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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/112

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commodities they abounde, the price also.

To see their shambles, and to viewe all such thinges as are brought into the markets, for so you shall sone see the commodities, and the maner of the people of the inlande, and so giue a gesse of many things.

To note their fieldes of grayne, and their trees of fruite, and howe they abounde or not abounde in one and other, and what plentie or scarcetie of fishe they haue.

Thinges to be carried with you, where of more or lesse is to be caried for a shewe of our commodities to bee made.

KErsies of all orient coulours, specially of stamel, brodecloth of orient colours also.

Frisadoes, motleys, bristowe frices, spanish blankettes, bayes of all collours, specially with stamell, wosteds, carels, sayes, wedmoles, flanelles, rashe, & c.

Feltes of diuers colours.

Taffeta hats.

Deepe cappes for mariners coloured in stamell, whereof if ample vent may be found, it woulde turne to an infinite commoditie of the common poore people by knitting.

Quilted Cappes of leuant Taffeta of diuers colours, for the night.

Knit stockes of silke of orient colours.

Knit stockes of Jersey yerne, of orient colours, whereof if ample vent might followe the poore multitude shoulde be set in worke.

Stocks of kersey of diuers colours for men and for women.

Garters of Silke of seuerall kindes, and of colours diuers.

Girdels of Buffe, and all other leather, with gilt and vngilt Buckles, specially wast girdels, wast girdels of veluet.

Gloues of all sortes, knit and of leather.

Gloues perfumed.
