Notes framed by a Gentleman
heretofore to bee giuen to one that
prepared for a discouerie, and went not: And not
vnfitt to be committed to print, considering the same
may stirre vp considerations of these and of such
other thinges, not vnmeete in such new
voyages as may be attempted
Hat the first Seate be chosen on y͏ͤ seaside so as (if it may be) you may haue your owne Nauie within Bay, riuer or lake, within your seat safe from the enemie. And so as the enemie shalbe forced to lie in opẽ rode abroade without, to be dispersed with all windes and tempests that shall arise. Thus seated you shall bee least subiecte to annoy of the enemie, so may you by your Nauie within, passe out to all partes of the worlde, and so may the shippes of Englande haue accesse to you to supply all wantes, so may your commodities ba caried away also. This seate is to bee chosen in temperate Climat, in sweete ayre, where you may possesse alwayes sweete water, wood, seacoles, or turfe, with fish, flesh, grayne, fruits, herbes and rootes, or so many of those, as may suffice very necessitie for the life of such as shall plant there. And for the possessing of mines of golde, of siluer, copper, quicksiluer, or of any suche precious thing, the wantes of diuers of those needfull thinges may be supplied from some other place by sea, & c.
Stone to make Lyme of. Slate stone to tile withall or such clay as maketh tyle, Stone to wall withal if |
are to be looked for as thinges without which no Citie may bee made |