Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- 杖cĭang25753
- A cudgel; to cudgel.
- kúai-cĭang;
- a staff or crutch.
- cĭang cêk peh;
- give a hundred blows.
- sîen cĭang;
- an abbot's staff or crosier.
- 接ciap975648
- To receive; to succeed to; to connect; to splice; contiguous.
- sie ciap;
- to join by splicing.
- ciap tit khí, ciap m̄ khí;
- can or cannot connect them.
- sêng ciap;
- take orders for work.
- ciap chíu sĭ tī-tîang?
- Who is his successor?
- ciap-nâp;
- to welcome.
- ciap-cò̤ cêk kò̤;
- join into one piece.
- saⁿ ki ciap cò̤ cêk ki;
- join the three pieces lengthwise into one.
- ciap kîah-thô̤;
- splice the wooden heel of a woman's shoe.
- ciap châ ôi-tói;
- mend a wooden sole.
- ciap chīu;
- to graft trees.
- ciap kut;
- to set a bone.
- kaⁿ ciap kit kâi;
- oranges that are grafted upon limes.
- ciap chùi;
- to take up the tale.
- ĕ kúi kù ūe i ciap lô̤h khṳ̀ tàⁿ;
- he continued with the few following sentences.
- ciap saⁿ-ńg;
- piece down the sleeves.
- nâng cōi căi, sie ciap sie ciap;
- there are many people present, so that they are as many as have standing room.
- cúi kuang ciap thiⁿ;
- the water seems to join the sky.
- ciap cáng;
- wear a false queue.
- piⁿ búe so̤h àiⁿ ciap kûiⁿ a àiⁿ ciap kĕ?
- Will you have the silk that forms the end of the queue braided in high up or low down?
- khîeh ke tîo so̤h khṳ̀ ciap tn̂g cē;
- take another rope and splice it on.
- thih sĭ ēng sĭm-mih huap-cak cìaⁿ ŏi ciap tit tùe?
- In what way can iron be welded together?
- cûn thâu ciap tîeh cûn búe;
- the bow of one boat was tied to the stern of the other.
- bô̤ thang ciap sôk;
- there is no successor.
- ciap ke cêk chieh;
- lengthen it a foot more by splicing.
- tī-hng sie ciap;
- their lands are contiguous.
- 捷cîap976648
- To win a victory, which demands quickness.
- khùe cîap;
- spry.
- lîen cîap;
- to attain degrees at successive examinations.
- tît cîap;
- prompt.
- cîap pò̤;
- an announcement of victory.
- cîap-cîap tàⁿ; cîap-cîap li-li tàⁿ;
- loquacious.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ cîap-kwt;
- acts with promptness and decision.
- 蕉cie97014012
- The plantain; bananas.
- keng-cie; gê-cie;
- bananas.
- bah-cie;
- sour plantains.
- cêk siu keng-cie;
- a bunch of plantains.
- hô-cie;
- black pepper.
- chwn cie;
- small grained pepper.
- lâh cie;
- red peppers.
- khṳ̀ bói kúi kâi cîⁿ hue-cie lâi lô̤h;
- buy a few cash worth of Chili peppers and put them in.
- hô-cie bûah;
- pulverized pepper.
- ngói hô-cie;
- to pound pepper in a mortar.
- suah hô-cie;
- season with pepper.
- hô-cie màiⁿ suah khah kău;
- do not sprinkle on too much pepper.
- 招cie31645
- To advertise; to induce; to entangle.
- cie uaⁿ;
- to proclaim an amnesty.
- chut jī cie chong;
- issue a call for workmen.
- cie nâng lâi chong-tng cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
- advertise for people to come and serve in this capacity.
- chut cie-thiap;
- issue an advertisement.
- cie tŏiⁿ nía keⁿ;
- call for tenants to till the land.
- cie-pâi;
- a sign-board.
- bô̤ khṳt nâng tah cía cie-thiap;
- does not allow people to stick bills here.
- cie nâng jîp chù;
- induce people to enter.
- cie chin;
- engage a son-in-law.
- cie kíaⁿ-sài;
- bring a son-in-law into one's own family.
- cie ang;
- take a husband.
- cie piaⁿ, bói bé;
- to raise troops.
- cie-ín i lâi;
- induce him to come as a convert or attaché.
- kim jī cie-pâi;
- a sign-board with gilt letters.
- cie bói cie bŏi;
- to advertise in business.
- 少cíe746421
- Few; inadequate; not much.
- m̄ hó̤ cíe;
- it will not do to have less.
- tó̤ cîe;
- a very limited supply.
- m̄ cai ke a cíe;
- do not know whether there are more or less.
- bŏi cíe;
- there are no less.
- m̄ cíe; put cíe;
- not a little.
- cíeⁿ cē;
- diminish it a little.
- cíe cîⁿ;
- diminish the price.
- khah cíe;
- too little.
- sǹg cíe cē;
- lessen the sum total somewhat.
- bŏi khah ke, bŏi khah cíe;
- neither too many nor too few.
- khéng cíe kàu tī-kò̤?
- How much is he willing to abate?
- hó̤ kâi sĭm cíe;
- the good are very few.
- cíe thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- seldom seen.
- cíe thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
- seldom heard.
- tàⁿ cíe, kîeⁿ kùe tàⁿ ke;
- it is better to say less than to say more.
- ŭ cōi cíe;
- has more or less of it.
- put kùe cōi cíe tīaⁿ;
- not exceeding a small amount at the most.
- nĕ cíe-cíe;
- very few indeed.
- i ío cíe;
- he has less.
- úa cíe lṳ́ cêk hùe;
- I am a year younger than you.
- cí kò̤ cíe chut cí kâi mûeh;
- there is but little of this to be found here.
- cúi khah cíe;
- there is too little water.
- cîah cíe;
- eat but little.
- nín kâi nâng-mûeh ío cíe;
- there are fewer of you.
- m̄ hàuⁿ khṳt i cíe;
- would not let him have it for less.
- sĭang cíe;
- the least.