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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/116

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the great Cam, and the nobilitie, and also their merchants to haue the viewe of them: for all things in these parties so much differing from the thinges of those regions, since they may not be here to see thẽ, by meane of the distance, yet to see those things in a shadowe, by this meane will delight them.

The booke of Rates.

TAke with you the booke of Rates, to the ende you may pricke all those commodities there specified that you shall chaunce to find in Cambalu, in Quinsey, or in any part of the East, where you shall chaunce to bee.


Rowles of Parchment, for that we may vent much without hurt to the Realme, and it lyes in small roome.


To carrye Glewe, for that wee haue plentie, and want vent.

Red Oker for Painters.

To seeke vent because wee haue great mines of it, and haue no vent.

Sope of both kindes.

To trie what vent it may haue, for that we make of both kindes, and may perhaps make more.


To trie what vent you may haue of Saffron, because this Realme yeeldes the best of the worlde, and for the tillage and other labours, may set the poore greatly in work to their reliefe.


By newe deuise wonderfull quantities may bee made heere, and therefore to seeke the vent.

Blacke Conie skinnes.

To trie the vent at Cambalue, for that it lyes towardesthe