Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- 鬵ciok114019312
- To sell.
- bōi kuaⁿ, ciok ciak ;
- to sell office and trade in titles.
- cá tiang-sî kâi bōi kuaⁿ ciok ciak sĭ kang-chîn hùe àm-cĕⁿ cò̤ kâi sṳ̄ : taⁿ bōi kuaⁿ ciok ciak cò̤-nî chîo-thêng mêng-pêh kîaⁿ chut lâi?
- The sale of offices and titles was formerly carried on secretly by corrupt noblemen: how is it that it is now done openly by the government?
- 執cip67328
- To hold fast; to maintain; to retain.
- cip ì àiⁿ kîaⁿ;
- persisted in so doing.
- cip kín;
- hold fast to.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ cip lṳ́ kâi ì;
- do not obstinately maintain your own opinion.
- hŭam sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ cip it;
- in all things one should be open to conviction.
- kù-cip;
- pertinacious.
- cip-áu;
- obstinate.
- cip huap;
- abide by the rule.
- kak cip cêk gōi;
- let each keep to his own trade.
- lṳ́ cip cí kâi chêng-lí, i li cip hṳ́ kâi chêng-lí;
- you hold to this view of the case, and he to that.
- kak cip cêk ì;
- each retained his own opinion.
- kak nâng cip kak nâng kâi ì;
- each held to his own notion.
- cip sṳ̄;
- manager or trustee.
- pái cip sṳ̄;
- appoint managers.
- úa kà lṳ́ cip pit kâi huap cak;
- I teach you how to hold the pen.
- pĕ cip;
- a father's equal in age.
- 摺cip416411
- A paper properly folded, as an official document.
- cip-cṳ́;
- a document; an authoritative permit; a license, or order, issued by government.
- khîeh cip-cṳ́ lâi kìⁿ;
- brought a document for the government, and had an audience.
- nín kâi toaⁿ khui lío, cò̤-nî m̄ hû úa kâi cip-cṳ́?
- Why is it that your draft does not correspond with my letter of credit?
- gūa kháu kàu-kwn to sĭ ēng cip-cṳ́;
- in foreign trade bills of exchange are always used.
- 集cîp9851724
- To collect; to flock together.
- cîp côi;
- to gather in one place.
- cŭ-cîp;
- to congregate.
- cèng nâng côi-cîp;
- all are assembled.
- chù cit;
- the elevated ridge of a roof.
- lîam hue teh cit;
- an ornamental ridge in stucco.
- suaⁿ cit téng;
- a ridge of hills.
- tàng cit;
- the roof-tree.
- 織cit7012012
- To weave; to manufacture.
- cit pò;
- to make cloth.
- cit hue chaú;
- to weave flowered fabrics.
- cit
- make netting.
- cit măng saⁿ;
- to make a netted jacket.
- cit cău kêk;
- the officer who attends to the procuring of silk and porcelain for the palace.
- 鯽cit9841959
- A bream or perch.
- cit hṳ̂;
- perch.
- tōa cit bó̤;
- a fat bream.
- khīe cit hṳ̂ kâi līo-bût tîeh lô̤h kàu-kàu;
- must put in plenty of the dressing that is to go with the perch.
- âng sie cit-hṳ̂;
- a roasted bream.
- ŭ nâng khîeh cit-hṳ̂ khṳ̀ pû kaⁿ-ná cap, bûe cap;
- some people cook perch in olive juice or plum juice.
- cit-hṳ̂ ŏi khui ūi;
- perch aids digestion.
- 疾cît9831045
- Sickness; disorders.
- cît pēⁿ;
- disease.
- thìaⁿ cît;
- painful ailments.
- jíam cît;
- to infect.
- cît sok; kip cît;
- in great haste.
- cît-kò;
- jealousy.
- cí kâi nâng cît-kò căi;
- this person is of a very jealous disposition.
- 蒺藜cît-lî984
- Gorse; furze.
- pêh cît-lî;
- gorse, used in medicine.
- thih cît-lî;
- iron caltrops used in war.
- cît-lî cí;
- gorse seed.
- 週ciu481628
- Around; throughout.
- ciu-ûi;
- around.
- sì ciu-ûi;
- all around.
- ciu-ûi jîeh khuah?
- How spacious are the surroundings?
- ciu nî;
- all the year round.
- i ciu siì nâng cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- he has been like that all his life.
- ciu sin;
- all over the body.
- 周ciu47305
- To make a circuit; to environ; enough.
- ciu-bâk;
- closely environed.
- ciu-sŵn;
- to make a circuit, as winds do.
- chŵn bô̤ ciu-sŵn;
- wholly lacking in cordiality.
- ciu chîo;
- a dynasty, which lasted from B.C. 1022 to 255.
- ciu chŵn;
- to carry a thing through.
- ciu cai sì sṳ̄;
- universal knowledge of affairs.
- kẃn-thăi nâng-kheh m̄ ciu-tàu;
- fail to treat a guest properly.
- mih sṳ̄ cò̤ kàu ciu-tàu căi;
- does all things in a very complete style.
- ciu-ciu tàu-tàu;
- very complete throughout.
- 睛ciu9931098
- The ball of the eye.
- mâk-ciu;
- the eyeball.
- mâk-ciu thìaⁿ;
- has sore eyes.
- mâk-ciu-jîn;
- the pupil of the eye.
- àiⁿ chūe, mâk-ciu m̄ tîeh thóiⁿ!
- Do you expect to find it without looking!
- lṳ́ kâi mâk-ciu bô̤ thóiⁿ lō, cò̤ màiⁿ pûah tîeh;
- if you do not look where you are going, you cannot do otherwise than fall down.