿ kùe chîeⁿ cū sĭ i kâi ău thâu;
pass over the wall and you come to the back of his house.
pûaⁿ suaⁿ kùe nía;
to cross the mountains.
pûaⁿ tùi chù-téng kùe;
went over the tops of the houses.
  • pŭaⁿ154645
  • To brush off; a duster.
pŭaⁿ tīo eng-têng;
brush off the dust.
pŭaⁿ máng kâi máng-pŭaⁿ;
a brush for brushing off mosquitoes.


  • puah7091675
  • A glazed earthen basin.
hue puah;
a flower pot.
cúi puah;
a water pot.
thoah puah;
a priest's dish.
  • pûah9161549
  • To play for stakes.
pûah su, pûah îaⁿ;
to lose or to win in gambling.
to gamble.
īu cîah īu pûah; hàuⁿ cîah hàuⁿ pûah;
smokes opium and gambles.
pûah kàu sok-sok-theh;
played till he had nothing left to stake.
  • pûah8911575
  • To slip and fall; to make a false step; to tumble.
i pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ cū peh m̄ cáu-khí;
if he falls down he cannot get up again.
i pûah tîeh tì-kò̤?
Where did he hurt himself when he fell?
i pûah cîh kha kut;
he fell down and broke his leg.
pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ līo-līo-tît;
fell down flat.
i cē thiaⁿ tîeh cū îang pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
when she heard it she fell in a swoon.
  • pûah887648
  • To flop sidewise.
cûn-búe pûah kùe tang pôiⁿ;
turn the stern of the boat eastward.
cûn pûah m̄ tńg sin;
cannot turn the boat.
khṳt i kâi hṳ̂-búe pûah khṳ̀ kàu cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
one would be felled by a blow from his tail.
i tó̤ kîaⁿ, kâi búe pûah kùe lâi pûah kùe khṳ̀;
its tail flops to and fro as it goes.
  • pûah394854
  • To draw water from a well.
khîeh pûah-tháng khṳ̀ pûah cêk pûah cúi;
take the drawing bucket and draw a bucket of water.
  • pûah716415
  • To toss down; to throw.
pûah tâu;
to throw dice.
pûah lô̤h thô-ĕ, tiang-cē-kìe;
if you throw it upon the ground it jingles.


  • pue1361830
  • To fly; to flit; to go swiftly; to act with dispatch; flying; airy; quick.
cía sĭ tó̤ phah pue cío;
this is like hitting a bird on the wing.
kûiⁿ cío kûiⁿ pue, kĕ cío kĕ pue;
high flying birds fly high, and low flying birds fly low, each in his sphere.
bô̤ lêng-ûi kai cío tah tī pue;
a disabled bird treads the ground as he flies.
kiaⁿ kàu hûn pue, phek sùaⁿ;
so frightened that he lost all presence of mind.
thóiⁿ tîeh, kâi hûn cū pue kàu kíu sio;
on seeing it, his soul flew to the ninth heaven; he completely lost his wits.
méⁿ kàu kio pue cêk īeⁿ;
as swift as if flying.
méⁿ-méⁿ cū lâi pue pò̤;
speed quickly and inform.
àng cío pue hìeⁿ méⁿ;
as fast as a bird flies.
cí ūi lău-îa sĭ kíaⁿ-jît pue-seng;
this god has ascended on high to-day.
i ŏi pue sîam cáu piah;
he can flit away over the tops of the partitions.
i chah sît to lâng pue;
though he should put on wings he would find it difficult to fly.
  • pue373966
  • Bamboo roots, scallop shells, stones or pieces of wood of a hemispherical shape, tossed into the air and allowed to fall on the ground, in divination.
i khṳ̀ lău-îa kò̤ pûah pue;
he has gone before a god to toss the bamboo-roots.
sī pûah tîeh im pue, a sĭ îang pue, a sĭ sèng pue?
When you tossed the two bamboo-roots did they fall with the flat sides downward, or with the convex sides downward or with one flat side and one convex side downward?
pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ nŏ̤ sèng cêk ún pue;
when tossing the bamboo-roots they fell twice with one flat and one convex surface upward, and once they fell otherwise.
im pue;
the roots fell in such a way as to give an unfavorable omen.
îang pue;
a permissive or affirmative answer given by the fall of bamboo-roots.
chìe pue;
an uncertain response given by the fall of the bamboo-roots.
im pue īa àiⁿ cám tek, îang pue īa àiⁿ cám tek;
whichever way the roots fall in the divination of the will of the god, I am going to do the thing.
  • pue668754
  • A cup; a vessel to drink from.
kau pue ūaⁿ cúaⁿ;
to partake of the wedding cup as do bride and groom.
cíu pue;
a wine glass.
íe cêk pue cúi lâi;
dip out and bring a cup of water.
tham pue kâi nâng;
a wine-bibber.
pue pue kang;
drank the cup dry every time.