A declaration of the Indies and landes
discouered, and subdued vnto the Emperour, and the king
of Portugale. And also of other partes of the Indies
and rich Countries to bee discouered, which the
worshipfull master Robert Thorne merchant of
London (who dwelt long in the City of Siuil in
Spaine) exhorted king Henrie the eight
to take in hande.
Xperience proueth that naturally all Princes bee desirous to extend and enlarge their dominions and kingdomes. Wherfore it is not to bee maruelled, to see them euery day procure y͏ͤ same, not regarding any cost, perill, and labour, that may thereby chaunce, but rather it is to bee maruelled, if there be any prince content to liue quiet with his owne Dominions. For surely the people would thinke he lacketh the noble courage and spirit of all other. The worlde knoweth that the desires of Princes haue beene so feruent to obtaine their purpose, that they haue aduentured and proued things to mans coniecture impossible, the which they haue made possible, and also things difficult haue made facil, and thus to obtaine their purpose haue in maner turned up and downe the whole worlde so many times, that the people inhabiting in the farthest regiõ of the occident haue pursued with great desires, labours and perils, to penetrate and enter into the farthest regions of the Orient: And in likewise those people of the said partes of the Orient haue had no lesse labour and desire to enter and penetrate into the farthest land of the Occident, and so following their purchase haue not seased untill theycould