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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/597

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

swept away.

kò̤ mîⁿ ùn îeh thak-pàng hĭⁿ-khang-kháu;
a bit of cotton dipped in medicine and put in the ear.
jûe kò̤ cháu-cúa thak i kâi phīⁿ-khang;
rolled up a paper pellet and plugged up his nostril.
  • thak903188
  • To pick at or dig at.
thak khí;
pick the teeth.
a tooth-pick.
khîeh ki mûeh khṳ̀ thak, cē thak i cū chut lâi;
take something and pick at it and as soon as you give it a dig it will come out.
sĭ i thie-thak kàu i seⁿ khì;
he has kept picking at her till she is vexed.
i īa màiⁿ thie-thie thak-thak to bŏi seⁿ sṳ̄;
if he were not always harping on it, no disturbance would have risen.
to knock about; to waste uselessly; to treat carelessly; to fail in showing proper respect towards.
màiⁿ cau-thak tīo mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
do not put things under useless wear and tear.
i to sĭ hìeⁿ-seⁿ cau-thak i;
that is the way he knocks it about.
tŏng-put-tŏng, cū cau-thak nâng;
whatever else he does not do, he gives people occasion to be vexed with him.
  • thak1035186
  • To pole a boat on the mud or in very shallow water.
cûn cē thak khui cū ŭ huang;
as soon as the boat is shoved off there will be wind.
tîeh khîeh ki cíeⁿ khṳ̀ thak cìaⁿ ŭ lâk;
must take an oar to thrust into the mud, then you can make your strength effective.
  • thak84117713
  • A nomadic tribe anciently dwelling on the northwest.
a term of contempt for the Mongols.
chìo kùe thak-kíaⁿ, màiⁿ thīn i;
they are more powerful than Mongols, do not molest them.
  • 𠯑thak493304
  • To stop up the mouth; a stopper.
a bottle-stopper.
câng cúi-mîⁿ-châ lâi thak cìaⁿ bŏi sîap khì;
stop it up with a cork, then it won't lose its strength.
kò̤ thak, thak lío, pôih m̄ chut;
having put in the stopper, I cannot pull it out.
chūe kò̤ lâi thak;
get something to stop it up with.
  • thâk92314915
  • To read aloud; to study.
thâk cṳ, thâk si, thâk keng;
to read essays, poems, and rituals.
cwn sim thâk cū kōi pat;
give your whole mind to the study of it, and you will easily learn it.
sim cù-cù lâi thâk cū khùe-khùe pat;
if you study intently you will learn quickly.
cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ tīam-tīam thâk;
study uninterruptedly.
thâk khah kùe cū àiⁿ seⁿ mâuⁿ-pēⁿ;
if you study too hard
you will be ill.
àm-cĕⁿ thâk;
read in retirement.
thâk sòin siaⁿ;
read in a low tone.
thâk tōa siaⁿ cē;
read louder.
thâk sêk-sêk;
read it till it is thoroughly learned.
tùe i kâi chùi búe thâk;
read it after him.
tùi thâk kùe lío;
have already compared it with the other copy, by following this with the eye while the other was read aloud.
kin-nî tŏ̤ tī-kò̤ thâk?
What are you studying this year?
  • thâk9018511
  • To drip.
khṳt i thâk ta cē;
let it drip dry.
bí cìm lío khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ khṳt i thâk tīo cúi;
after soaking the rice let it gradually drip till all the water drips out.


  • tham8531544
  • To covet; to desire inordinately.
tham sim put cok;
the covetous are never satisfied.
lṳ́ phah-sǹg ŭ tham-thâu a bô̤ tham-thâu?
Do you think there is anything to desire in it or not?
ŭ nâng li tham cíu, ŭ nâng li tham cîah, ŭ nâng li tham cîⁿ, ŭ nâng li tham sek: kak ŭ só̤ tham;
some are fond of wine, some of dainties, some of money, some of women: each has some object of supreme desire.
nâng m̄ hó̤ khah tham, khak tham cū tîeh gō sṳ̄;
one should not be too inordinately desirous of anything, for so doing thwarts its object.
tham khùaⁿ-ûah;
fond of ease.
tham-khû i ŏi sie thâi;
calculated upon their fighting.
  • thám839642
  • To manipulate.
tám khak;
to tie a knot.
thám ke kâi khak cìaⁿ bŏi lut;
tie another knot then it will not loosen.
àiⁿ thám sí khak a thám ûah khak?
Do you want it tied in a hard knot or in a bow knot?
  • thàm853648
  • To explore, to sound, to feel and search; to speculate on; to try to get information about.
hàm cêk nâng soiⁿ khṳ̀ thàm, thàm-thóiⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ cò̤-nî, kah thàm-thiaⁿ i kâi nâng ŭ lâi a būe;
send some one to first go and get authenthic information, finding out what is the condition of affairs, and whether he has arrived yet.
cí kâi nâng hó̤ ēng cò̤ thàm-bé;
this is a good person to employ as a detective.
lîah tîeh châk kâi thàm-kíaⁿ;
caught the spy sent by the rebels.
lṳ́ khṳ̀ chì-thàm cē;
you go and experiment upon it.
i íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ thàm sìn-sek;
he has been to see waht news he could get in regard to it.
to inquire about.
ēng sô̤h thūi în thàm-thóiⁿ cúi jîeh chim;
let down the lead by a rope and