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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/595

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


  • tŵt9133711
  • To criticise and expunge.
chak tŵt;
exmaine and lop off what is improper; a final phrase in petitions.
hāu i chak-tŵt;
wait until he thinks it over and suggests amendments.
to deliberate upon and then fix the points.
àiⁿ cò̤-nî ciak-tŵt?
What amendments would you suggest?
finally settle on.
táng i ka-kī lâi cìaⁿ ŭ tīaⁿ-tŵt;
wait until he himself comes, and then the exact form will be decided on.
ciak-tŵt kàu hó̤-hó̤ cìaⁿ-lâi tīaⁿ-tŵt;
give full consideration to the varions point, critising each, and then decide what shall be retained and what expunged.


  • tha84093
  • A personal pronoun, he, she, it, that, the other, another.
tha nâng;
the other person.
màiⁿ kẃn tha;
pay no attention to it.
lṳ́ úa tha lâi sie kāng pun;
let us, you, me and him, divide it among us.
îu tha;
let him alone.
lîu kàu tha hng gūa lí;
wandered away into other countries.


  • thaⁿ856325
  • Plain; level.
tîeh chūe kò̤ pêⁿ-tháⁿ kâi cìaⁿ hó̤ pàng;
must seek a level spot in which to set it down.
siu-sîp kàu pêⁿ-pêⁿ tháⁿ-tháⁿ, chŵn bŏi khi-khu;
made perfectly level, with no inequalities of surface.
  • thăⁿ80514516
  • To superimpose, so as to conceal what is underneath.
cí téng thăⁿ kâi tn̂g saⁿ;
covered his usual clothing with a long gown.
hṳ́ tói phûe-tn̂g-nîu, cí téng thăⁿ kâi koih-tn̂g-nîu;
a long fur tunic on the inside, with a long, lined, unwaded tunic put on over that.


  • thah8433210
  • A tower; a pagoda; a pile erected over a relic of Buddha.
lṳ́ káⁿ peh-cĭeⁿ thah téng mē?
Would you venture to climb to the top of the pagoda?
kih kâi thah-kíaⁿ;
build a small tower.
khí kâi thah káu în kûiⁿ;
build a pagoda nine stories high.
thah téng téng;
the apex of the pagoda.
thah kîⁿ;
the balconies.
thah kha;
the base.
tùi thah chîeⁿ tói kâi tâh-pō-câng khí khṳ̀;
went up by the stairs in the wall of the pagoda.
  • thah8922911
  • To pile on; to put one upon another; a pile.
thâh cò̤ nŏ̤ thâh;
pile them up in two piles.
m̄-hó̤ tò̤ thâh;
do not pile them in a reversed order.
sie têng thâh tŏ̤-kò̤;
piled one above another.
thâh sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
pile them evenly and squarely.
têng-têng thâh-thâh;
piled range above range.


the fetus, the embryo; the pregnant womb.
i ū hâi-thai;
she is pregnant.
câp gûeh hăi-thai cêk tn̄g kâi sin-khó;
the tenth month of pregnancy is a continuous suffering.
  • thai401828
  • A cyclone; a whirlwind.
a typhon.
àiⁿ-cò̤ huang-thai;
there is going to be a gale.
ngŏ̤ tîeh tōa huang-thai;
met a typhoon.
  • thai73211810
  • A sieve; to sift.
thai bí;
to sift rice.
a sieve for sifting rice.
that khah lang;
the sieve is too coars.
thai khah bâk, thai m̄ chut;
the sieve is too fine, and does not sift it.
a floud sieve.
thai-táu khuang, thai-táu se;
the rim, and the bottom of the sieve.
îeh thai;
a sieve to sift medicines.
tê thai;
a strainer in a tea-pot.
tŏ-pùn thai;
a sieve for sifting ashes.
thái-ko̤ phûa;
a leprous crone.
thái-ko̤ lîo;
a lazar-house.
cía sĭ cù kut thái;
this is a leprosy that destroyes the bones.
  • thài848855
  • Large, exalted.
a lofty mountain in the west of Shantung, which gives fame to Tai-ngan-fu.
úa i cò̤ thài-suaⁿ;
depends on him to back him up.
  • thài848371
  • An intensive adverb implying extreme; a term of respect.
her ladyship.
ŭ lău thài-thài a bô?
Has his Excellency a wife?
ṳ́ ŭ kìⁿ kùe a-thài mē?
Have you seen Madame?
thài hu-jîn tŏ̤ ke tèng;
her ladyship is at home.
the heir-apparent.
thài sṳ, thài hù;
the highest and the next the highest in rank among the teachers of the prince.
thài páu;
chief among statesmen.
hûang-tì kâi a-pĕ thò̤ ūi ău cheng-cò̤ thài-sĭang-ûang;
after the father of the emperor has resigned the throne he is called the Grand Duke.
m̄-hó̤ cò̤ khah thài kùe;
do not over do it.
kàu i sĭeⁿ hùe le thài chî ló;
when he had repented it was too late.
cí kâi li thài kùe, cí kâi li put kîp;
the one is too much by far, and the other is not sufficient.
kuaⁿ-hú kâi jī-nâng saⁿ-nâng