could passe no farther by reason of the great Seas. This naturall inclination is cause, that scarcely it may bee saide there is any kingdome stable, nor king quiet, but that his owne imagination, or other Princes his neighbours doe trouble him. God and nature hath provided to your Grace, and to your Gracious progenitors this Realme of Englande, and set it in so fruitefull a place, and within suche limites, that it shoulde seeme to bee a place quiet and aparted from all the foresaide desires. One speciall cause is, for that it is compassed with the Sea: by reason thereof it seemes, this notwithstanding, their desires and noble courages haue been most commonly like vnto others: and with marueilous great labours, costes and perilles, they haue trauelled and passed the Seas making warre not onely with kings and dominions nigh neighbours, but also with them of farre countries, and so hath wonne and conquered many riche and faire Dominions, and amplified this your Graces Realme with great victorie and glory. And also nowe of late your Grace hauing like courage and desire, & not without iust cause, to enlarge this your kingdome and demaund your limites and tribute of the French king, which at that present hee restrained your Grace in person passed with a great power into France, putting your Graces person to great paine and labour, and without doubt victoriously you had conquered the saide Realme of Fraunce, as yee began, if your aduersarie had not reconciled him, and knowledged your Graces right and title: and so promised truely to pay the tribute then due, and fulfill your request in all thinges, and also desired your Grace for peace, the which of your clemencie you could not refuse.
Nowe I considering this your noble courage and desire, & also perceiuing that your Grace may at your pleasure, to your greater glory, by a godly meane, with litle cost, perill, or labour to your Grace or any of your Subiectes, amplifie and inriche this your saide Realme, I knowe it is my bounde dutie to manifest this secrete vnto your Grace,which