Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- 賑cín181547
- To bestow alms.
- cín-cì;
- to relieve distress.
- cín-cì ki-hng;
- bestow charity on the famine stricken.
- tôi cîⁿ cín-cì;
- contribute money to be bestowed on the needy.
- cín-cì phîn-khîong kâi nâng;
- give alms to the poor.
- 震cín181737
- To shake and quiver.
- tī cín;
- an earthquake.
- cín ûi lûi;
- rattles like thunder.
- phàu siaⁿ cín thiⁿ;
- rattling cannon shake the heavens.
- 薦cìn97914013
- To recommend; to introduce; to set forth; to offer oblations.
- cìn có;
- to worship ancestors.
- sía huang cìn-cṳ khṳt i;
- gave him a letter of introduction.
- cìn gâu nâng;
- bring forward worthy men.
- tho̤h nâng cìn cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
- entrust one with the presentation of some matter.
- lṳ́ ŭ thó̤-thàng kâi nâng, cìn cêk kâi khṳt úa ēng;
- recommend a laborer from among yours, for my service.
- ka-kī cṳ̆ cìn;
- to recommend one's self.
- cìn kâi ui-seng khṳ̀ ui i kâi pēⁿ;
- recommend a physician who can cure his disease.
- ín-cìn;
- to set forth; to recommend; to present.
- sĭ nâng kṳ́-cìn kâi;
- is one who was nominated.
- 戰cìn456212
- War; to fight with numbers.
- i sĭ cîah cìn-hìang, a cîah bé-hìang, a cîah síu-hìang?
- Does he live upon pay as a foot soldier who goes out to fight, or as a mounted trooper, or as a member of a garrison?
- 進cìn9901628
- To advance; to make progress; to bring forward; the divisions of a house having separate entrances.
- kîaⁿ cìn kúi pō;
- advance a few steps.
- cìn jîp hṳ́ lăi;
- went in there.
- cìn thò̤ líang lâng;
- to advance or retreat is equally difficult.
- kàu cí-kò̤ lâi put cìn put thò̤;
- from this point we could neither advance nor retreat.
- cìn kṳ̆n cô̤iⁿ lâi;
- come forward.
- kîaⁿ cìn côiⁿ cē;
- progress somewhat.
- i cò̤ mih sṳ̄ káⁿ cìn côiⁿ;
- in whatever he does he exerts himself.
- in-cìn;
- to bring to notice.
- cho̤-thâu-ē cìn pō;
- the first step in advance.
- kàu ău cíang-cìn cū pò̤-tap i;
- when he afterward attained promotion he recompensed him.
- i tŏ̤ būe cíang-cìn kâi sî-hāu sĭ sĭu kùe i kâi ṳn-hŭi;
- before he had been promoted, he had received great kindness from him.
- īu cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cìn sin;
- it was in this way that he advanced himself.
- cìn kòng;
- to bring tribute.
- múiⁿ nî to tîeh lâi cìn kòng;
- must bring annual tribute.
- lâi cìn kòng ŭ jîeh cōi lói-mûeh?
- How much tribute has been brought?
- lâi cìn kòng kâi ŭ jîeh cōi kok?
- How many are there of the tributary states?
- i hīn-kim m̄ khéng lâi cìn-kòng lío;
- they are no longer willing to remain tributary.
- úa cìaⁿ tâh cìn mn̂g cĭu thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- I saw it as soon as I entered the door.
- khṳ̀ mông kò̤ cìn hieⁿ;
- go to a certain place to worship with great parade.
- cìn-sṳ̆;
- Doctor of Civil Law.
- cí koiⁿ chù kúi cìn?
- How many divisions deep is this house?
- cìn kiaⁿ;
- go to the capital.
- kîaⁿ cìn kîaⁿ thò̤;
- advancing and retreating.
- 縉cìn99012010
- A sort of light red or carnation silk.
- cìn-sin;
- the government red-book in which is recorded the names of the gentry and officials.
- bûn bú cìn-sin;
- an official list of all the officers, both civil and military.
- bói pang cìn-sin lâi thóiⁿ;
- buy the red-book and examine it.
- 盡cĭn9891089
- To exhaust; to finish entirely; to use all; the utmost degree; nothing left; the extreme.
- cĭn úa kâi sim;
- with all my heart.
- ke-châi phùa cĭn;
- spent all his patrimony.
- cĭn nâng lâk, thèng thiⁿ kong;
- do to the utmost of your strength, and leave the rest to the mercy of heaven.
- cĭn ceh;
- fulfill your whole duty.
- cṳ̆-cĭn;
- to put an end to one's self; to commit suicide.
- i kâi cṳ̆-cĭn sí sĭ cĭn cak sí kâi;
- his suicide was a martyrdom.
- cṳ put cĭn ngân, ngân put cĭn ì;
- written words do not exhaust the language, and language does not express all ideas.
- cêk ngân lâng cĭn;
- it cannot all be told in a word.
- tàⁿ m̄ cĭn;
- it is inexpressible.
- bô̤ khîong cĭn;
- inexhaustible.
- lṳ́ cĭn chêng căi;
- you are extremely kind.
- kàu cí kò̤ sĭ cĭn thâu kâi ūi-chṳ̀;
- this is the extreme limit.
- thâi kàu cĭn;
- slew them all.
- cĭn sim cĭn i;
- to the utmost of one's ability.
- cĭn sĭ cúi;
- nothing but water anywhere.
- cêk măng pha cĭn;
- took them all at one haul.
- khṳ̀ kàu cĭn búe kò̤;
- went to the extreme end.
- úa cĭn úa kâi lâk lâi cò̤;
- I will do to the utmost of my power.
- ŭ sì m̄-hó̤ cĭn sái, ŭ lâk m̄ hó̤ cĭn ēng;
- one should not use all his influence, nor expend all his strength.
- cĭn tong pò̤ kok;
- serve the state with the utmost faithfulness.
- ēng cĭn, cîah cĭn;
- use up all one has.
- tǹg cĭn cieh cĭn;
- to mortgage all one possesses.
- thóiⁿ cĭn jîeh cōi nâng, thiaⁿ cĭn jîeh cōi ūe?
- How many people do you thoroughly understand, and how many subjects do you perfectly comprehend?
- ngŏ cĭn, câp lío;
- has nothing at all left.
- ŭ hok màiⁿ cĭn híang;
- bliss should not be enjoyed to the uttermost.
- 招cio31645
- To let people know; to own to; to wait on.
- i m̄ khéng cio-jīn;
- he is unwilling to own to it.
- cêk pôiⁿ li cē phah cĭu cio, cêk pôiⁿ