- thâu, châ cím-thâu, tîn cím-thâu;
- bamboo, earthen, leathern, wooden and rattan pillows.
- sìu hue cím-thâu;
- an embroidered pillow.
- cí kâi cím-thâu sĭ jîp mîⁿ kâi, cí kâi cím-thâu sĭ tìeⁿ lêk-tāu khak;
- this pillow is stuffed with cotton, and the other one with pea-pods.
- wn-ieⁿ cím;
- a double pillow, used by newly married couples, and called after the mandarin duck, which is a pattern of conjugal fidelity.
- hĭⁿ-cím;
- a pillow with an ear hole.
- ău cím kut;
- the occiput.
- cím piⁿ ūe;
- private talk.
- kò̤ cím-thâu cng;
- sued on account of what was learned by eavesdropping.
- cím thâu sieⁿ;
- a box pillow.
- ût tŏ̤ cím-thâu;
- lying on a pillow.
- uaⁿ cím bô̤ iu;
- sleep without anxiety.
- tâng cím;
- bedfellows.
- sit cím;
- disturbed rest.
- cang chíu khṳt i cím;
- pillowed on his arm.
- bô̤ cím-thâu, cang chíu cím;
- pillowless, and lying with his head on his arm.
- cím tîeh;
- the end of one resting on the other, like a head on a pillow.
- sie cím;
- conterminous.
- cím m̄ tîeh;
- cannot make them lie end to end.
- cang cí kâi suaⁿ cò̤ ău cím;
- take this hill as a background.
- 浸cìm989857
- To merge in; to imbue; to soak.
- cìm cíu;
- to soak in spirits.
- cìm thn̂g kâi;
- preserved in sugar.
- cìm sí;
- khṳt cúi cìm sí; drowned.
- cìm bît;
- merged in honey.
- bît cìm;
- sweetmeats made by merging fruit in honey.
- cìm kàu thàng-thàng;
- soak till it is thoroughly saturated.
- cìm m̄ thàng;
- it is not soaked through.
- cím ńng;
- soak in order to soften.
- cìm kàu lok-lok;
- soak it till it is wet through.
- cìm i lîang;
- merge it in water to cool it.
- cìm i phó̤;
- soak it till it swells out.
- cím sói kàu cheng-khih;
- soak and wash it clean.
- chíaⁿ pàng hṳ́ tói cìm;
- put it in there to soak.
- cìm kàu chut gê;
- soak it till it sprouts.
- pun cúi cìm îeⁿ khṳ̀;
- dissolved by the water in which it was submerged.
- cìm thâng-îu kâi m̄ ùi cúi;
- what has been saturated with wood oil is not injured by water.
- cìm cîaⁿ câp jît cúi cìaⁿ thò̤;
- after standing about ten days the waters subsided.
- châng-hn̂g pun cúi cìm tīo khṳ̀;
- the crops have been destroyed by being inundated.
- tōa cúi cìm tŏ̤ nâng kâi chù;
- the high water is inundating people's houses.
- cìm jŭn;
- to toughen by soaking.
- 薪cin80614013
- Torches; faggots.
- châ cin;
- firewood.
- khǹg cêk pé cin tŏ̤ kò̤;
- have a bundle of faggots laid away.
- cí khí cin sĭ hó̤ líam húe;
- this sort
of faggot may be used as a torch.
- khîa ki cin khṳ̀ chīeⁿ lō;
- take a torch to light the road.
- cin-kíaⁿ;
- a small torch.
- 津cin988856
- Narrows; a ford; saliva.
- kwn cin tō kháu;
- guardhouses at fords.
- seⁿ cin cí kuah;
- produces saliva and alleviates thirst.
- cin-êk;
- saliva.
- 眞cin151095
- True; real; sincere; actual.
- cin cu;
- real pearls.
- cin-cu bûah;
- sago flour.
- cin cìaⁿ hó̤;
- really good.
- cin sim;
- true hearted.
- m̄ cai cin ké;
- do not know whether it is true or false.
- cin-sît;
- genuine.
- tàⁿ cin-sît kâi ūe;
- speak the truth.
- cin-sît kâi tŏ̤-lí;
- true doctrines.
- cin jîn;
- a phantom of a man, is one who possesses divinity and can therefore become invisible.
- jīn cin căi;
- in earnest.
- mih sṳ̄ to tîeh jīn cin;
- be in earnest in all things.
- cin-cin m̄ kham;
- utterly unworthy.
- lṳ́ cin m̄ hío lío;
- you do not understand it at all.
- cng cin, châk hīn;
- the booty discovers the thief.
- lṳ́ cin m̄ hó̤ căi;
- you are really very bad.
- úa thó̤iⁿ tîeh cin ngía;
- I consider it really beautiful.
- i cin sieh úa;
- he loves me sincerely.
- cin îeh ui ké pēⁿ, cin pēⁿ bô̤ îeh ui;
- real medicine cures unreal diseases, but a real disease is incurable.
- hùe cin, kè sît;
- unadulterated goods, at their actual cost.
- tàⁿ cin kâi a tàⁿ ké kâi?
- Does he speak truly or falsely?
- thîn cin;
- to make correct.
- cin kim put phàⁿ húe, līen kú īa sio-sîh;
- true gold does not fear the fire, but if it is kept long in the crucible it will lose a little.
- úa cin sim cin ì kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;
- I tell you the unfeigned truth.
- cin pù-si m̄ phàⁿ ké hûe-sīeⁿ;
- true charity does not dread a false priest.
- ŏi pĭen cin ngŭi;
- can distinguish between sincerity and hypocrisy.
- cin châi, sît līo;
- real talent is real wealth.
- cin tho̤ put tŭi;
- a tme womb does not miscarry.
- jú thóiⁿ jú cin;
- the more you examine it the more genuine it appears.
- kháu-chú cin châi;
- look for real talent.
- māng kàu nĕ cin-cin;
- the dream seemed very real.
- hun-pîet cin ké;
- discriminate between true and false.
- ké kàu nĕ cin-cin;
- so perfectly imitated as to appear genuine.
- 振cín18647
- To stimulate; to excite.
- cín-cak;
- to encourage.
- lṳ́ a-sĭ khéng cin-cak cū ŭ ēng;
- if you were willing to incite them it would be of use.
- tăi cín ke siaⁿ;
- his great energy has made his family famous.
- ŏi cín sì-hái;
- he is one who can arouse the whole country.