The booke made by the right worshipfull
Master Robert Thorne in the yeere 1527. in
Siuill to Doctour Iey, Lorde ambassadour for King Henrie
the eight to Charles the Emperour, being an
information of the parts of the world, discouered
by him and the King of Portingale:
And also of the way to the
Moluccaes by the
Ight noble & reuerende in & c. I receiued your letters, & haue procured and sent to knowe of your seruant, who your Lordeship wrote shoulde bee sicke in Merchena. I can not there or els where heare of him, wͭout he be returned to you, or gone to S. Lucar & shipt. I can not iudge but that of some contagious sicknes he died, so that the owner of the house for defaming his house woulde bury him secretly, and not be known of it. For such things haue oftẽ times happened in this countrey.
Also to write to your Lordshippe of the newe trade of spicerie of the Emperour, there is no doubt but that the Ilandes are fertile of cloues, nutmegs, mace, and cinnamon: And that the saide Ilandes, with other there about, abounde wͭ gold, Rubies, Diamonds, Balasses, Granates, iacincts & other stones & pearles, as al other lãds, that are vnder & nere y͏ͤ equinoctial. For we see, where nature giueth any thing, she is no nigarde. For as with vs and other, that are aparted from the sayde equinoctiall, our mettalles be lead, tynne, and yron, so theirs be golde, siluer, and copper. And as our fruites and graines be aples, nuttes, and corne, so theirs bee dates, nutmegges, pepper, cloues, and other spices. And aswee