dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- nâng cheng-hu i cò̤ î-thài;
- the second and third wives of officers are addressed as Madame.
- thài kong, thài phûa;
- lău thài îa, thài má; are appelations of the parents of men of repute.
- thài sĭang láu kun;
- an honorable name for the founder of Tauism.
- 抬thâ848645
- To carry between two or more persons on a pole; to put forward.
- poih thâi kīe;
- a sedan with eight bearers.
- cò̤ kàu poih-thâi;
- promoted to an office which permits one to be carried by eight chair-bearers.
- kau-thâi chĭ-kè;
- raise the current price.
- thâi kṳ́;
- to reccommend.
- i cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ úa thâi-kṳ́ i kâi;
- it was I who recommended him for this.
- put sek thâi-kṳ́;
- ignore his sponsor.
- cí kâi nâng m̄ hó̤ thâi-kṳ́;
- it is not best to nominate this person.
- thâi-kṳ́ m̄ khí;
- not equal to the recommendation.
- 臺thâi8471338
- A lookout; an observatory; a fort; a staging; a stand; a watchman's post over a gate; a title of respect to officers.
- tok kâi phàu-thâi;
- build a fort.
- khí hì-thâi;
- put up a platform for theatrical performances.
- hì tiang-sî khai thâi?
- When does the performance begin?
- cía sĭ sin khai thâi kâi;
- this is newly opened.
- cì-thâi, bú-thâi, hŵn-thâi, ngîak-thâi, tău-thâi;
- the five highest civil officers of a province.
- thî-thâi, tìn-thâi, hîap-thâi;
- the three highest military officers in a province.
- hìen thâi;
- the high provincial officers.
- láu-hiaⁿ-thâi, láu-cek-thâi;
- a respectful form of adress to a middle-aged or old man.
- 枱thâi846755
- A theatre; a stage; a table.
- sin khai-thâi kâi hì;
- a newly formed company in a theatre.
- tiang-sî àiⁿ khai-thâi?
- When is the grand opening to take place?
- i khai-thâi tōa căi;
- his outlays are immense.
- 殺thâi71796
- To slaughter; to kill; to put to death; to cut in pieces; to fight.
- thâi nâng;
- to commit murder.
- sie thâi;
- fight with intent to kill each other.
- thâi thóiⁿ tī-tîang îaⁿ;
- fight and see who will conquer.
- thâi i m̄ kùe;
- could not overcome him in fighting.
- i khṳt i thâi sí khṳ̀;
- she was slain byhim.
- thâi sí nâng tîeh sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;
- must make compensation for a life destroyed.
- thâi pĕ suah bó̤ cṳ chîu;
- a mortal enemy.
- thâi gû;
- to butcher cattle.
- thâi koi;
- kill a fowl.
- thâi thâu cŭe;
- a crime whose punishment is decaptitation.
- kìⁿ
nâng cū thâi;
- killed every one he saw.
- thâi m̄ lô̤h chíu; chíu ńng, thâi m̄ lô̤h;
- could not bring myself to kill it.
- 台thâi847302
- Eminent; exalted; your honor.
- lău thâi;
- Great Sir.
- lău hiaⁿ thâi;
- Exalted Sir.
- thâi ké;
- Your Honor.
- sam thâi;
- three stars in the feet of the Great Bear.
- thâi-phó būe cêng chíaⁿ kà;
- His Excellency has not yet announced the time for the Examinations.
- 待thăi845606
- To wait for or upon; to await; to expect; to treat; to behave toward.
- thăi úa lâi;
- wait till I come.
- chíaⁿ thăi úa;
- please wait for me.
- thăi kàu mùaⁿ-khí;
- wait till to-morrow.
- kẃn-thăi;
- to treat well or ill; to behave to.
- kẃn-thăi i cò̤ nâng-khek;
- treat him as if he were a guest.
- lâi khṳ̀ hṳ́ kò̤ sie thăi;
- wait for each other at the rendezvous.
- thăi khah hú, cò̤ i khṳ̀;
- had too long to wait, and went off.
- 態thāi8496110
- Air, gait, bearing.
- hṳ́ kâi thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ kâi mĭⁿ-thāi;
- that one appears to have seductive ways.
- sío-jîn kâi thāi;
- the manners of a boor.
- sío-jîn hṳ̀ kio-ngău kâi thāi;
- the hauteur of a plebeian; the air of a parvenu.
- thak tó̤;
- kick over.
- cang kha khṳ̀ thak i;
- kicked him.
- khṳt bé thak tîeh;
- kicked by a horse.
- i kâi ău kha ŏi thak nâng;
- he is apt to kick at people with his hind legs.
- ìn íⁿ-keng ka-lâuh, khṳt i kâi kha cē thak cū khí lâi;
- when the shuttle-cock had fallen, he sent it up again by a kick.
- i khṳt i thak sí khṳ̀;
- she was killed by a kick from him.
- htak kîu;
- play foot-ball.
- i kìⁿ tîeh i tîeh thak hia;
- whenever she sees him she must bend the knee.
- i nŏ̤ nâng thâk kha lío khuang-phìen i;
- the one gave the other a hint by a little kick and both combined to befool him.
- thak m̄ khui sin;
- could not kick it away.
- 塞thak7283210
- To stop up, to plug up, to cork up.
- chūe kò̤ cháu-cúa kio i thak tìaⁿ;
- get a piece of brown paper and plug it up.
- hṳ́ kâi khang tîeh chūe kò̤ cîeh lâi thak cìaⁿ thak tit cŭ;
- must get a stone to stop up that hole with and then it will remain stopped.
- cúi lâk li tōa, hía-suaⁿ-thô thak lô̤h khṳ̀ cū khṳt i pûn tīo;
- the force of the stream is considerable, and if you stop it up with earth it will be