Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- bô̤ mak bô̤ ciu;
- eyeless.
- lṳ́ kâi mâk-ciu sĭ cheⁿ-mêⁿ;
- your eyes are good for nothing.
- cìeⁿ tōa kâi, mâk-ciu cĭu hue!
- At your age, your sight is poor, is it!
- i mâk-ciu lêng căi;
- he is very sharp-sighted.
- mâk-ciu siap;
- sleepy.
- mâk-ciu kok-kok kim;
- the eyes glaring.
- mâk-ciu kim-kim;
- with eyes wide open.
- mâk-ciu bîe-bîe;
- squint eyed.
- 州ciu48473
- A political district, ranking next to a prefecture; a region.
- tîe ciu hú;
- the Department of the Tides, the name of the region in which Swatow is situated.
- ti-ciu;
- a district magistrate of the higher grade.
- ciu-thông;
- deputy magistrate.
- tôk kiok ciu;
- governing a single district.
- 稠ciu511158
- Thickset; dense; crowded.
- nâng in ciu-bâk;
- the population is dense.
- chù-thâu ciu-bâk;
- the houses are crowded close together.
- 舟舡ciu-kang189
- A river transport boat, with a high prow.
- ún kò cêk ciah ciu-kang-kíaⁿ, cìaⁿ câp kâi ngṳ̂n;
- we hired a small transport boat for ten dollars.
- ciu-kang-kíaⁿ phīⁿ li pó ío ôih;
- the cheapness of a transport boat makes up for its narrowness.
- 偢ciu97299
- To look at; to regard.
- m̄ ciu m̄ chái;
- gave the cut direct.
- chŵn bô̤ ciu-chái;
- took no notice whatever of it.
- bô̤ nâng ciu bô̤ nâng chái;
- no one gave the least attention to it.
- put ciu put chái;
- paid no heed to it.
- 洲ciu48856
- An islet, small enough to be seen at one glance.
- phû-cŭ kâi ciu-hn̂g;
- a floating islet.
- sua ciu;
- a sandy islet.
- ciu-cì;
- to relieve the poor by benefactions.
- ciu kip;
- relieve pressing distress.
- 酒cíu9991643
- Wine; spirits; liquors.
- bōi cíu; tò̤ cíu;
- to sell liquors.
- ko cíu;
- buy a little wine.
- cíu píaⁿ;
- brewer's yeast.
- sai cíu;
- pour the wine into the wine cups.
- un cíu;
- heat wine as for drinking.
- thiⁿ-sî chìn, cíu tîeh un sie cē: m̄ pí jûah thiⁿ-sî cò̤ chìn cíu to̤ hó̤ cîah;
- the weather being cold the wine must be heated more: it is not as it is in hot weather, when one may take his wine cold.
- cía cíu sĭ ka-kī sâh kâi:
- this liquor is of our own distilling.
- lṳ́ kâi cíu lĭang ío kau, ūaⁿ kâi cíu-ceng ío tōa
- you can take much wine without becoming intoxicated: change your cup for a larger one.
- bô̤ mih chài, cíu tîeh cîah ke nŏ̤ pue;
- since there are not many side dishes, you must take a couple of cups more of wine.
- úa bŏi cîah cíu, cîah lío àiⁿ hwt cíu mô̤h;
- I cannot take wine, if I do I have the eruption on the skin that is produced by wine.
- hó̤ cíu hó̤ chài kẃn-thăi i;
- entertained him with choice viands.
- cò̤ ŭ jîeh cōi ciah cíu sîah?
- For how many guests were plates laid?
- sie cíu;
- samshew; arrack.
- âng cíu;
- red wines.
- pêh cíu;
- white wines.
- tang-cì lău âng cíu;
- the red wine of winter.
- kau-lien cíu;
- strong drink; wine made from sorghum.
- kek cíu;
- makes wine.
- cût-bí cíu;
- liquor made from glutinous rice.
- cîah cíu cùi;
- tipsy.
- kúaⁿ cíu hong;
- maudlin drunk.
- phah cíu búe;
- the jollity at the end of the feast.
- khṳt nâng chíaⁿ cîah siu-nîe cíu;
- invited to a wedding feast.
- cíu cîah kàu sam-tong-hue;
- drank till boozy.
- cíu nî;
- malt.
- phû-thô̤ cíu;
- wine made from grapes.
- cíu thû;
- a drunkard.
- cí kúi kâi nâng-kheh lóng-cóng cíu kha;
- these guests are all old wine drinkers.
- ûn cíu;
- heat wine by placing chaff around the wine jars in order to make the wine ferment.
- cíu sek cṳ thû;
- a wine-bibber.
- 僽cìu963913
- To scold; to blackguard.
- cìu-mēⁿ;
- to abuse or rail at.
- cìu kàu i bô̤ kò̤ hó̤;
- reviled her so that she knew not what to do.
- mēⁿ ang cìu kíaⁿ;
- berate one's husband and children.
- 呪cìu49305
- To curse; to imprecate; incantations.
- cìu-cūa;
- to swear.
- i cìu kàu i bô̤ kò̤ hó̤;
- he swore at her till she had no peace.
- līam cìu;
- recite incantations.
- thâu ūe hû, thâu līam cìu;
- drawing written spells, while reciting incantations.
- 就cĭu999439
- To go towards; to come near in point of time; then; forthwith.
- ciang kòi cĭu kòi;
- to meet one scheme with another.
- cĭu lâi, cĭu khṳ̀;
- went almost as soon as he came.
- cīu thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ khṳ̀;
- just now missed it.
- m̄ hó̤ ciang cĭu;
- this will not do at all.
- cĭu tī chú nîe;
- comes to that place to obtain supplies.
- úa cĭu sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
- that was what I said at the time.
- ŭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cĭu sǹg sĭ lío;
- if that is the case, there is nothing more to be done.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cĭu hó̤;
- that is all right.
- cĭu-sî cū àiⁿ;
- want it immediately.
- sêng-cĭu;
- to bring about.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū ŏi tit sêng-cĭu;
- thus it may be brought to pass.
- sĭ i lâi cīu úa, m̄ sĭ úa khṳ̀ cĭu i;
- it is for him to come to me, not for me to go to him.