Poyntes of all sortes of silke, threed, and lether, of all maner of colours.
Shooes of spanishe leather, of diuers colours, of diuers lengthes, cut and vncut.
Shooes of other leather.
Veluet shooes, and pantoples.
These shooes and pantoples to be sent this time, rather for a showe then for any other cause.
Purses knit, and of leather.
Night cappes knit and other.
A garnishe of Pewter, for a showe of a vent of that englishe commoditie, Bottelles, flagons, spoones, & c. of that metall.
Glasses of englishe making.
Venice glasses.
Looking glasses for women, great and fayre.
Small dials a few for proofe, although there they wil not hold the order they do heere.
Spectacles of the commom sort.
Others of Cristall trymmed with siluer and otherwise.
Owre glasses.
Commes of Iuorie.
Commes of Bore.
Commes of Horne.
Linen of diuers sorts.
Handkerchewes with silke of seuerall colours wrought.
Glasen eyes to ride with against dust.
Kniues in sheathes, both single and double, of good edge.
Needles great and small of euery kinde.
Buttons greater and smaller, with mouldes of leather and not of wood, and such as be durable of double silke, and that of sundrie colours.
Bores with weightes of golde, and of euery kinde of the coyne of golde, good and badde, to shewe that the people here, vse weight and measure whiche is a certayne showe of wisedome, and of a certayne gouernment setled here.