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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/117

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the North, and for that wee abounde with the commoditie, and may spare it.

Threade of all colours.

The vent thereof may set our people in worke.

Copper Spurres, and haukes belles.

To see the vent, for it may set our people in worke.

A note and a caueat for the merchant.

That before you offer your commodities to sale that you indeuour to learne what commodities the Countrie there hath. For if you bring thither veluet, taffeta, spice, or any such commoditie that you your selfe desire to lade your selfe home with, you must not sell yours deare, least hereafter you purchase theirs not so cheape as you woulde.

Seedes for sale.

Carrie with you for that purpose, all sortes of Garden seedes, as well of sweete strawing herbes and of flowers, as also of pot herbes, and all sorts for rootes, &c.

Leadde of the first melting.

Leadde of the second melting of the slagges.

To make triall of the vent of Leadde of all kindes.

English yron, and wyer of yron and copper.

To trye the sale of the same.


To trie the vent of the same, because wee abounde of it made in the Realme.

Anthimoney a minerall.

To see whether they haue any ample use there for it, for that wee may lade whole nauies of it, and haue no vse of it vnlesse it bee for some small portion in founding of belles, or a lithel that the Alcumistes vse, of this you may haue two sortes at the Appoticaries.
