empire belong?
- i mō̤ⁿ ŏi kau tèng;
- he hopes to attain the highest degree.
- m̄ tèng i cîah;
- not fit for her to eat.
- m̄ tèng i chēng;
- not suitable for him to wear.
- 噆tèng9393012
- To suck, as a fly or mosquito does.
- khṳt máng tèng tîeh;
- bitten by mosquitoes.
- khṳt bun tèng kàu cêk sin cĕng-cĕng lâu;
- bitten by gnats so that he is covered with blotches.
- 鐙tèng86416712
- A stirrup.
- bé-tâh-tèng;
- a stirrup.
- ŭ nâng cang kha-ău-teⁿ tâh bé-tâh-tèng; ŭ nâng cang kha-ău-tenn tâh bé-tâh-tèng;
- some people put the toe in the stirrup, and some the heel.
- i pûah lôh bé lío kâi kha khṳt bé-tâh-tèng lap tŏ̤-kò̤, nâng cū khṳt bé tó̤ thua;
- he fell off, leaving his foot entangled in the stirrup, and was dragged along by the horse.
- 錨tèng5811678
- An anchor, a grappling iron.
- cûn tèng ŭ kúi mn̂g tèng?
- How many anchors are there on the vessel?
- pha tèng;
- cast anchor.
- khieh tèng;
- hoist the anchor.
- tèng khí lío cū kîaⁿ;
- take in the anchor and then go on.
- tèng so̤h;
- anchor chains.
- kìa tèng;
- lay at anchor.
- huang tōa tîeh pha ke cêk mn̂g tèng;
- the wind being high we must cast out another anchor.
- 螫tèng76914211
- To sting.
- khṳt phang tèng tîeh;
- stung by a bee.
- mûeh tīo i kâi chì cū bŏi tèng nâng;
- if its sting is destroyed it cannot sting people.
- 凳tèng8631612
- A form, a bench, a settle.
- chun-tèng;
- a long bench.
- chn̂g pho ìⁿ tèng;
- tables, beds, chairs and benches.
- 亭têng90787
- A roof supported on pillars; an abor; a portico.
- tê teng;
- a tea booth.
- lîang têng;
- a summer-house.
- poih kak têng;
- an octagonal pavilion.
- hieⁿ têng;
- an open sedan-like stand, used to exhibit things in a procession.
- hŏ têng;
- a shed where travellers may take shelter from rain.
- 重têng1081662
- A layer; a thickness; a repetition.
- ŭ kúi têng kău;
- several layers in thickness.
- cêk têng pò;
- one thickness of cloth.
- cêk têng cêk têng;
- layer by layer.
- cêk têng mô̤h pô̤h-pô̤h, m̄ hó̤ thăng phùa i;
- do not break the thin film.
- têng hok;
- duplicated.
- têng-têng thâh thâh;
- piled up in layers.
- sie têng thâh;
- layer
upon layer.
- têng thâh kàu kwn;
- packed to its utmost capacity.
- cò̤ ŭ jîeh cōi têng saⁿ-khò khṳt i;
- many suits of clothes were made to put upon him.
- lṳ́ ciang-sî chēng têng pò īa bŏi chìn;
- you generally wear only one thickness of cloth and are not cold.
- têng tàⁿ ūe;
- reiterate one's words.
- têng khek;
- a new edition.
- têng siu-sîp;
- newly arranged.
- 坊têng133324
- An honorary portal.
- chìaⁿ cí khîa têng;
- ask an imperial permit to erect an honorary portal.
- cak-hàu têng;
- a portal in honor of a chaste and filial daughter-in-law.
- hûang-sĭang sṳ̀ kŭa têng kim;
- the Emperor conferred also the money to pay for the erection of the portal.
- 定tĕng905405
- To fix on; to settle; to adjust.
- tĕng-tú-tĕng;
- just as I supposed; I told you so; it is as thought.
- tĕng-tú-tĕng, sĭ khṳt i khîeh khṳ̀;
- as I thought, it has been carried off by him.
- khṳt úa līo khṳ̀ tĕng-tú-tĕng;
- it came out just as I had calculated that it would.
- 綻tĕng121208
- A seam which has opened; to come apart; an inkling,
- úa thóiⁿ chut i kâi phùa-tĕng;
- I have an inkling of it.
- i kâi sṳ̄ phùa-tĕng lío;
- the affair has leaked out.
- i kâi sṳ̄ sĭ tŏ̤ tì-kò phùa-tĕng?
- How did the matter come to be divulged?
- sṳ̄ cē phùa-tĕng cū khṳt nâng lîah lâi;
- as soon as there is a hint of it, people will grasp the notion.
- 錠tĕng9051678
- A medical preparation, made in into pastiles.
- cí-kim-tĕng;
- a medical pastile, used to rub on sores.
- 頎tēng3461814
- Personable; erect; tall and straight
- i kâi nâng tēng-ten̄g nē;
- he is very tall and straight.
- kûiⁿ-tēng kûiⁿ-tĕng nē;
- has a fine presence.
- nŏ̤ kâi nâng cò̤-pû kîaⁿ, cêk kâi li tēng-ten̄g nē, cêk kâi ku-ku nē;
- they both walked along together, the one erect and personable, the other crooked and dumpy.
- 趼tēng3851576
- To rear; to stand on the hind legs.
- i ak̂i káu thóiⁿ-kìⁿ cú-nâng cē lâi, huaⁿ-hí kàu tēng khí lâi;
- the dog seeing his master coming, is.so pleased that he stands on his hind legs.
- m̄ cai hûang, i kâi bé tēng khí lâi, nâng cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- was not on his guard, and when his horse reared he fell off.