nor people in ciuill sorte be kept together. | ||
Brycke may not bee made, | ||
Timber for building easely to be conueied to the place, | ||
Reede to couer houses or such like, of tile slate be not. |
The people there to plant and to continue are eyther to liue without trafficke, or by trafficke and by trade of marchandize. If they shall liue without sea trafficke, at the first they become naked by want of linen and wollen, and very miserable by infinite wantes that will otherwise ensue, and so will they be forced of them selues to depart, or els easely they will bee consumed by the Sp. by the Fr. or by the naturall inhabithantes of the countrey, and so the interprice becomes reprochfull to our nation, and a lett to many other good purposes that may be taken in hande.
And by trade of marchandize they can not liue, excepte the sea or the lande there may yeelde commoditie for commoditie. And therefore you ought to haue most speciall regarde of that point, and so to plant, that the naturall commodities of the place and seate, may drawe to you accesse of Nauigation for the same, or that by our owne Nauigation you may carie the same out, and fetche home the supplye of the wantes of the seate.
Such nauigation so to bee employed, shall besides the supply of wantes, bee able to encounter with forreyne force.
And for that in the ample vente of suche thinges as are brought to you out of engl. by sea, standeth a matter of great consequence, it behoueth that all humanitie and curtesie and much forbearing or reuenge to the inland people be vsed, so shall you haue firme amitie with your neyghbours, so shall you haue their inland commodities to maintayne trafficke, & so shall you waxe rich and strong in force. Diuers & seuerall commodities of the inland are not in great plentie to be brought to your handes, without the ayde of some portable or Nauigable ryuer, or ample lacke, and therefore to hauethe