Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- 㖅côk825306
- The sound made in calling a dog.
- i tó̤ côk-côk sĭ kho i bûa-khṳ̀ a sĭ hàm i khui-khṳ̀?
- In sounding that call to the dog, is he setting him on, or calling him off?
- lṳ́ m̄ tîeh côk-côk-kìe kho i lâi cîah?
- Why do you not call the dog to come and get his food?
- 終cong1061205
- All of; the utmost extreme; the end.
- cong jît;
- all day long.
- cong mêⁿ;
- the whole night.
- cong-kú;
- forever.
- cong-kú tŏ̤;
- is eternal.
- cong-kú cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is always thus.
- sí cong sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- from beginning to end it is the same.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ tîeh ŭ sí ŭ cong;
- in doing things there must be a beginning and an end.
- cong sin kâi tăi sṳ̄;
- the greatest event in life, (marriage).
- lîm cong kâi sî-hāu;
- when near his end.
- nî cong sùe mŏ̤ⁿ;
- the end of the year.
- sĭen cong, bô̤ sĭen cong;
- a happy or an unhappy end.
- cong su ŏi hó̤;
- it will be well in the end.
- láu-sît cong-kú căi;
- the honest endures.
- cong nî m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i chìe;
- have not seen him laugh for a whole year.
- i cong jît sńg;
- he plays all day.
- 宗cong1021405
- A clan; a tribe whose members all have the same surname and are descended from the same ancestor.
- tâng cong;
- clansmen.
- cong chin;
- kinsmen.
- cong cṳ́;
- a lineal descendant.
- cong-côk tōa thái-ko̤ kah miⁿ-nūaⁿ;
- when the clan becomes large there are always some in it who are leprous.
- tăi cong-sṳ̂;
- the ancestral hall of the clan.
- móng sĭ kâi cong-sṳ̂;
- the ancestral temple of a certain family.
- 蹤cong102315711
- A vestige; a trace; a clue.
- cong-ciah;
- vestiges.
- chak-thóiⁿ i kâi lâi cong khṳ̀ ciah;
- inquire into his doings.
- bô̤ cong bô̤ ciah; chŵn bô̤ cong-ciah;
- left no trace behind.
- 縱cong102212011
- Perpendicular; downward; a meridian line.
- cong hûeⁿ;
- up and down and across.
- cong hûeⁿ thiⁿ ĕ;
- up and down everywhere under heaven; wholly unrestricted.
- hâh-cong;
- to fall into line, to unite in concerted action.
- cu hô hùe hâh-cong kio i cìen;
- all the princes joined in fighting against him.
- kak kok cē hâh-cong cū m̄ phàⁿ i;
- if all the states range themselves under one banner and act in concert against him there is nothing to fear.
- 總cóng102312011
- To comprehend in one; altogether.
- cóng-tok;
- the governor-general.
- cóng-lí;
- general supervision.
- cóng náuⁿ;
- including everything.
- cóng piaⁿ;
- a major-general in command of a division.
- cóng-kẃn;
- general overseer.
- a-cóng-kẃn;
- head constable.
- lóng-cóng;
- the whole of them.
- cóng àiⁿ lṳ́ hàuⁿ tīaⁿ;
- all that is lacking is your consent.
- tó̤ tng cóng-thâu;
- acts as supervisor.
- cóng kòi ŭ jîeh cōi?
- All being reckoned in, how many are there?
- cóng sǹg;
- all counted.
- cêk cóng ŭ jîeh cōi?
- What is the sum total?
- cêk cóng to sĭ;
- all are of the same sort.
- choiⁿ cóng;
- the lieutenant in a regiment.
- pá-cóng;
- an ensign.
- lṳ́ cóng àiⁿ;
- you altogether desire it.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cóng m̄ kîaⁿ;
- in that way it does not move on at all.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cóng ŏi tit sêng;
- thus it may wholly succeed.
- lṳ́ cóng hó̤;
- you are all goodness.
- cóng bûa;
- to sum up.
- cóng cṳ, lṳ́ àiⁿ a m̄ àiⁿ?
- All things being considered, do you want it or not?
- cóng-lí kak kok sṳ̄-bŭ gê-mn̂g;
- the general council for the administration of foreign affairs.
- cóng măuⁿ;
- gather up in one.
- cóng su;
- the chief clerk in a yamun.
- 縱còng102212011
- To wrongfully permit; to let go; admitting that; allowing that; although.
- còng-îong i;
- indulge him.
- lṳ́ sĭ còng-îong i;
- you connive at his doings.
- m̄ hó̤ kù-ì còng-îong i cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- should not purposely connive at his doing thus.
- còng-jîen sĭ cìe-seⁿ úa īa m̄ ùi;
- allowing it to be so, I am still unafraid.
- còng-sái lṳ́ pue cĭeⁿ thiⁿ, úa īa lîah lṳ́ tit tîeh;
- even though you fly into the heavens, I can still catch you.
- còng-sái i cò̤ khṳt-cîah úa īa ngw̆n kè i;
- even if he were a beggar I should still be willing to marry him.
- còng kíaⁿ kîaⁿ hiong;
- permit a child to do evil.
- cē còng cĭu khí khṳ̀;
- as soon as it was let fly it went up.
- cang sin cē còng cĭu cĭeⁿ lâu téng;
- gave one spring and mounted to the upper floor.
- 中còng10223
- To suit; to fit; to hit.
- cí kĭaⁿ mûeh cū còng úa kâi ì;
- this thing just meets my wishes.
- cía sĭ i sĭang còng i kâi;
- this accords perfectly with his ideas.
- 從cŏng1024608
- A follower; an attendant.
- sûi-cŏng;
- attendants.
- put hun síu cŏng;
- makes no distinction between chief and follower.
- cŏng sîn;
- an attendant on the gods.
- cŏng-ok;
- outhouses.