Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/558

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


  • ti9001063
  • Used by servants and inferiors to denote themselves; a final particle.
síe ti;
I, your junior; I, your humble client.
peh-sèⁿ khṳ̀ kìⁿ kuaⁿ sĭ cheng ka-kī cò̤ "síe ti";
common people who go before a magistrate speak of themselves as "humble selves." cí khí sṳ̄ sĭ ŭ ti; this is something that really happens.
sĭ ti;
what is really so; just that.
sĭ ti pĭen sĭ, hui ti pĭen hui, bô̤ thèng tàⁿ;
what is so state as being so, and what is not so state as not being so, and do not talk at random.
ti-tu keⁿ si;
the spider makes a web.
ti-tu tūi si;
the spider lets himself down on a thread.
ēng ti-tu tūi si, tūi lô̤h lâi;
came down by a rope.
ti-tu kit măng;
the spider weaves a web.
ti-tu măng;
a spider's web.
hó̤ lîah ti-tu khṳ̀ cuh tīo i kâi tâk;
catch spiders and set them to suck the poison from it.
cuh tâk lío ti-tu tîeh pàng cúi kò̤ khṳt i thò tâk;
after sucking out the poison the spiders must be put to the water that they may disgorge the poison.
  • ti87795
  • Low; to droop; to hang down.
ti siaⁿ;
low tones.
ti thâu sòi sĭeⁿ;
hang the head and ponder.
àiⁿ cū lâi kìⁿ cē kau-ti ce;
if you like, let us see who is tallest.
kau ti;
lofty and lowly.
  • 喇叭ti-tâ498
  • A trumpet.
pun ti-tâ;
blow a trumpet.
chìe ti-tâ khek;
play on a bugle.
  • ti878831
  • The third zodiacal constellation.
ti sìu; tī cheⁿ;
the stars of the third constellation.
  • 746012
  • One of the five musical notes.
ngŏ im, sĭ keng, siang, kak, tí, ú;
the five musical notes are these.
  • 746012
  • Only, but, yet.
tí in múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ ŭ châk cìaⁿ cáu khṳ̀ hṳ́-kò̤ pī;
as there were robbers every-where he fled there to avoid them.
  • 878585
  • The base; the bottom; underneath.
tâu-tí sĭ cò̤-nî?
In the end what does it amount to?
i kâi tí-cṳ́ hó̤;
he is of good stock.
i sĭ sĭm-mih tí-cṳ́ chut sin?
What were his circumstances in early life?
cí kâi kūiⁿ sĭ sìu-câi tí, hṳ́ kâi sĭ kṳ́-jîu tí;
this district magistrate became such from the rank of Bachelor of Arts, and that one from the rank of Master of Arts.
cía mûeh bô̤ tí-cí;
this is endless.
  • 879755
  • The bole of a tree; root, origin, foundation.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi ŭ kṳn-tì, m̄ pí thèng tàⁿ bô̤ kṳn bô̤ tí;
what ho says is well founded, and it is not as if he talked at random and without reason for what he says.
côiⁿ mâiⁿ ŭ kâi kṳn-tí tŏ̤ kò̤;
there was formerly a deep firm foundation laid underneath.
  • 878645
  • To atone for; to sustain; to bear; to get what one deserves; to compound for a money payment by a lien on property.
lîah i khṳ̀ tí cŭe;
seize and take him to bear the penalty of his crime.
tí tit kùe a tí m̄ kùe?
Will it sustain it, or will it give way under it?
cía ūe sĭ lâi tó̤ tí-thak kâi;
he comes and says this in order to ward off the consequences.
cīeⁿ sìo tí cheng-chó̤ lío;
the foregoing accounts are settled in full by a lien.
khíong-ui i tí-tng m̄ cŭ;
fear he cannot bear up under it.
tí tīo jîet cōi?
How much has the debt been reduced by the lien given?
  • 581333
  • To cause to go, to give over to, to induce; to bring on; to hazard; to regulate; tending to; indicates causation; an end or aim.
tì-sái kàu i m̄ lâi;
was the cause of his failure to come.
íⁿ-tì jû chṳ́;
that is the occasion for its being thus.
in-ūi hìeⁿ-seⁿ cìaⁿ tì-kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it was in consequence of that, that this came to be so.
úa thóiⁿ i cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ tì-ì;
I see that he has his mind fixed upon this.
i tì-ì tŏ̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
he is bent upon this.
i àiⁿ hó̤, hẃn tì-kàu m̄-hó̤;
he meant well, but it turned out badly.
cieⁿ-seⁿ i cū tì mīaⁿ;
in so doing he hazards his life.
tăi tì;
a resume; in general.
tăi-tì ŏi cò̤ tit;
it will do in a general way.
in-ūi i m̄ tŏ̤ cū tì gō;
it was through his being absent that the project came to naught.
úa īa sĭ ŭ tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤, cū bŏi tì gō sṳ̄;
if I had been there the thing would not have fallen through.
i tì ŭ sĭm mih pēⁿ-cèng?
What disease has he?
i kâi pēⁿ sĭ tì kú kâi;
his ailment is one that he has had a long time.
cía cṳ sĭ kàng-kìu kek mûeh tì cai kâi sṳ̄;
this book inquires into the nature of things and applies the knowledge to final causes; this is a philosophy.
cí kò̤ kâi kéng-tì sĭm hó̤;
the arrangement of things here is very fine.
sĭm ŭ ì-tì;
ŭ ì ŭ tì; presents evidences of design.
cò̤ lâi ŭ ì-tì;
is made according to a system.
  • 601228
  • To establish; to make firm; to place; to constitute; to arrange; to determine; to decide; to buy; to lay in goods.