- 翻púe12412412
- To turn to and fro; to flutter about.
- i sì-chù tó̤ púe chūe, púe bô̤;
- she was flitting to and fro searching everywhere for it, but did not find it.
- khîeh pńg cṳ-cheh chut lâi púe kàu câu-câu, púe m̄ tîeh;
- took the book and turned the leaves to and fro looking it all through, but did not find it.
- cêk tû tói kâi mûeh khṳt i púe kàu jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
- the things in the cupboard have been turned over by him till they are all tumbled up.
- púe ùaⁿ-kẁn chut lâi thóiⁿ;
- turn up the records of the trial and see.
- 貝pùe6701540
- Precious; riches.
- pó̤-pùe;
- treasures.
- sĭ pó̤-pùe kâi mûeh;
- it is a valuable article.
- 背pùe6691305
- The back; the opposite of the front or face; behind; the rear; to back; to carry on the back.
- sĭ mīn a sĭ pùe?
- Is it the front or the back?
- i tng-mīn li m̄ tàⁿ, pùe-ău li cìaⁿ tó̤ līam;
- he will not say it to your face, but is telling it behind your back.
- koiⁿ-thio pùe-hŭ kâi nâng, màiⁿ khau-khak i;
- do not haggle about the price, with those who carry their goods on their backs.
- i sĭ in-ŭi iong-cu hwt pùe tì sí;
- he died of a carbuncle on his back.
- i chēng cêk kâi tah-pùe;
- she wore a sleeveless jacket.
- cía bô̤ pùe bô̤ mīn;
- this is the same on both sides.
- cúa-khò pùe īa hó̤ sía;
- you may write on both sides of the paper in this copy-book.
- 輩pùe6701598
- A class; a generation; forms the plural.
- i ío tōa pùe;
- he is one of the elder ones.
- nín nŏ̤ nâng tī-tîang ío tōa pùe?
- Which of you two is the senior?
- lău côiⁿ pùe kâi nâng;
- people of the old sort.
- i sǹg sĭ cun pùe;
- he is to be considered the superior.
- nín ŭ cò̤ pùe sŭ a bô̤?
- Do you give duplicate names in your family?
- ún sĭ pó̤ pùe, nín sĭ tī cêk pùe?
- We repeat the word Precious in our names, what one do you repeat?
- ĕ pùe kìⁿ tîeh cĭeⁿ pùe hùe, tîeh kiong-kèng;
- when those of a lower grade meet those of a higher, they must make obeisance to them.
- pùe nâng pùe sṳ̄;
- the more the people, the more the work to be done.
- úa sĭ kio i a-kong tâng pùe;
- I am of the same generation as his grandfather.
- hieⁿ-lí sĭ i sĭang tōa pùe;
- he ranks highest in the village.
- sòi pùe;
- younger branches of the family.
- ău pùe;
- later generations.
- cíⁿ pùe;
- the younger members of the clan.
- 賠pûe6721548
- To make up a loss; to indemnify; to supply a deficit; to offset; to confess.
- pûe hâiⁿ;
- to make good a loss.
- pûe sîeⁿ;
- to compensate.
- pûe tĭen;
- to pay, as a surety.
- bô̤ pūe;
- no repayment for losses.
- pûe lói;
- to return a visit.
- pûe put sĭ;
- I own I am in the wrong.
- pûe cŭe;
- acknowledge a fault.
- cìe pûe;
- pay the value.
- mûeh-tīo li tîeh pûe;
- if you spoil it you must pay for it.
- cêk kâi, pûe nŏ̤ kâi;
- give two in compensation for one.
- pûe kàu kàu-kàu;
- make up the loss in full.
- 陪pûe6721708
- To accompany; to fellowship; to double; to match.
- pûe lṳ́ chut mn̂g;
- go out with you.
- pûe nâng-kheh cŏ̤;
- sit with a guest.
- sù-cē, cíe pûe;
- excuse me, I can stay no longer.
- cí kâi sĭ pûe-kè kâi chiah-kha;
- this a bondmaid who (like Zilpah) follows her mistress to her home.
- cí kù ūe lâi pûe-chìn;
- take this sentence to throw light on the other.
- úa m̄ ôiⁿ tó̤ sie pûe;
- being busy, I must leave you.
- hàm nŏ̤ kâi lâi pûe cíu;
- call two of them to serve at table and share the wine.
- chíaⁿ nâng-kheh lâi pûe sin kíaⁿ-sài;
- invite guests to meet a new son-in-law at dinner.
- 倍pŭe67098
- A fold; an increase.
- ke cêk pŭe;
- double the amount.
- tōa câp pŭe to m̆ khéng;
- would not consent to it for ten times that sum.
- i kia pŭe lī-hāi;
- he is twice as dangerous.
- îaⁿ i ku-ā pŭe;
- his superior by far.
- kîeⁿ hía ŭ peh pŭe;
- a hundred fold better than that.
- hâp pŭe thàng;
- earns double the amount.
- 背pŭe6691305
- To set one's self against; to go contrary to; to turn the back upon.
- i pŭe ieh;
- he has violated his word.
- pŭe-ngêk sin-seⁿ;
- acts in opposition to his teacher.
- pŭe sin-seⁿ kâi kà;
- apostatize.
- tàⁿ lío, kio cṳ-tèng sie-pŭe;
- said it just the contrary way from that in which it was set down in the book.
- pŭe cṳ;
- turn the back and recite the lesson.
- m̄ káⁿ pŭe côiⁿ ngân;
- dare not violate his word.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ cèng nâng kâi sim sĭ hìang i a sĭ pŭe i?
- Do you think the hearts of the people turn toward him, or against him?
- mêⁿ-kùa sai cíu, sĭ pŭe nâng, bô̤ pŭe teng;
- in pouring wine at night one turns the pitcher toward the people and pours toward the light.
- lâng-pŭe;
- an animal allied to a wolf, with one or more legs wanting, so that in order to get on one must ride another; it is probably the jerboa.
- i nŏ̤ nâng chin-chĭeⁿ lâng-pŭe sie úa;
- the two depend on each other as do jerboas.
- i cí-hûe sĭm sĭ lâng-pŭe;
- they are now very short handed.